Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS)-DOPT Order

The implementation of Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) w.e.f 01-09-2008, raises many doubts among various Ministries /Departments on granting Financial Up gradation for the employees those who are not getting regular promotions in 10,20,30 years of their service.

Apart from the Ministries/Departments who are delaying the process of granting MACP to the eligible government servants, the officials also are in lot of confusion on ‘what will be the Grade pay to be granted to them’. So far DOP&T issued one clarification on 16-11-2009 after the issuance of MACPS order on 19-5-2009. Hence we here reproduce these orders for viewer’s reference.

The DoPT Order No.35034/3/2008-Estt. (D) Dated 19th May, 2009 is given below

The Sixth Central Pay Commission in Para 6.115 of its report, has recommended Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme(MACPS). As per the recommendations, financial upgradation will be available in the next higher grade pay whenever an employee has completed 12 years continuous service in the same grade. However, not more than two financial upgradations shall be given in the entire career, as was provided in the previous Scheme. The Scheme will also be available to all posts belonging to Group “A” whether isolated or not. However, organised Group “A” services will not be covered under the Scheme

2. The Government has considered the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission for introduction of a MACPS and has accepted the same with further modification to grant three financial upgradations under the MACPS at intervals of 10, 20 and 30 years of continuous regular service.

3. The Scheme would be known as “MODIF7ED ASSURED CAREER PROGRESSION. SCHEME (MACPS) FOR THE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES. This Scheme is in supersession of previous ACP Scheme and clarifications issued there under and shall be applicable to all regularly appointed Group “A”, “B”, and “C” Central Government Civilian Employees except officers of the Organised Group A Service. The status of Group “D” employees would cease on their completion of prescribed training, as recommended by the Sixth Central Pay Commission and would be treated as Group “C” employees. Casual employees, including those granted ‘temporary status’ and employees appointed in the Government only on adhoc or contract basis shall not qualify for benefits under the aforesaid Scheme. The details of the MACP Scheme and conditions for grant of the financial upgradation under the Scheme are given in Annexure-i.

4. A Screening Committee shall be constituted in each Department to consider the case for grant of financial upgradations under the MACP Scheme. The Screening Committee shall consist of a Chairperson and two members. The members of the Committee shall comprise officers holding posts which are at least one level above the grade in which the MACP is to be considered and not below the rank of Under Secretary equivalent in the Government. The Chairperson should generally be a grade above the members of the Committee.

5. The recommendations of the Screening Committee shall be placed before the Secretary in cases where the Committee is constituted in the Ministry/Department or before the Head of the organization competent authority in other cases for approval.

6. ln order to prevent undue strain on the administrative machinery, the Screening Committee shall follow a time-schedule and meet twice in a financial year — preferably in the first week of January and first week of July of a year for advance processing of the cases maturing in that half. Accordingly, cases maturing during the first-half (April September) of a particular financial year shall be taken up for consideration by the Screening Committee meeting in the first week of January. Similarly, the Screening Committee meeting in the first week of July of any financial year shall process the cases that would be maturing during the second-half (October-March) of the same financial year.

7. However, to make the MACP Scheme operational, the Cadre Controlling Authorities shall constitute the first Screening Committee within a month from the date of issue of these instructions to consider the cases maturing upto 30th June, 2009 for grant of benefits under the MACPS.

8. ln so far as persons serving in The indian Audit and Accounts Departments are concerned, these orders issue after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.

9. Any interpretation/clarification of doubt as to the scope and meaning of the provisions of the MACP Scheme shall be given by the Department of Personnel and Training (Establishment-D). The scheme would be operational w.e.f. 01.09.2008. in other words, financial up gradations as per the provisions of the earlier ACP Scheme (of August, 1999) would be granted till 31.08.2008.

10. No stepping up of pay in the pay band or grade pay would be admissible with regard to junior getting more pay than the senior on account of pay fixation under MACP Scheme.

11. lt is clarified that no past cases would be re-opened. Further, while implementing the MACP Scheme, the differences in pay scales on account of grant of financial up gradation under the old ACP Scheme (of August 1999) and under the MACP Scheme within the same cadre shall not be construed as an anomaly.

12. Hindi version will follow.



1. There shall be three financial upgradation s under the MACPS, counted from the direct entry grade on completion of 10, 20 and 30 years service respectively. Financial upgradation under the Scheme will be admissible whenever a person has spent 10 years continuously in the same grade-pay.

2. The MACPS envisages merely placement in the immediate next higher grade pay in the hierarchy of the recommended revised pay bands and grade pay as given in Section 1 , Part-A of the first schedule of the CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008. Thus, the grade pay at the time of financial upgradation under the MACPS can, in certain cases where regular promotion is not between two successive grades, be different than what is available at the time of regular promotion. In such cases, the higher grade pay attached to the next promotion post in the hierarchy of the concerned cadre/organisation will be given only at the time of regular promotion.

3. The financial upgradation s under the MACPS would be admissible up-to the highest grade pay of Rs. 12000/in the PB-4.

4. Benefit of pay fixation available at the time of regular promotion shall also be allowed at the time of financial upgradation under the Scheme. Therefore, the pay shall be raised by 3% of the total pay in the pay band and the grade pay drawn before such upgradation. There shall, however, be no further fixation of pay at the time of regular promotion if it is in the same grade pay as granted under MACPS. However, at the time of actual promotion if it happens to be in a post carrying higher grade pay than what is available under MACPS, no pay fixation would be available and only difference of grade pay would be made available. To illustrate, in case a Government Servant joins as a direct recruit in the grade pay of Rs. 1900 in PB-i and he gets no promotion till completion of 10 years of service, he will be granted financial upgradation under MACPS in the next higher grade pay of Rs. 2000 and his pay will be fixed by granting him one increment plus the difference of grade pay (i.e. Rs. 100). After availing financial upgradation under MACPS, if the Government servant gets his regular promotion in the hierarchy of his cadre, which is to the grade of Rs. 2400, on regular promotion, he will only be granted the difference of grade pay between Rs. 2000 and Rs. 2400. No additional increment will be granted at this stage.

5. Promotions earnied/upgradations granted under the ACP Scheme in the past to those grades which now carry the same grade pay due to merger of pay scales/upgradations of posts recommended by the Sixth Pay Commission shall be ignored for the purpose of granting upgradations under Modified ACPS.

The pre-revised hierarchy (in ascending order) in a particular organization was as under:Rs. 5000-8000, Rs. 5500-9000 & Rs. 6500-10500.

(a) A Government servant who was recruited in the hierarchy in the pre-revised pay scale Rs. 5000-8000 and who did not get a promotion even after 25 years of service prior to 1.1.2006, in his case as on 1.1.2006 he would have got two financial upgradations under ACP to the next grades in the hierarchy of his organization, i.e., to the pre-revised scales of Rs. 5500-9000 and Rs. 6500-10500.

(b) Another Government servant recruited in the same hierarchy in the pre-revised scale of Rs. 5000-8000 has also completed about 25 years of service, but he got two promotions to the next higher grades of Rs. 5500-9000 & Rs. 6500-10500 during this period.

In the case of both (a) and (b) above, the promotions/financial upgradations granted under ACP to the pre-revised scales of Rs. 5500-9000 and Rs. 6500-10500 prior to 1.1.2006 will be ignored on account of merger of the pre-revised scales of Rs. 5000- 8000, Rs. 5500-9000 and Rs. 6500-10500 recommended by the Sixth CPC. As per CCS (RP) Rules, both of them will be granted grade pay of Rs. 4200 in the pay band PB-2. After the implementation of MACPS, two financial upgradations will be granted both in the case of (a) and (b) above to the next higher grade pays of Rs. 4600 and Rs. 4800 in the pay band P8-2.

6. ln the case of all the employees granted financial upgradations under ACPS till 01.01.2006, their revised pay will be fixed with reference to the pay scale granted to them under the ACPS.

6.1 in the case of ACP upgradations granted between 01.01.2006 and 31.08.2008, the Government servant has the option under the CCS (RP) Rules, 2008 to have his pay fixed in the revised pay structure either (a) w.e.f. 01.01.2006 with reference to his prer evised scale as on 01.01.2006; or (b) w.e.f. the date of his financial upgradation under ACP with reference to the pre-revised scale granted under ACP. In case of option (b), he shall be entitled to draw his arrears of pay only from the date of his option i.e. the date of financial upgradation under ACP.

6.2 ln cases where financial upgradation had been granted to Government servants in the next higher scale in the hierarchy of their cadre as per the provisions of the ACP Scheme of August, 1999, but whereas as a result of the implementation of Sixth CPC’s recommendations, the next higher post in the hierarchy of the cadre has been upgraded by granting a higher grade pay, the pay of such employees in the revised pay structure will be fixed with reference to the higher grade pay granted to the post. To illustrate, in the case of Jr. Engineer in CPWD, who was granted 1t ACP in his hierarchy to the grade of Asstt. Engineer in the pre-revised scale of Rs.6500-10500 corresponding to the revised grade pay of Rs4200 in the pay band P8-2, he will now be granted grade pay of Rs.4600 in the pay band P8-2 consequent upon upgradation of the post of Asstt. Enggs. ln CPWD by granting them the grade pay of Rs.4600 in PB-2 as a result of Sixth CPC’s recommendation. However, from the date of implementation of the MACPS, all the financial upgradations under the Scheme should be done strictly in accordance with the hierarchy of grade pays in pay bands as notified vide CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008.

7. With regard to fixation of his pay on grant of promotion/financial upgradation under MACP Scheme, a Government servant has an option under FR22 (1) (a) (1) to get his pay fixed in the higher post/ grade pay either from the date of his promotion/upgradation or from the date of his next increment viz. 1g July of the year. The pay and the date of increment would be fixed in accordance with clarification no.2 of Department of Expenditure’s O.M. No.1/1/2008-iC dated 13.09.2008.

8. Promotions earned in the post carrying same grade pay in the promotional hierarchy as per Recruitment Rules shall be counted for the purpose of MACPS.

8.1 Consequent upon the implementation of Sixth CPC’s recommendations, grade pay of Rs. 5400 is now in two pay bands viz., PB-2 and P8-3. The grade pay of Rs. 5400 in PB-2 and Rs.5400 in PB-3 shall be treated as separate grade pays for the purpose of grant of upgradations under MACP Scheme.

9.Regular service’ for the purposes of the MACPS shall commence from the date of joining of a post in direct entry grade on a regular basis either on direct recruitment basis or on absorption/re-employment basis. Service rendered on adhoc/contract basis before regular appointment on pre-appointment training shall not be taken into reckoning. However, past continuous regular service in another Government Department in a post carrying same grade pay prior to regular appointment in a new Departments without a break, shall also be counted towards qualifying regular service for the purposes of MACPS only (and not for the regular promotions). However, benefits under the MACPS in such cases shall not be considered till the satisfactory completion of the probation period in the new post.

10. Past service rendered by a Government employee in a State Government/statutory body/Autonomous body/Public Sector organisation, before appointment in the Government shall not be counted towards Regular Service.

11. ‘Regular service’ shall include all periods spent on deputation/foreign service, study leave and all other kind of leave, duly sanctioned by the competent authority.

12. The MACPS shall also be applicable to work charged employees, if their service conditions are comparable with the staff of regular establishment.

13. Existing time-bound promotion scheme, including in-situ promotion scheme, Staff Car Driver Scheme or any other kind of promotion scheme existing for a particular category of employees in a Ministry/Department or its offices, may continue to be operational for the concerned category of employees if it is decided by the concerned administrative authorities to retain such Schemes, after necessary consultations or they may switch-over to the MACPS. However, these Schemes shall not run concurrently with the MACPS.

14. The MACPS is directly applicable only to Central Government Civilian employees. it will not get automatically extended to employees of Central Autonomous/Statutory Bodies under the administrative control of a Ministry/Department. Keeping in view the financial implications involved, a conscious decision in this regard shall have to be taken by the respective Governing Body/Board of Directors and the administrative Ministry concerned and where it is proposed to adopt the MACPS prior concurrence of Ministry of Finance shall be obtained.

15. if a financial upgradations under the MACPS is deferred and not allowed after 10 years in a grade pay, due to the reason of the employees being unfit or due to departmental proceedings, etc., this would have consequential effect on the subsequent financial upgradation which would also get deferred to the extent of delay in grant of first financial upgradation.

16. On grant of financial upgradation under the Scheme, there shall be rio change in the designation, classification or higher status. However, financial and certain other benefits which are linked to the pay drawn by an employee such as HBA, allotment of Government accommodation shall be permitted.

17. The financial upgradation would be on non-functional basis subject to fitness, in the hierarchy of grade pay within the PB-I. Thereafter for upgradation under the MACPS the benchmark of ‘good’ would be applicable till the grade pay of Rs. 6600/- in PB-3. The benchmark will be ‘Very Good’ for financial upgradation to the grade pay of Rs. 7600 and above.

18. In the matter of disciplinary! penalty proceedings, grant of benefit under the MACPS shall be subject to rules governing normal promotion. Such cases shall, therefore, be regulated under the provisions of the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 and instructions issued thereunder.

19. The MACPS contemplates merely placement on personal basis in the immediate higher Grade pay /grant of financial benefits only and shall not amount to actual/functional promotion of the employees concerned. Therefore, no reservation orders/roster shall apply to the MACPS, which shall extend its benefits uniformly to all eligible SC/ST employees also. However, the rules of reservation in promotion shall be ensured at the time of regular promotion. For this reason, it shall not be mandatory to associate members of SC/ST in the Screening Committee meant to consider cases for grant of financial upgradation under the Scheme.

20. Financial upgradation under the MACPS shall be purely personal to the employee and shall have no relevance to his seniority position. As such, there shall be no additional financial upgradation for the senior employees on the ground that the junior employee in the grade has got higher pay/grade pay under the MACPS.

21. Pay drawn in the pay band and the grade pay allowed under the MACPS shall be taken as the basis for determining the terminal benefits in respect of the retiring employee.

22. if Group “A” Government employee, who was not covered under the ACP Scheme has now become entitled to say third financial upgradation directly, having completed 30 year’s regular service, his pay shall be fixed successively in next three immediate higher grade pays in the hierarchy of revised pay-bands and grade pays allowing the benefit of 3% pay fixation at every stage. Pay of persons becoming eligible for second financial upgradation may also be fixed accordingly.

23. in case an employee is declared surplus in his/her organisation and appointed in the same pay-scale or lower scale of pay in the new organization, the regular service rendered by him/her in the previous organisation shall be counted towards the regular service in his/her new organisation for the purpose of giving financial upgradation under the MACPS.

24. in case of an employee after getting promotion/ACP seeks unilateral transfer on a lower post or lower scale, he will be entitled only for second and third financial upgradations on completion of 20/30 years of regular service under the MACPS, as the case may be, from the date of his initial appointment to the post in the new organization.

25. if a regular promotion has been offered but was refused by the employee before becoming entitled to a financial upgradatiori, no financial upgradation shall be allowed as such an employee has not been stagnated due to lack of opportunities, if, however, financial upgradation has been allowed due to stagnation and the employees subsequently refuse the promotion, it shall not be a ground to withdraw the financial upgradation. He shall, however, not be eligible to be considered for further financial upgradation till he agrees to be considered for promotion again and the second the next financial upgradation shall also be deferred to the extent of period of debarment due to the refusal.

26. Cases of persons holding higher posts purely on adhoc basis shall also be considered by the Screening Committee alongwith others. They may be allowed the benefit of financial upgradation on reversion to the lower post or if it is beneficial vis-av is the pay drawn on adhoc basis.

27. Employees on deputation need not revert to the parent Department for availing the benefit of financial upgradation under the MACPS. They may exercise a fresh option to draw the pay in the pay band and the grade pay of the post held by them or the pay plus grade pay admissible to them under the MACPS, whichever is beneficial.

28. illustrations

A (I) if a Government servant (LDC) in PB-i in the Grade Pay of Rs.1900 gets his first regular promotion (UDC) in the PB-i in the Grade Pay of Rs.2400 on completion of 8 years of service and then continues in the same Grade Pay for further years without any promotion then he would be eligible for 2’ financial upgradation under the MACPS in the PB-i in the Grade Pay of Rs.2800 after completion of 18 years (8+10 years).

(ii) in case he does not get any promotion thereafter, then he would get 3 financial upgradation in the PB-il in Grade Pay of Rs.4200 on completion of further 10 years of service i.e. after 28 years (8+10+10).

(iii) However, if he gets 2nd promotion after 5 years of further service in the pay PB-Il in the Grade Pay of Rs.4200 (Asstt. Grade/Grade SC’) i.e. on completion of 23 years (8+10+5years) then he would get 3d financial upgradation after completion of 30 years i.e. 10 years after the 2’ ACP in the PB-li in the Grade Pay of Rs.4600.

In the above scenario, the pay shall be raised by 3% of the total pay in the Pay Band and Grade Pay drawn before such upgradation. There shall however, be no further fixation of pay at the time of regular promotion if it is in the same Grade Pay or in the higher Grade Pay. Only the difference of grade pay would be admissible at the time of promotions.
If a Government servant (LDC) in PB-I in the Grade Pay of Rs.1900 is granted 1st financial upgradation under the MACPS on completion of 10 years of service in the PB-l in the Grade Pay of Rs.2000 and 5 years later he gets 1st regular promotion (UDC) in PB-I in the Grade Pay of Rs.2400,the 2nd financial upgradation under MACPS (in the next Grade Pay w.r.t.Grade Pay held by Government servant) will be granted on completion of 20 years of service in PB-I in the Grade Pay of Rs.2800. On completion of 30 years of service, he will get 3rd ACP in the Grade Pay of Rs. 4200.

However, if two promotions are earned before completion of 20 years, only 3 rd financial upgradation would be admissible on completion of 10 years of service in Grade Pay from the date 2nd promotion or at 30th year of service, whichever is earlier

If a Government servant has been granted either two regular promotions or 2nd financial upgradation under the ACP Scheme of August, 1999 after completion of 24 years of regular service then only 3 rd financial upgradation would be admissible to him under the MACPS on completion of 30 years of service provided that he has not earned third promotion in the hierarchy.

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67 thoughts on “Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS)-DOPT Order”

  1. regarding admissibility of financial upgradation under MACPS to the employees, adhoc promotion has been offered to employee,but refused adhoc promotion by the employee before becoming entitled to a financial upgradation, please clarify they can entitled to grant of financial upgradation under
    MACPS or otherwise.

  2. It’s actually a nice and helpful piece of information. I am happy that you shared this
    useful information with us. Please keep us up to date like this.

    Thank you for sharing.

  3. Sir, I am working in DRDO since 1985, After completing of 29 Years of my service, Existing grade & grade at time of joining is same. In my case,neighter single promotion nor benefited by MACP . My department says it is not applicable in DRDO i.e. DRTC scheme. Kindly confirm?

  4. Sir,
    I have retired from the central govt. service after completion of 22 years as LDC wef. 1/10/2012 & I have not been granted MACP scheme nor any promotional benefit during my tenure of service. whether I am eligible for grant of MACP Scheme as per 6th CPC recommendations after retirement.

  5. Since the MACP has been implemented with effect from 1-9-2008, you are not entitled for first MACP from June 2007. Further as you got your first promotion in August 2008, there was no need to grant first MACP also from 1-9-2008.

  6. Sir,

    I joined in the goverment service as LDC in the year June, 1997 and got promoted to UDC (higher grade pay) in the year August, 2008. Will I be eligible to first MACP in the year 2007 after completion of 10 years of service in the same grade pay?

  7. I appointed on 08/01/1991 as postman Bow Bazar P.O. under Central Kolkata Divn.
    First Promotion P.A Posted at Howrah Divn.
    present posting at Midnapore Divn. My grade Pay is Rs.2800/- for MACP-2.What will be Fixation of my grade pay.

  8. Harihar M. Iyer

    my MACP arrears were paid to me after my retirement in October 2012, I retired on 31:08:2012, am I not entitled to get Interest on delayed payment of MACP, as the amount is more then 3 lacks, please advice can I claim interest on the delayed payments.

  9. Summer Holidays

    Wonderful, what a blog it is! This blog presents valuable
    data to us, keep it up.

  10. Sir,
    I have appointed as LDC on 22.2.1993 and got promotion as UDC on 6.6.2006 with Rs.2400/-G.P. and got promotion as Assistant on 9.10.2013. Please intimate me when 2nd MACP effects with GP

  11. Sir, I would like to draw your attention that I am getting Grade Pay 4800/- as Asstt.. Acctt. Officer and my Juniors whom work is being supervised by me , are getting more Grade Pay i.e 5400/- which is against the natural justice. I,therefore, request you attempt such matter and do your best to remove the anomaly so that natural justice may prevail. Thanks.

  12. Dr. B.L.. Earniya

    sir,Befoee 6 pay commn my Scale pay Rs.4500-125-7000.My post was as Technician-II, My Education is B.SC.,P.G.Diploma in computer Science,P.G.Diploma in Personnel Management. M.B.A.(System),Ph.D. After fixation given me as P.B.-1,Grade pay 2800/-. But other Institutes given Grade Pay Rs.4200/- .
    As per 5th pay commn.given to 5000-8000 and 6th pay commn. also given grade pay 4200/- But in my case not consider, I also applied for consideration in Dept. ,Also applied for consideration in Dept. of Science and Technology Govt. of India for Grade Pay Rs.4200/- ,So Please consider my case .

  13. valsa sivan kutty

    I would like to draw your kind attention that I have completed 30 years of service and as per Sixth Pay Commission recommendations, 3rd ACP (Financial Upgradation) is due after completion of 30 years service i.e. on 16 JUl 2011 The detail of my service rendered in NCC is as under:-
    Sr. No. Date of Joining
    Service rendered
    1. 16-7-81
    Joined on 16-7-1981 as L.D.C. after passing the Examination

    2. 24 Nov 1995
    Passed Stenography exam through departmental exam and I have been promoted to Jr Stenographer and a fresh Appointment letter was given to me and my cadre has been changed on 24 Nov 1995

    3. Sep 2006
    Promoted as Sr Stenography through Cadre Review Committed on Sep 2006
    4. 16 Jul 2005
    1nd ACP was given w.e.f. 16 Jul 2005 as per Fifth Pay Commission’s recommendations

    5. 16 Jul 2011
    2nd MACPS is due w.e.f. 16 Jul 2011 after completion of 30 years of service in NCC

    I would like to know that after completion of 30 years as Stenographer Cadre, will I get the 2nd financial benefit as per 6th pay commission report.will i get any ACP/MACP in my service.

  14. valsa sivan kutty

    I would like to draw your kind attention that I have completed 30 years of service and as per Sixth Pay Commission recommendations, 3rd ACP (Financial Upgradation) is due after completion of 30 years service i.e. on 16 JUl 2011 The detail of my service rendered in CSIR is as under:-
    Sr. No. Date of Joining
    Service rendered
    1. 16-7-81
    Joined on 16-7-1981 as L.D.C. after passing the Examination

    2. 24 Nov 1995
    Passed Stenography exam through departmental exam and I have been promoted to Jr Stenographer and a fresh Appointment letter was given to me and my cadre has been changed on 24 Nov 1995

    3. Sep 2006
    Promoted as Sr Stenography through Cadre Review Committed on Sep 2006
    4. 16 Jul 2005
    1nd ACP was given w.e.f. 16 Jul 2005 as per Fifth Pay Commission’s recommendations

    5. 16 Jul 2011
    2nd MACPS is due w.e.f. 16 Jul 2011 after completion of 30 years of service in CSIR

    I would like to know that after completion of 30 years as Stenographer Cadre, will I get the 2nd financial benefit as per 6th pay commission report.will i get any ACP/MACP in my service.

  15. Leticia Caldeira

    Respected Sir,

    I was appointed as a L.D.C. in the year 12-8-1982 and was promoted
    as a U.D.C. in the year 28-8-1989 and I go my I A.C.P.Scale on 28-08-2001 When will I get my 3rd MACP scale till now I have been
    place in the scale of Rs. 5200–20200 with Grade pay of Rs. 2800/-
    Please advised.

  16. Sir , my first appt in railways in mech dept in 425-700 (gp 4200 )in 1981.Got upgradation in 1983 in 6500-10500 (gp 4600). Transferred to SRly on reuest on reversion ie in grade 425-700-gp 4200 in 1999.Again upgraded to 6500-10500 grade (4600)in 1993.Again upgrded in 2003 in 7450-11500 grade .After 6 cpc grdes 6500 -10500 and 7450 -11500 has been merged and granted same gp rs 4600 . i was given one macp gp 4800 on 1-9-2008 .I have completed 30 yrs as on sept 2013 .Whether i am eligible for 2nd macp gp 5400 or not .Kindly clarify .

  17. Duli Chand Arun

    Appointed as Gp D on 27 Oct 78. Got 1st promotion as clerk on 15 Apr 83 on passing competative departmental exam on merit. 2nd promotion got on 26 Dec 95 on passing competative inspector exam on merit. 3rd promotion in the cadre of ASP given as per seniority by Dept on 14 Jul 2008. I have completed 34 yrs 10 months service but no ACP/MACP granted to me so far.

    Please clarify whether I am eligible to get any ACP/MACP in my service.

  18. Respected Sir,
    I am working in the Khadi & Village Industries Commission, Ministry of MSME and availing all the benefits as per 6th pay Commission. I was appointed as Jr. Cashier in the pay scale of 1200-1800 on 20.11.1986 and got promotion to the post of Sr. Cashier in the pay scale of 1350 – 2200 on 28.07.1990.Now I am placed on pay band of Rs.5200 -20200 with Grade Pay of Rs. 2800. After 1990 I have not received any promotion or ACP after completion of continue service of 22 years on the same scale. Now My Office has sanctioned II nd MACP from 01.08.2008 with Grade Pay of Rs. 4200 and denied 3rd MACP from 28.07.2010. Can I get 3rd MACP from 28.07.2010. Kindly advised me.

  19. gokul goswami

    Zero benefit on 2nd macp through i got only one promotion

    I had been selected by upsc as programme executive in 1983 in all india radio pb2 (9300+34800)grade pay 4800/-.I got my first promotion adhoc after 16 years in jan.1999 in prerevised scale 8000-13000. Presently I am drawing salary as adhoc asd (9300-34800+5400).

    I got two MACP by virtue of completing twenty years of service in 2003 in cadre of PEX.

    I had been given Zero benefit by ddo (PAO, IRLA Ministry of I&B New delhi>).
    IRLA has calculated my salary as Programme executive since 1983 in the pb2 grade pay 4800/- and gave two increment of 3% and one change of grade pay5400/(IInd also 5400) .

    The salary calculated was less than the present salary of mine as adhoc asd ,therefore they said that i will not get any benefit of 2nd macp.

    i shall be very grateful if you can send me reply by email or call me on phone 9413340470

  20. Sushil Kumar


    1.I was joined in department as a Data Entry Operator “A” on 12-02-1997.

    2. My date of increment was due on 01.02.2006 prior to pay fixation as per 6th CPC.

    3.After completion of Twelve years of Service in Same Cadre i.e. Data Entry Operator “A” I had been given ACP 4200/- w.e.f 12.02.2009 .

    4. My cadre was changed on passing of SAS Part I examination w.e.f 12.08.2009 as Auditor with Grade Pay 2800/-.

    5. My Pay was protected w.e.f 12.08.09 .

    6. Anti Date was given w.e.f 27.07.2007(By cat judgment) .

    I would like to know whether should i get the increment in the light of GOI , Ministry of Finance , Dept. of Exp letter No. 10/02/2011-E.IIIA Dated 19.03.12 or not my pay is correctly fixed or not.



  22. Ravinder Singh

    I was appointed as LDC on 11/3/1996. I am not getting any promotion till date. As per MACP orders we have given a Grade Pay of Rs. 2000/- instead of Rs. 2400/-. If I adopt the ACP, I have a loss of 15 months arrear as per instruction of MACP orders dated 19/5/2009 annexure 1-para no. 6.1 condition (b). Please clarify the orders under which we can get arrear of pay a/w Grade Pay Rs. 2400/-

  23. I would like to draw your kind attention that I have completed 30 years of service and as per Sixth Pay Commission recommendations, 3rd ACP (Financial Upgradation) is due after completion of 30 years service i.e. on 15/6/2010. The detail of my service rendered in CSIR is as under:-
    Sr. No. Date of Joining
    Service rendered
    1. 16-6-1980
    Joined on 16-6-1980 as L.D.C. after passing the Examination

    2. 29-3-1982
    Passed Stenography exam through Open Competitive Exam and I have been promoted to Jr Stenographer and a fresh Appointment letter was given to me and my cadre has been changed on 29-3-1982.

    3. 1-4-1994
    Promoted as Sr Stenography through Cadre Review Committed on 1.4.1994.

    4. 28.3.2006
    2nd ACP was given w.e.f. 28.3.2006 as per Fifth Pay Commission’s recommendations

    5. 15-6-2010
    3rd MACPS is due w.e.f. 15-6-2010 after completion of 30 years of service in CSIR

    I would like to know that after completion of 30 years as Stenographer Cadre, will I get the 3rd financial benefit as per 6th pay commission report.


  24. I have joined the service on 15.09.89 at Khadi & V.I.Commission (KVIC) , under Ministry of MSME, Govt of India .
    2. I have received the 1st ACP up-gradation on Sept,2001 on completion of 12 yrs service.
    3. I have completed 20 yrs continuous service on Sept,2009 with KVIC since my joining.

    I would like to know whether should I get 2nd up-gradation on Sept,2009 after completion of 20 yrs of service since joining or on Sept,2011 after completion of 10 yrs service since receiving 1st up-gradation on Sept,2001.


  25. Sir ,
    I got adhoc promotion on AAO on 20-09-2009 , whether I am eligible for MACP or not ? Plz reply

  26. 1.I joined as C.H (3050-4590)
    2.Got a F.U. 3050-4590 to4000-6000 on1.12.1992 1st ACP on 1.8. 1999 on next p.scale(5500-9000)
    Now as per 6th P. Com.&MACP Rule what grade&grade pay I
    Expect.My1st acp was wrong or wright.IF wrong ,is it re-opened ornot asper macp order.Please clarify and answer

  27. Ramesh Chandra

    sir, I joined on 31-12-1981 as supervisor B pay 380/-. later on this post ( supervisor B) merged /re deginated in chargman-II. I promoted as Chargman-I in 1996, asstt foreman in 2001.and junior works manager in 2005.As per 6th pay commission chargman-II, Chargman-I, asstt foreman scale marged and awarded 9300/- hence promostion of Chargman-I, asstt foreman not counted for MACP purpose.
    I got only one promotion during my service period(from 31-12-1981 to till now.) 29 years service my department given Ist ACP 9300-4800 wef 2008.I have completed 24 years in 2005 . Therefore I should granted 15600-5400 wef 2005 or 2006 from DTD OF implementation of 6th pay junior those appointed after my appointment i.e.31.12.81 THEY WERE granted MACP 15600-5400 instead of 9300-4800. I feel disparity in this cash. kindly advice what should be my pay against macp.

  28. Surendra G. Terdalkar

    I joined in NIO (CSIR) as LDC on 18/07/1980 in the scale of Rs.260-6-290-EB-6-326-8-366-EB-8-390-10-400, and later i applided for the post of Stores & Purchase Asstt.(Gr.VII). On the basis of the performance in test in General English & Typing, conducted by the Institute. I was selected/ appointed for the post of SPA(Gr.VII) on 17/01/1983 in the scale of Rs.260-8-300-EB-8-340-10-380-EB-10-430/-
    – I was drawing a basic pay (in existing post of LDC) of Rs.272/- in the scale of Rs.260-400/-
    – At the time of my appointed as SPA(Gr.VII)on 17/01/1983, my pay was fixed as SPA as Rs.268 + Rs.4/- as personal pay w.e.f 17/01/1983 in scale of Rs.260-430 and date of next increment was given on 01/07/1983.
    *** Kindly advice – whether my pay fixation and date of next increment is correct ?.
    – I got 1st Promotion as SPA(Gr.VI) on 03/05/1988 in the scale of Rs.1200-30-1560-EB-40-2040.
    – Then 2nd Promotion was given as SPA(Gr.III) on 04/07/1995 in the scale of Rs.1400-40-1600-50-2300-EB-60-2600.
    ** Sir, I would alos like to state that earlier I was working as LDC and later I was appointed as SPA(Gr.VII) only after I qualified the open test.
    I had requested my office to recommend me for 3rd MACP which has been denied by my office stating that my appointment from LDC to SAP(Gr.VII) is considered as first promotion.
    In view of the above, I would be grateful to you, if you could kindly advice me whether I should get my 3rd MACP.
    Thank you very much to listen to my grievance.
    — Surendra Terdalkar.

  29. gurinder bir singh

    i joined on 26/06/1982 in central govt at the pay scale of Rs.425/- on 24/06/1984 i join in delhi govt. through proper channel at the scale of Rs.440/ Kindly advice me the ON WHICH DATE of eligibility of 2nd & 3rd MACP.


    I worked as a skilled tradesman(welder) in naval dockyard Mumbai from 29july2002 to 12jul2009.(group “c” grade pay 1900/-)
    but i am not got any promotion in this period.

    and i got transfer from naval dockyard Mumbai to Ins dega Visakhapatnam on 13jul2009 as a usl(group D garde pay 1800/-)on compassionate ground with zero seniority depend upon head quarters orders visakhapatnam.

    (i will complete my 10 service total service from initial appointment at 29jul2012)
    for macp my past service is countable or not please send any order related this.
    thanking you sir

  31. I have appointed as LDC in Oct 1986. I have been granted second MACP in Sep 2008 and granted grade pay of Rs 2800/- which I feel in logic a heavy financial loss to me. If I opt that my pay may be fixed on completion of 24 years service in 07 Oct 2010 so that I shall be granted grade pay of Rs 4200 in PB-2

  32. anita bhadwal

    I joined as LDC on 10.09.1984. I got 1st promotion on 03.03.1998. i.e. 13 years 5 months. 10.09.2008 I got 2nd financial up gradation in the revised scale of Rs.9300-34800+4200 grade pay before implementation of MACP order, Keeping in view of cadre post of Head Clerk. But, after implementation of MACP on 01.09.2008 my Grade pay was revised to Rs. 2800/-
    Please clarify whether I got grade pay Rs. 2800/- as per MACP is correct or Rs.4200/- as per departmental cadre post is correct.

  33. Respected Sir,
    I have joined in NVS as LDC on 02.09.1995 on scale of 950 today my grade pay is 1900. Till dated i have not got any ACP due to waiting of 6 CPC. After declaration of 6 CPC the NVS has started the process to grant ACP sir I request you to please clarify me that what will be the date of my Ist ACP/MACP & what will be it grade pay. & what will be the date of my 2nd MACP please clarify it sir.

  34. To
    6th Central pay Commission

    Dear Sir,

    This is for your kind in formation that we are very unlucky doctors and deprived for 25 years of sincere service in Health Care delivary System .

    In this connection I am requesting you to help us for Dynamic ACP of Medical Officers working in National Institute of Homeopathy, Kolklata.There is no Promotional avenue for us.This is an autonomous organisation under the Dept. of AYUSH, Ministry of Health and F.W., Govt. of India.

    We are giving you some information regarding DACP as recommended by 5th and 6th Central Pay Commission.Because This Dynamic ACP already implemented in different places for isolated post of Group -A Cadre.

    i) Central Health Service-Ministry of Health& F.W, Govt. of India already implemented Dynamic ACP-
    with reference of F.No.A-45012/2/2008-CHS-V, dated 29.10.2010, Nirman Bhavan, Govt India along with Revised order-No.A-32012/11/05-CHS-II, dated 14.08.06.

    ii) DACP approved for Indian Railway-Sl.No.Pc-VI/214, No.PC-V/2008/ACP/2- dated 07.07.2010., RBE No.96/2010.

    iii) DACP for IITs already implemented – F.No.17-3/2010-TS-I-Govt. of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development, dated -09.09.2010.

    iv) Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India approved DACP vide order No.1372118/MO/Gen/corrs/DGMS-3(B) with another reference-No.12017/CMO/DGAFMS/DG2B/126/09/D(Med), dated 15.01.2010.

    v) New Delhi Municipal Commission implemented DACP for its AYUSH doctors- with reference of order- already issued by AYUSH,
    OM. No.A-11019/2/97-ISM(E-I), dated 25.01.1999.Dept. of AYUSH has another order of its own- A-11018/3/2004-E-I(AYUSH), dated 26.03.2008.

    vi) There is another reference of DoP&T O.M.No.28038/1/88-Esst.(D) dated 0910.1989. for promotion or Dynamic ACP of Medical Officers.
    We don’t know why we are not getting DACP after long period of service(25 Years).

    For this reason it was come to our notice that Hon’ble High Court -Delhi passed the order to give service benifit of some Medical officers to AYUSH(2007), but they are ignoring the same for implementing it in National Institute of Homeopathy, Kolkata and showing the same attitude to avoid court judgement.

    Hon’ble High Court Delhi passed the order on -Service matter-WP(C)No.460,577,643 and 2115/2007.
    Date of hearing 13.12.2007, date of decission-11.01.08.Hon’ble Justice Shri A.K.Sikri and Shri Vipin Sanghi passed the verdict to give benifit(DACP) to Dr. Asha Agarwal, Dr. Shasi Dhaon and Dr. P.B.Saxena.
    (WP(c)No.460/07, (WP(c) No.557/07, (WP(c)643).
    We are very much cofused to it that , dept. of AYUSH is less interested to give us the same benifit .Some of us will retire with in few yeras.

    It is regrate to say that one employee will retire from service without service benifit, after long period of service in a same post and same scale of pay.
    Union Health Minister is the President of the Governing Body of this Institute and he is silent about DACP.

    Still we have faith to our political system and buraucratic system.
    So, we are requesting you that please investigate the whole thing and try to help us to get Dynamic ACP which is strongly recommended by 6th Central Pay Commission.

    Thanking you,
    Yours truely.
    Dr.(Mrs) Parna Das.
    On behalf of all Medical Officers, working in National Institute of Homeopathy,


    1st April, 2011
    I joined in the Central Excise Department as Stenographer Gde. III on 02.11.1992 in the pay scale of Rs.1200-30-1560-EB-40-2040/-, which was later revised as Rs.4000-100-6000/-. Subsequently, I became Steno Gde. II w.e.f. 2209.1997 in the pay scale of Rs.5000-150-8500/-. I got promoted in the grade of Inspector w.e.f. 18.08.2000 in the pay scale of Rs.5500-175-9000/-, which was later revised as pay scale of Rs.6500-200-10500 and given effect from 21.04.2004. On the recommendations of 6th CPC my pay scale was revised to Rs12470/- + G.P. Rs.4200/- under Pay Band-2 w.e.f. 01.01.2006. On completion of continuous service of 10 years in the same grade, in terms of recommendations of Sixth CPC I am eligible for financial upgradation under MACP Schemee. I got upgradation under MACP Scheme vide E.O. No.88/2010 dt. 31.12.2010, wherein my upgradation has been mentioned as third upgradation considering my upgradation from Steno Gde. III to Steno Gde.II as promotion under this MACP. But, as per MACP clarification No. 35034/3/2008-Estt.(D) dt. 19.05.2009, issued by the GoI, Min of Pers. Public Grievances & Pensions (Deptt. of Pers. & Trng.) read with O.M. No. AB-14017/8/2010-Estt.(RR) dt. 10.03.2010 issued by the Min of Pers, Public Grievances & Pensions and O.M. No. A-26011/20/ACP/2009/MF.CGA(A)/NGE/343 dt. 10.06.2009 the promotions earned / financial upgradations granted under the ACP to the pre-revised scales of Rs.5500-9000 and Rs.6500-10500 prior to 1.1.2006 will be ignored on account of merger of the pre-revised scales of Rs.5000-8000, Rs.5500-9000 and Rs.6500-10500, as recommended by the Sixth CPC. In view of above facts, it appears to me that the financial upgradation mentioned and granted to me under MACP Scheme by my authority should be second upgradation instead of third upgradation.
    I humbly solicit your valued clarification with specific orders in this regard.

    With regards,
    Yours faithfully,

    Sarit Baran Goswami

  36. I am working in DGQA. My servive details are as under-
    31-10-1981 to 29-06-1984 C/M (GP:4200)Appointment on 31-10-1981.
    30-06-1984 to 19-02-2007 JTO (GP:4600) PROMOTION
    20-02-2007 TO Till Date JSO (GP:4800) PROMOTION

    My next promotion will be as SSO-II (GP:5400)

    Please intimate whether I am eligible for 3rd MACP (GP:5400) wef

  37. Some Medical Officers of National Institute of Homeopathy, Kolkata are deprived for 25 years. There is no promotional avenue for them or they are not getting DACP. It is an autonomous organisation under the dept. of AYUS,Ministry of health and F.w,Govt. of India.Dynamic ACP already implemented in Centarl health Services, CGHS, all IITs, Railway Board, Delhi Municipality,even some States health service. So doctors of national Institute of Homeopathy are worried about it either they will get it either before or after their retirement.

  38. MACP admits the next pay scales not the scale of hirarchi. while granting 2nd or 3rd ACP is it necessary to fulfil the Recruitment norms? If so which RR norms, the next scale or the promotional post’s RR.

  39. anita bhadwal

    I joined as LDC on 10.09.1984. I got 1st promotion on 03.03.1998. i.e. 13 years 5 months. 10.09.2008 I got 2nd financial up gradation in the revised scale of Rs.9300-34800+4200 grade pay before implementation of MACP order, Keeping in view of cadre post of Head Clerk. But, after implementation of MACP on 01.09.2009 my Grade pay was revised to Rs. 2800/-
    Please clarify whether I got grade pay Rs. 2800/- as per MACP is correct or Rs.4200/- as per departmental cadre post is correct.

  40. ihave joined northern railways as app. esm gr-2 in pay scale 1200-1800(4000-6000)in 02-12-1985 and after completig 1.5 yrs successfull trg. poted on 14-07-1987.i got my first promotion on 01-01-1992 as esm gr-1 in pay scale 4500-7000.I have joined N.rly H.Q as data entry operator in the pay scale 4500-7000 on dated 08-10-2001.and got 5000-8000 pay scale by virtue of Rly. Bd’s policy of re-organising the EDP Center and due to the merger of DEO & Sr. DEO i.e 4500-7000 &5000-8000 whether i am entitle for macp if yes from when. i will be highly above mentioed years i have done regular service

  41. how to fix the pay for individuals who have been granted MACP w.e.f.22/08/2010 in the Grade pay 4600 and subsequently promoted notionally w.e.f. 28/07/2010 in the same grade pay? please offer comments.

  42. I was appointed directly as UDC in Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan on 05.10.1988in the pay scale of Rs 1200-2900/-. Ihave been granted ACP with effect from 12.10.2000 in the pay scale of Rs 4500-125-7000/-, which is marged with the pay scale of Rs 5500-175-9000/- with effect from 01.08.2008 . From the date I am drawing grade pay of Rs 4200/- in revised scale under the implimentation of VI the Pay Commission. I have completed 20 years of my service as on 04.10.2008. What will be my grade pay consequent upon the grant of ACP with effect from 05.10.2008

  43. I joined as LDC in Indian Audit & Accounts Department on 8.8.1972 and promoted as Auditor in May 1974. On 1.3.1984 after restructuring of the organisation I was placed in 425 scale as Sr. Auditor. Sr. Auditor were in the scale of 5500-9000.Got my promotion as Supervisor in the scale of 6500-10500 in May 2002. In 6th cpc scale of 5500 and 6500 have been merged. As per rule 5 of the MACP rules promotion/financial upgradation allowed to the persons of merged scales would be ignored. Presently I am in the grade pay of Rs. 4800 as per govt. of India orders that the persons who got their promotion prior to 1.1.2006 in the scale of 6500-10500 are to be placed in the grade pay of 4800. Please let me know whether I am entitled for IIIrd MACP in the grade of 5400 with reference to Rule 5 wherein it was clarified that promotions/ACPS of merged scales would be ignore.

  44. Govt order dt 19/5/2009 provides that a “Screening Committee” is to be constituted to consider the eligibilty of the cases for grant of upgradation in MACP scheme. It also provides that the “screening committee” will have the composition of DPC for the cadre to which applicant belong [gr A,B,C etc). But how the screening committee will function has not been provided in the order. In Income Tax Dept the screening committee is examining five years ACR/APAR [some cases even 7/8 yrs] in the manner DPC is held during promotion. In case any yr’s ACR is missing, upgradation is being denied. Is the procedure followed correct? Comments invited.

  45. no pay fixation after MACP has been done and cleared till date by CDA, Pune. Please let the defence civilian employees of DGQA know the reason behind it. each and every body is loosing interest on arrears. Would CDA, Pune pay the bank interests on MACP Arrears?

  46. The pay of a group D official who was appointed on 05.09.1983 was fixed in the pay band PB1 Rs. 5200-20200 with grade pay Rs. 1800 as on 01.01.2006. He was due for 2nd ACP on completion of 24 years service on 5.9.2007, which was not granted then and is pending. Now, if we grant him financial upgradation, please clarify whether he should be given ACP w.e.f. 5.9.2007 or MACP w.e.f. 1.9.2008. If so, in which grade pay? The official retired on 31.10.2010.

  47. v rama mohan rao

    I joined as LDC in Indian Navy on 05 Aug 78. After Deptt. qualifying Deptt. exam I joined as Exr (equivalent to UDC cadre)on 01 Jul 88. I got promotion as CM in the year 2004. Now I have given IInd ACP. I have completed 30 years of Service by Aug 2008 from the initial joining of LDC which is counted for my pensionable service. As per VIth CPC those who have completed 30 yrs of Service are eligible for IIIrd ACP. Am I eligible for IIIrd ACP? Request clarify.

  48. i want to know that what is pay scale and grade pay of ind who conpleted 12 years service after 01 sep 2008 in 1st MACP and what is pay scale and grade pay of 2nd MACP before 01 Sep 2008, if a indl take 2nd macp then he will submit the application for DPC or not . what is the age for DPC

  49. I was appointed on 1-5-1985 as UDC and got 1st ACP wef from 9-8-1999. MACP is effective from 1-9-2008. Hope I will be considered for MACP with effect from 1-9-2008 as I have completed 20 years service as on 1-5-2005. In that case how my pay on MACP will be fixed, (first by arriving notional pay, then MACP pay)

    Anybody can clarify?

  50. Promotions earned/upgradation~ granted under the ACP Scheme in the past to those grades which now carry the same grade pay due to merger of pay scales/upgradations of posts recommended by the Sixth Pay Commission shall be
    ignored for the purpose of granting upgradations under Modified ACPS.As per this condition laid down in the MACP order,you are entitled to get third MACP with grade pay of 4600/-

  51. Sir/ Madam, I was appointed as LDC on May 1979. After serving as LDC for 11 years, I was promoted as UDC on January 1990. I served as UDC up to September 2003 and thereafter promoted as Head Clerk during September 2003. Thereafter, I was further promoted to the post of Office Superintendent during November 2008 without any financial/ fixation benefits as the Scale of Head Clerk (5000-8000, pre-revised) and Office Superintendent (Rs. 5500-9000, pre-revised) was clubbed together as per the recommendations of Sixth Central Pay Commission. At present I am drawing the Basic Pay of Rs. 12270/- + Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/-.

    Keeping the above facts and circumstances in view, you are requested to kindly clarify whether I am entitled for third financial upgradation (w.e.f. 01.5.2009 as I have completed 30 years of regular service and I have not been given any fanatical benefit/ benefit of fixation on promotion to the post of Office Superintendent due to clubbing of scales of Head Clerk and Office Superintendent) as per the newly introduced Scheme of MACP by the Government of India as per the recommendations of Sixth CPC.

  52. i was appointed as sub Insp in para military force in jan 1988 iin pay scale 1400-2300 in cpc . i got promotion on june 1992 as Insp in pay scale 1640-2300 (6500-10500) . i have not got any ACP/MACP till date except one promotion in june 1992.
    when i will get ACP/MACP/ scale of pay after upgradation . please clarify in detail . and please e mail it to ([email protected]) .thanx

  53. In Central Excise & Customs, Department, superintendents will be given grade pay of Rs. 5400/- in PB-2 on completion of 4 years in Supdt. It is to be considered as promotion in terms of MACP?

    2. the Grade pay of Rs. 5400/- in PB-2, Grade pay of Rs. 5400 in PB-3 are different, if so, if an employees granted next grade pay (from 5400/- of pb-2 to 5400/- of pb-3) an increment should be given in fixation.

    3. In this department, Inspector’s Grade pay : 4600, Supdt.’s 4800, after complition , 5400 in pb-2 granted, on completion of 30 years, the said employee is to be placed in 5400 in PB-3 or 6600 in PB-3.

  54. Sir, I joined as steno Gr. D in January 1985 after qualifying Departmental exam (October 1984). i got first ACP in 1997. Now, am i not eligible to 2nd ACP at least from 2007?

    Thanking You,

  55. I joined as LDC on 10.09.1984. I got 1st promotion on 03.03.1998. i.e. 13 years 5 months. Immediately, 10.09.2008 I got 2nd financial up gradation in the revised scale of Rs.9300-34800+4200 grade pay before implementation of MACP order, Keeping in view of cadre post of Head Clerk. But, after implementation of MACP on 01.09.2009 my Grade pay was revised to Rs. 2800/-
    Please clarify whether I got grade pay Rs. 2800/- as per MACP is correct or Rs.4200/- as per departmental cadre post is correct.

  56. Sir,
    Thanks for your timely reply. But, how to convince my department though I have insisted upon the lines they could not understand. Due to which I put heavy loss in my carrier. If there is any particular order about these, please mail me I will be very much thankful to you.

  57. you have been granted Grade Pay 4200 on 08.10.2008.The MACP order has been issued on 19-5-2009 .Though the Scheme would be operational from w.e.f.01-9-2008,In which it has been clearly clarified that no past cases would be re-opened. Hence it was not necessary to revise the grade pay to 2800/-

  58. I joined as LDC on 08.10.1984. I got 1st promotion on 06.08.2008. i.e. 23 years 11months. Immediately, 08.10.2008 I got 2nd financial up gradation in the revised scale of Rs.9300-34800+4200 grade pay before implementation of MACP order, Keeping in view of cadre post of Head Clerk. But, after implementation of MACP on 01.09.2009 my Grade pay was revised to Rs. 2800/-
    Please clarify whether I got grade pay Rs. 2800/- as per MACP is correct or Rs.4200/- as per departmental cadre post is correct.

  59. Iwas appointed as JE in scale 425-600 in 11-06-1985 and Ist ACP in august 1998 in the scale 6500-200 9000 in sixthpay commision I got GDd pay rs 4600 Now in II MACAP which Gd pay i willget my senior got gd pay 5400 but depart is giving gd pay of 4800 kindly suggest

  60. Respected Sir,

    Sub : Denial benefit of MACPS

    1. Initial appointed as Tech-III in Mar-92.
    2. First promotion after passing LDCE 25% as JE-II in Sept-98.
    3. GP-4200 fixed from 01-09-98.
    4. After completion of 10 years in same GP on 01-09-2008, due for my 1st MACPS benefit.
    5. At one side, As per Railway board’s letter RBE NO.36/2010 dt.25.02.2010, Entire Temporary Status service of substitutes and Casual labours whose 50% of the Temporary status service has treated as regular service and reckoning for MACPS.
    6. And other side, in my case “When a regular serving employee, promoted from Technician Gr.III to JE after passing departmental competitive examination and his without break promotional on job 78 weeks training in continuation of his regular service, not reckoning for MACPS due to not treated as Regular Service. This is very big discrimination.


    However this is purely financial up gradation scheme & it is related with GP only and it is clearly mentioned in MACPS RBE letter No.101/2009 dt.10.6.2009 Annx.I Para-I, that,
    “Financial up gradation under the scheme will be admissible whenever a person has spent 10 years continuously in Same Grade Pay”

    Therefore I request your honour for granting 1st financial up gradation w.e.f. Sept-2008 and obliged.

    Thanking you.

    Yours truly,

    ( JE / EL / TRD / BRC – W.Rly. )
    54th National Awardy – Mob.09227133493

  61. Subrata Thakur

    I was appointed as CG-11(Accounts Deptt. E/Rly)on 04.06.1986. and I was promoted as JAA on 9/1993 and subsequently I was promoted as AA 9/1997 . After that I opted for mutual transfer and joined N.F.Railway on 14.04.1998 as JAA.Once again I was promoted to AA on 11/1998.What will be my 3rd promotion under macp scheme as well as my fixation of pay and grade pay?

  62. 1. My 1st appointment in Railways in March-92 as Tech.
    2. Promoted after passing 25%LDCE as JE-II in Sept-98
    3. GP-4200 granted wef.Sept-98
    4. 10 years completed in same GP in Sept-2008
    5. But in continuation of my regular service my without
    break promotional training of 78 weeks not counted for

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