RBE No.35/2023 – Clarification regarding CGA to spouse/ward/dependent of Railway employees
RBE No.35/2023
भारत सरकार Government of India
रेल मंत्रालय Ministry of Railways
रेलवे बोर्ड (Railway Board)
New Delhi, dated 27.02.2023
All Zonal Railways/PUs,
(As per standard mailing list)
Sub: Clarification regarding Compassionate Ground Appointment (CGA) to spouse/ward/dependent of Railway employees.
Ref: Board’s letter of even number dated 01.02.2023 (RBE No.21/2023)
Attention is invited to instructions contained in para 3 (Ill) (ii) under reference.
- The matter has been reviewed and the abovesaid para may be read as under:-
“It is also clarified that irrespective of any time line, only GM is empowered to consider and decide CGA in posts of Level-7 of 7 CPC Pay Matrix (having 4600/- GP). DRMs/CWMs/HODs may consider appointment on compassionate grounds up to Level-6 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix.”
- Please acknowledge the receipt.
(A. Narayana Rao)
Deputy Director/E(NG)II
Railway Board

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