CGHS Criteria for Dependants family Members and Age Limit

CGHS has issued FAQ to explain the Criteria for Dependants family Members and Age Limit for availing the CGHS facilities

CGHS Criteria for Dependants family Members 

1. For CGHS cards , as dependant ,what is the meaning of the word “family”

The term ‘family’ means and includes:-“Husband or wife as the case may be and other dependant family members.Dependant Family Members: parents, sisters, widowed sisters, widowed daughters, minor brothers and minor sister, children and stepchildren wholly dependent upon the Government Servant and are normally residing with the Government Servant”. Also now include dependent divorced / separated daughters and stepmother.The term dependency means that income from all sources including pensions and pension equivalent of DCRG benefit is less than Rs.3500/- plus amount of DA on Basic pension of Rs3500/- per month.

2. Is there any age limit for sons /daughters as dependent in CGHS Card?

Son is eligible till he starts earning or attains the age of 25 years or gets married whichever is earlier. However in case the son is suffering from any permanent disability of any kind (physical or mental) he is eligible for CGHS benefits even after 25yrs .Disability means blindness, low vision, leprosy-cured, hearing impairment, locomotor disability, mental retardation, mental illness. A disability certificate from Medical Board is required. Daughter is eligible till she starts earning, or gets married, whichever is earlier (irrespective of age)

3. My married daughter has dispute with her husband she is residing with me. I am a CGHS card holder. Could I include her name in CGHS Card?


4. My daughter is married but son-in law is unemployed. Can I have my daughter and son-in-law in my CGHS Card?


5. The Divorce case of my daughter No is pending in Court. Can I include her name in CGHS Card?


6. My son is divorced Can his divorced wife be dependant as she takes alimony from us


7. Are step-children allowed CGHS facilities ?

Yes .If they are dependant on card holder: other conditions as in case of dependant sons and daughters

8. Are Grandchildren entitled for CGHS facilities


9.My son is aged 26 and is dependent on me. He has been undergoing regular Haemodialysis. Can he continue to avail CGHS facilities?


10.My 23 year son was working in pvt company. Now, is no more in job but previously he was tax payer and has 15 lakh in his account. Can I include his name in my CGHS card ?

Yes. up to 25 years age and if he is unmarried and if his income from all sources is less than Rs.3500/- plus amount of DA on Basic pension of Rs3500/- per month.

11.My father has agriculture land and getting humpty crops Can I include my parents names in my CGHS card, they live in my parental village

No. Their name can only be included if their income from all sources is less than Rs.3500/- plus amount of DA on Basic pension of Rs3500/- per month. And they are staying with You

12. Can dependent in-laws be included under family members for CGHS facilities?

A lady Government servant will be given a choice to include either her parents or parents –in-law for the purpose of availing the benefits under CGHS subject to the condition of dependence and residence , etc., being satisfied. OM No. F.4(1)-18/63-H dated 3.3.1987)

13. Me and my wife are both central Govt. employees and have dependant brothers / sisters and parents. Can we make separate cards and include family members

Yes. Your wife can have her parents as dependant in her card

14. My husband / wife is also employed under Central Government and is eligible for a separate CGHS Card. Is it necessary that separate cards to be obtained/

No . Spouse with higher salary can get CGHS Card made and name of other spouse can be added in the card

15. Can adopted children avail CGHS facilities?

Legally adopted dependant children can avail CGHS facilities

16. If my parents have a parental property in Haryana and do not stay with me in Delhi , Can they avail medical facilities and I send their medicines to them

No . Dependant family members have to stay with card holder

Download : Cghs criteria for dependancy


Revision of rates for various treatment procedures under CGHS w.e.f 18-2-2015

Promotion of prescription of generic drugs by medical practitioners- CGHS Instruction

Emergency Facilities in CGHS Dispensaries

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20 thoughts on “CGHS Criteria for Dependants family Members and Age Limit”

  1. Sir,

    For how many months a new born baby can take opd treatment on mothers card?

  2. A lady Government servant will be given a choice to include either her parents or parents –in-law for the purpose of availing the benefits under CGHS subject to the condition of dependence and residence , etc., being satisfied. OM No. F.4(1)-18/63-H dated 3.3.1987. But this is a genuine demand. The National Council JCM to take this issue up to the appropriate level to provide CGHS facilities for parents depending on Women employee after marriage ignoring the residence criteria

  3. I am a female govt employee . Before marriage I got my parents added as my dependant and was taking their medical reimbursement , But after marriage I was denied medical reimbursement of my parents on the pretext that they don’t live with me also their monthly income is also less than Rs.3500 per month. can anything be done to still claim medical reimbursement.

  4. As per CGHS dependency Criteria, there is no any restriction on Number of Children

  5. As per the CGHS rule position Daughter is eligible till she starts earning, or gets married, whichever is earlier (irrespective of age). Hence you approach the wellness center to add her name if it is not added before

  6. is a aanganbadi worker in Bihar and earns 3750 per month is she applicable for cghs dependent

  7. My dad was govt servant. Nw he is nomore with us. My elder sister is nt well from last 4 yrs. She is unmarried and totally depend on dad. Can we include her name pensioner card with my mom.

  8. If parents are dependent on me
    Therefore it grandparents are automatically dependent.
    So can they also take CGHS benefits.

  9. How many childerns can avail CGHS facilities from parent employed in Central Govt.?

    Is there any CCS rule where the medical facilities should be restricted to only 2 childs in case of no twins?

    Please reply me.

    Thank you.

  10. i would like to know that cghs facility why should not be given to Parents who are drawing Rs. 20000 or more. the government is making lots of amendment to Senior Citizen Welfare Rules. In the age of 60+ a senior Citizen needs more care from government. If his or her son is getting good medical facility, then why not it should be extend to them? Is father or mother getting ill, then it may be possibility that their income may not be sufficient. Then is not responsibility of the son/daughter to take care of them. Then why should it may not be given to Sr. Citizens irrespective of their income? How parents are not dependent in these cases when needs proper care????

  11. A lady Government servant will be given a choice to include either her parents or parents –in-law for the purpose of availing the benefits under CGHS subject to the condition of dependence and residence , etc., being satisfied. OM No. F.4(1)-18/63-H dated 3.3.1987

  12. I have a question related to dependent parents. I am posting this query on behalf of my friend. She is an employee of Central Government and almost completed 12 years of services. At time of joining she (when she was unmarried) didn’t added her parents as dependent. Now after 12 years she would like to add her parents as dependent and avail the benefits of CGHS .

    Will she be able to add her parents as depended now after 12 years of services. Currently only her kid is available as a dependent I believe.


  13. I am central govt.employee my widow sister live with me, can u tell me? she get any dependent facility from govt.

  14. Can anyone help me to find the OM No. F.4(1)-18/63-H dated 3.3.1987. I googled but couldn’t trace the said OM

  15. G.Rajamanickam

    where the total income including pension plus Dearness Relief on pension exceeds more than Rs.3,500/- per month, such person should not be considered as dependent for the purpose of availing CGHS facilities.


    my son was not employed. He expired in Oct.2015 leaving behind widowed daughter in law and one son aged 7 years. My son was residing with me. My daughter in law and my grand son are fully dependent upon me. If widowed daughter can be treated as dependent in CGHS rules please intimate as to why widowed daughter in law having no income can not be treated as dependent on retired Govt. Servant. Please look into the case and suggest

  17. As per D/o Health attached OM dated 10.12.2008 the income limit for dependency for claiming medical reimbursement under CS(MA) rule is income from “all sources including pension/ and family pension stands amended to an income of Rs. 3500/- plus amount of the dearness relief on the basic pension of Rs.3500/- as on the date of consideration”. A clarification was also issued vide Health OM No.S.11015/10/2011-CGHS(P), dated 4.8.2015. But from both the OMs it is not clear whether the income of Rs.3500/- is to be applied OR the overall ceiling (that is Rs.3500 plus central DA) is to be applied. In other words it is not clear from the OMs that in case the family pension drawn by the dependent is crossed Rs.3500/- but his total income is less that the overall ceiling (i.e. Rs.3500 plus central) whether he will be treated as dependent. In this connection my contention is that the word plus repeated in both OMs indicate that the overall ceiling ( that is Rs.3500 + DA) is to be taken as the income limit and not Rs.3500/- alone. even though Rs.3500/- is the minimum central pension there is not restriction on the pension so far as these OMs are concerned. The monitory limit indicated in the OMs are not pension limit but the income limit, which is commonly applicable to all irrespective of the fact that whether the dependent is a family pension or not. My grievance is that in the absence of a clear clarification on the above point I am facing proceedings in my department. I also had to refund huge amount which I have drawn as medical claim. My subsequent claims are also withheld. Therefore, a clarification is required from M/o Health whether for determining dependency overall monitory ceiling is to be taken or Rs.3500/- is alone is to be taken.

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