RBE No. 50/2022 – Recruitment/ promotion of teachers for classes Ito VIII in Railway Schools

(रेलवे बोर्ड/ RAILWAY BOARD)

RBE No. 50/2022

No. E(P&A)I-2012/PS-5/PE-3(pt)

New Delhi, Dated:12.04.2022

The General Managers,
All Indian Railways and PUs.

Sub: Amendments in the norms of minimum qualifications for recruitment/ promotion of teachers for classes Ito VIII in Railway Schools (Primary and Trained Graduate Teachers).

Ref: Railway Board’s letter No. E(P&A)I-2012/PS-5/PE-3 dated 09.12.2013 (RBE No. 127/2013).

Attention is invited to Railway Board’s letter under reference vide which the minimum qualifications for recruitment/ promotion of teachers for classes Ito VIII were laid down in line with National Council for Teachers Education’s (NCTE’s) Gazette Notifications dated 23.08.2010 & 29.07.2011 for these categories of teachers. NCTE’s notifications dt. 23.08.2010 & 29.07.2011 have further been amended vide their subsequent notifications dated 28.06.2018, 13.11.2019 & 13.10.2021.

2. Accordingly, the issue of updating the existing minimum qualifications contained in the Annexure of Board’s letter dated 09.12.2013 in line with those amended by NCTE in its subsequent notifications dated 28.06.2018, 13.11.2019 & 13.10.2021 has been examined and it has been decided to update these qualifications as indicated in the annexure to this letter. There is no change in other existing qualifications.

3. These revised norms of minimum qualifications will take effect from the date of issue of this letter. Any selections already initiated would be conducted and finalized based on the notifications already issued.

4. In the context of Central Railway’s query pertaining to the six-month Bridge Course in Elementary Education recognized by the NCTE which is mandatory for appointment as primary teacher (for Classes I to V) within two years of such appointment as primary teacher, it is stated that at present the six-month Bridge Course is not being conducted by any of the Institutions and that NCTE is developing the norms & standards and curriculum for the said course which may take some time to finalize. Therefore, all Railways are advised to follow the existing provisions in regard to appointment of primary teachers as contained in Board’s letter dated 09.12.2013 till such time the six-month Bridge Course is conducted by the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS). This disposes of Central Railway’s letter No. P/CR-HQ/W/458/KYN dated 29.09.21.

5. Please acknowledge receipt.

DA: As above

(N.P. Singh)
Jt. Director Estt.(P&A),
Railway Board

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