Intimation regarding modification of instructions regarding booking of air tickets and common deficiencies being noticed in the claims.
Modification of instructions on Govt Staffs booking of air tickets and common deficiencies being noticed in the claims
BANGALORE- 560 007
Ph : 080-25545101/25549746 FAX: 080-25543810
Dated: 19-07-2022
The Officer in Charge
All units/Estts/ Under PCDA, Bangalore
SUB: Intimation regarding modification of instructions regarding booking of air tickets and common deficiencies being noticed in the claims.
Modification of instructions on Govt Staffs booking of air tickets
It is to be intimated to the units concerned that as notified in the OM No. 19024/03/2021-E.IV dated 16th June, 2022 there has been modification in the rules regarding booking of Air Tickets on Government duty. Unit representatives are hereby requested to go through the same and abide by it. In addition to this please refer the Office Circular No. T/1821/TADA/LTC CIRCULAR/2020 dated 13/10/2020 wherein the common deficiencies /shortcomings noticed during the audit of TADA/LTC claims were brought to notice of Controlling Officers/Countersigning officers for strict compliance in future. However, the same deficiencies/shortcomings are being noticed in the claims submitted by the most of Units/Establishments resulting in return/rejection of claims in audit. Some common deficiencies being noticed are as follows:
1. DO part II not being found enclosed with the TADA claims.
2. Authority letter for detailment on TD not being found enclosed with the claim.
3. Final temporary duty claims are not being submitted within the duration of 15 days from the completion of return journey in case of advance payments.
4. All the columns viz. Name, Grade, Basic Pay, Pay Level as per 7th CPC, date of time of arrival and departure are not being properly filled in the claim.
5. In the claims pertaining to individuals not having NPS/GPF No. assigned, important details like Date of Birth, Appointment Date, Designation, HRA class, Pay Band, TPTA class which is required for the master creation are not found mentioned in the claim.
6. Certificate to the effect that tickets being submitted had been verified not being attached with the final claims. A certificate to the effect that tickets have been furnished by the employee for verification of controlling officers in case of drawal of advance should be furnished with the final claim.
In this connection attention of Controlling Officers is drawn to Rule 9 of Travel Regulations,2014 wherein it is laid down that controlling officer would be personally responsible for any/every payment caused as a result of his failure to exercise necessary check expected of him. As such controlling officers are requested to scrutinize the requisition/claims to ensure correctness of the claims before forwarding to this office for audit and payment. This circular may be brought to the notice of all officers and staff for information and compliance. Plea of ignorance of rules cannot be valid ground for relaxation of rules.
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