Interest rate for Computer Advance during 2020-21

Computer Advance Interest rate 2020-21

Finance ministry has declared the Computer Advance Interest rate to the Government servants for purchase of Computer during 2020-21

Ministry of Finance
Department of Economic Affairs
(Budget Division)

North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 16 March, 2020

Office Memorandum

Subject: Advances to Government Servants – Rate of interest for purchase of Computer during 2020-21.

The undersigned is directed to state that the rate of interest for advance sanctioned to the Government servants for purchase of Computer during 2020-21 i.e. from 1st April, 2020 to 31st March 2021 is as under:

Advance for purchase of Computer: Rate of interest per annum – 9.8%

(Arup Shyam Chawdhury)
Under Secretary (Budget)

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