Appointment of Nodal Officer for SPARSH for Defence Civilian

Appointment of Nodal Officer for SPARSH : In order to facilitate the SPARSH users/Offices to redress their grievances, queries, or any technical requirement required regarding working on SPARSH, an organisation-wise team of Nodal Officers have been constituted

Office of the Principal Controller of Defence Accounts(Pension),
Draupadi Ghat, Allahabad – 211014
Circular no.- SPARSH(CIVIL)-08
Dated: 29th October, 2021

(All HODs/ /PCsDA/CsDA)

Subject:- Appointment of Nodal Officer for SPARSH (Defence Civilian) — regarding

In order to facilitate the SPARSH users/Offices to redress their grievances, queries, or any technical requirement required regarding working on SPARSH, an organisation-wise team of Nodal Officers have been constituted and is placed at Annexure – A. These Nodal Officers will act as single point of contact for their allocated organisations for the following purposes:-

(i) Accepting any changes in user detail/organogram for configuration
(ii) Any application issue/technical issue being faced by users
(iii) Receiving any training requirement/resolution of doubts etc.
(iv) Any problem faced by users in login to SPARSH

In view of above, all the HODs/HOOs/ PCsDA/ CsDA are requested to disseminate the details of these officers to all the Head of offices/SPARSH users to enable them to contact the concerned officers for redressal of their queries/doubts about working on SPARSH. It is also requested to contact these officers during office hours between 09.30 A.M to 06.00 P.M. on their mobile nos. and also on the office phone numbers 0532-2421240, 2421241, 2421242 and 2421243.

Abhishek Singh, IDAS
Dy. Controller

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