Annual Performance Assessment Report (APARs) : APARs for the year 2021-22 in r/o all the officials upto the level of AAOs have to be initiated online/manual
रक्षा लेखा प्रधान नियंत्रक (पश्चिमी कमान) का कार्यालय
चंडीगढ़ पिन कोड – 160009
PINCODE- 160009
(Through website only)
No. AN/IV/1187/1189/APAR/2021-22
Dated: 18.01.2022
The Officer in-charge
…………………………….. (i) All sections in Main Office, Chandigarh
…………………………….. (ii) All sub-offices including IFAs under PCDA (WC)
Subject: Annual Performance Assessment Report (APARs) for the year 2021-22: writing of
APARs for the year 2021-22 in r/o all the officials upto the level of AAOs have to be initiated online/manual. It is requested that details in respect of all the officials up to the level of AAOs (including MTS) who are on the strength of your office/ section as on 01.01.2022 (including temporary attachment with period of attachment), may be forwarded to this office/Section duly filled in the enclosed Annexure ‘A’ (for AAOs, Sr Adrs, Adrs) and Annexure ‘B’ (in r/o other officials). The information may please be furnished by name to Shri N. C. Dogra, Sr. AO (AN) by 18.02.2022 positively preferably through e-mail/zimbra to AN-IV at the following ids. It is stressed upon that adequate care be exercised while filling each column in the proforma attached to this circular (no column should be left blank). It may be ensured that proforma in r/o all the employees have been sent.
NIC Mail : [email protected]
Zimbra : [email protected]
Note: The details of the fresh recruits appointed during the Assessment Year 2021-22 may not be sent as they have not completed one year as on 31.03.2022 (refer Para 193 of OM Part I). However, the details desired vide this section circular No.AN/IV/1187/1189/SPARROW dated 06.12.2021 (copy enclosed) for employee creation in Sparrow application may be sent, if not sent earlier.
Encls. : As above
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