To ensure speedy delivery of the Pension Papers/ Pension Payment Orders (PPOs) from PAOs to CPAO all the Pr. CCAs/CCAs/Cas/AGs/Administrators of UTs are requested to issue instructions to all the Pay & Accounts Offices/Field Offices under their jurisdiction to ensure that the envelopes containing PPOs may be superscribed with “TOP PRIORITY- Pension Papers/ Pension Payment Orders”
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Central Pension Accounting Office
New Delhi-110066
Dated 14-8-2020
Office Memorandum
Subject: – Regarding speedy delivery of Pension Payment Orders (PPOs) to CPAO.
Pension Payment Orders (PPOs) processed / authorized by the PAOs situated outside Delhi are being received in the CPAO after a considerable delay as the postal services at the local levels in the country are still not working at their full strength due to COVID – 19 pandemic. This has led to delay in finalization of pension cases and timely start of payment of pension to the retirees.
In view of the above, the matter was taken up with Secretary, Department of Posts (DoP) by Controller General of Accounts. The department of Posts has confirmed that they are issuing instructions to field units of department of posts to expedite the delivery of articles superscribed with – “TOP PRIORITY- Pension Papers/ Pension Payment Orders”
To ensure speedy delivery of the Pension Papers/ Pension Payment Orders from PAOs to CPAO all the Pr. CCAs/CCAs/Cas/AGs/Administrators of UTs are requested to issue instructions to all the Pay & Accounts Offices/Field Offices under their jurisdiction to ensure that the envelopes containing PPOs may be superscribed with – “TOP PRIORITY- Pension Papers/ Pension Payment Orders” and to ensure the booking of articles through speed post only.
This may be treated as urgent.
Chief Controller (PENSIONS)
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