Seventh Pay Commission Allowance Committee Met on 4th August

Seventh Pay Commission Allowance Committee Met on 4th August

In a statement  laid on the Table of the House in Rajya Sabha by Shri. Arun Jaitley regarding the delay in implementing the 7th CPC Allowances and Government decision on Minimum Pay, it has been stated that

The Government has decided to implement the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission relating to pay, pension and related issues. The resolution on Government decisions has been issued on 25.07.2016.

The matters relating to pay and pension, as decided by the Government, have been implemented with effect from 01.01.2016.

In view of the significant departure from the existing provisions recommended by the 7th CPC and a number of representations received from Employee Associations and other stakeholders in this regard, the Government has decided that recommendations on allowances, other than Dearness Allowance, be examined by a Committee comprising Finance Secretary as Chairman and Secretaries of Home Affairs, Defence, Health and Family Welfare, Personnel & Training, Posts and Chairman, Railway Board as Members for examination before taking a final decision.

The Committee has been asked to submit its report within four months. This Committee has been constituted on 22.07.2016 and the first meeting of the Committee has been held on 04.08.2016.

READ LATEST : 7th CPC Option Calculator for Promotion Cases

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4 thoughts on “Seventh Pay Commission Allowance Committee Met on 4th August”

  1. Mahesh Sharrma

    This Goverrnment is doing a lot of Dramas to show that they are doing Ehsaan/favours on poor employees. Already they have deliberatedly wasted more than 8 months in the name of processing by different Committees. Now two another Committees have been ordered to ‘look into’ another Bahanas as to how to befool the employees. Its nothing but dilatory tactics to buy time by the Govt. This Govt want that employees should work honestly but without commensurate wages. All the facilities/perks/subsidized/free things are meant only and only forr those who have won elections/got positions. They are privileged to get all the perks even after demiting their offices in just five years! On the other hand an employee serve on an average for more than 35 years and yet they have to beg for their dues/pensions. This is the welfare of employees !

  2. As per say of Shri Jaitly in Rajyasabha, the committee will examine regarding allowances; then what about examination of pay?

  3. When pay commission allowed to all organised account services for GP5400 after 4years then why the government told in gazzette notification that it will refer to DOPT .It is unfortunate that the same issue with no results is continuing since 6th pay commission.

  4. When pay commission allowed to all organised account services for GP5400 after 4years then why the government told it will refer to DOPT .It is unfortunate that the same issue with no results is continuing since 6th pay commission.

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