Night Duty Allowance in Railway 2022
7th CPC Night Duty Allowance Calculator
Central Government has issued night duty allowance latest order for payment of Nigh duty Allowance in 7th CPC Rates to Govt servants. Hence Gservants team has designed 7th CPC Night Duty Allowance Calculator to calculate the NDA in 7th Pay commission pay scale.
As per the Order issued by DoPT on 13.7.2020, Night Duty Allowance will be calculated in 7th CPC Pay with effect from 1.7.2017.
Night Duty will be defined as duty performed between 22:00 hours and 6:00 hours
A uniform weightage of 10 minutes shall be given for every hour of night duty performed.
Basic Pay Ceiling for Night Duty Allowance Calculation in 7th CPC
The ceiling of basic pay for entitlement of Night Duty Allowance shall be Rs. 43600/- per month.
The hourly rate of NDA equal to [(BP+DA)/200] will be paid and the basic pay and DA for the calculation of NDA rates shall be the basic pay and DA prevalent as per 7th CPC.
Night Duty Allowance Calculator in 7th pay Commission
The Night Duty Allowance Calculator to calculate the NDA in 7th CPC is given below
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Night Duty Allowance Calculator Ceiling and Eligibility
After issue of Board’s instructions dt. 29.09.2020, the demand of the Federations/Associations has been received to remove the basic pay ceiling limit for entitlement of Night Duty Allowance. The matter has been examined in consultation with DoP&T and MoF(DoE) and it has been decided as under:
NDA eligible up to Level 7
i. NDA may be granted to all eligible non-gazetted employees of Ministry of Railways upto Pay Level – 7 (including those who are granted the benefit of MACP in Pay Level – 8). However, maximum Basic Pay for working out hourly rate of NDA shall remain Rs. 43600/- i.e. the prescribed ceiling fixed vide Board’s letter of even number dt. 29.09.2020.
ii.Other terms and conditions to grant NDA shall remain unchanged.
- The above instructions would be effective provisionally w.e.f. 04.07.2022 i.e. from the date of issue of approval by Ministry of Finance on the subject.
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