Railway Board Announces Pension Adalat for 2024 on December 16th this Year – Pensioner Grievances will be taken up for Redressal

The Railway Board has announced that the Pension Adalat for the year 2024 will be held on December 16th, 2024. This annual event is conducted to address grievances and issues faced by railway pensioners, ensuring that their concerns are heard and resolved efficiently.

Pension Adalat for 2024 Key Details

  • Date: December 16, 2024
  • Organizing Body: Railway Board
  • Objective: To resolve pension-related grievances and issues of railway pensioners.

Purpose of the Pension Adalat for 2024

The Pension Adalat provides a platform for retired railway employees to have their pension-related complaints and queries addressed. It is an initiative aimed at ensuring that retired personnel receive their due entitlements without undue delays or procedural hurdles.

(रेलवे बोर्ड) (RAILWAY BOARD)

No. 2024/E(W)/16/01/2

New Delhi, dated 03.07.2024

The General Managers (P)
All Indian Railways & PUs.

Sub: Holding of Pension Adalats-2024 on Indian Railways.
Ref: Board’s letter No. E(W)2019/PA-1/2 dated 20.08.2019.

As per the extant instructions contained in Master Circular No. 08/2019 dated 20.08.2019 issued vide Board’s letter cited under Ref., the Pension Adalats are to be conducted normally on 15th December every year on Indian Railways. This year, 15th December is a holiday(i.e. Sunday), therefore, the Pension Adalats are to be held on the working day following 15th December, i.e. on 16 December 2024 (Monday).

2. DoP&PW vide their OM No.1/2/2022(JCM)-P&PW(E) dated 15.01.2024 (copy enclosed) have advised that the Calendar for holding Pension Adalats should be displayed on the respective websites. It has also been advised that Pensioners/Family Pensioners whose grievances are to be taken up for redressal during the Pension Adalat may also be given advance intimation well before the date of Pension Adalat, which is already stipulated in para 3.2 and 3.3 of above referred Master Circular No.08/2019.

3. Accordingly, all Zonal Railways/PUs are requested to take necessary action for holding Pension Adalats-2024, also keeping in view the aforesaid instructions.

(V Somada)
Deputy Director Estt.(Welfare)
Railway Board

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