8th Pay Commission Fitment Factor – Latest News

8th Pay Commission Fitment Factor : Fitment factor is an important formula which will be applied in arriving 8th Pay Commission Pay Matrix and Pay Scale. This Fitment factor will be used to revise the existing 7th CPC Pay to 8th CPC Pay.

Seventh Pay Commission had fixed 2.57 as the uniform multiplication factor to revise the Sixth CPC pay of a govt servant to 7th CPC. A new format of Pay Matrix was evolved by the seventh pay commission to make the pay fixation calculation very simple at every stage of promotion and Annual Increment.

Fitment factors 2.57, 2.62, 2.67, 2.72, 2.78 and 2.81 are used in the 7th CPC Pay Matrix

But the 7th Pay Commission has used the Fitment factors 2.57, 2.62, 2.67, 2.72, 2.78 and 2.81 in the Pay Matrix. Many wonder Why six various fitment factor used for different pay levels ? 7th Pay Commission has justified its decision to use different Fitment Formula in its report. This method was adopted to differentiate through enhancement in the pay between PB1, PB2, PB3 and PB4 pay Scales in Sixth CPC. Thus the commission thought, Rationalisation of pay as per the classification of Posts in 7th CPC could be achieved. Read the Justification for Different Fitment Factors.

How 8th pay commission Fitment factor will be arrived ?

8th pay commission fitment factor calculator : The rate of dearness allowance is the main factor which will play a vital role in determining the 8th CPC Fitment factor. The effect date of 8th pay commission recommendation will be from 1.1.2026. So to arrive a revised pay scale in the new pay commission, the rate of Dearness Allowance till this date would be neutralised. Subsequently the rate of neutralised DA has to be merged with the Existing Basic Pay. As we need to calculate the new revised pay by taking this DA neutralisation into account, the 8th pay commission will propose a Fitment Factor or multiplication factor to arrive the new revised pay.

Since the effect date of 8th Pay Commission will be 1.1.2026, the rate of DA as on this date will be taken into account for determining the 8th CPC Fitment factor. If we assume the rate of DA as on 31.12.2025 is 70 percent, the proposed 8th CPC multiplication Factor after neutralisation of DA will be 1.70. If the Pay commission recommends any increase in the pay revision that would be included in the 8th CPC Fitment factor. It depends on how much Minimum Pay the Pay Commission would recommend in 8th Pay revision.

The Minimum Pay will be determined using the norms set by 15th Labor Conference and basic food requirements to a family as per Dr.Aykroyd recommendations. So many factors are involved in determining the Minimum Pay including consumer Price Index which is used in DA calculation.

Fitment factor of Previous pay commissions

Lat us see the Fitment Factor, percentage of Increase in Minimum Pay of the previous Pay Commissions.

Pay CommissionFitment Factor% Of IncreaseMinimum Pay
5th CPC31%Rs.2550
6th CPC1.8654%Rs.7000
7th CPC2.5714.29%Rs.18000
8th CPC

So determining the Fitment factor involves the rate of dearness Allowance as on 31.12.2025 and the increase in Minimum Pay to be arrived by 8th Pay Commission.

So the 8th CPC minimum pay turns out to be of 20% increase after DA neutralisation, the 8th pay Commission Fitment factor will be 1.96 assuming the rate of DA as on 31.12.2025 is 70%.

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