COVID India Seva an interactive platform for citizen engagement

COVID India Seva an interactive platform for citizen engagement

Minister of Health and Family Welfare Dr Harsh Vardhan launches ‘COVID India Seva’, an interactive platform for citizen engagement on COVID-19

PIB Press Release dated 21.4.2020

Union Minister of Health & Family Welfare, Dr Harsh Vardhan today launched the COVID India Seva, which provided an interactive platform to establish a direct channel of communication with millions of Indians amid the pandemic. This initiative is aimed at enabling transparent e-governance delivery in real-time and answering citizen queries swiftly, at scale, especially in crisis situations like the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Through this, people can pose queries @CovidIndiaSeva and get them responded to in almost real time. @CovidIndiaSeva works off a dashboard at the back-end that helps process large volumes of tweets, converts them into resolvable tickets, and assigns them to the relevant authority for real-time resolution.

Read : COVID 19 Updates

The Union Health Minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan announced the dedicated account @CovidIndiaSeva with a tweet.

Announcing the launch of @CovidIndiaSeva to respond to citizens’ queries, real-time!

Trained experts will share authoritative public health information swiftly at scale, helping to build a direct channel for communication with citizens.

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