Minutes of NCJCM Meeting : Important Decisions from Staff Side Meeting with Secretary (Pension) on 25.02.2025

DoPT has issued Minutes of NCJCM Meeting held on 25.2.2025 under the under the chairmanship of Secretary (Pension) on the pension related matters

Minutes of NCJCM Meeting Held on 25.2.2025

F. No. 28/03/2025-P&PW(B)/JCM
भारत सरकार
कार्मिक, लोक शिकायत और पेंशन मंत्रालय
पेंशन और पेंशनभोगी कल्याण विभाग

लोकनायक भवन
खान मार्केट, नई दिल्ली
दिनांक 04.03.2025


Subject:- Minutes of the meeting with Staff Side of N.C. (JCM) held on 25.02.2025 under the chairmanship of Secretary (Pension) on the pension related matters-reg.

The undersigned is directed to forward herewith the minutes of the meeting with Staff Side of N.C. (JCM) held on 25.02.2025 at Lok Nayak Bhawan under the chairmanship of Secretary (Pension) on the pension related matters for information and further necessary action.

(S. Chakrabarti)
Under Secretary to Govt of India

All Participants (As Per list Attached)

Copy to
1.PSO to Secretary (Pension)
2.PPS to JS(Pensions)

Minutes of the meeting with the staff side of the National Council (JCM) held on 25.02.2025 under the Chairmanship of Secretary (Pension) in Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi.

A meeting with the staff side of National Council (JCM) was held on 25.02.2025 at 4:30 PM under the chairmanship of Sh. V. Srinivas, Secretary (Pension) to discuss the applicability of DoPPW OM dated 03.03.2023 to the employees appointed on compassionate grounds.

2.The meeting was attended by the Officers of DOPPW, Ministry of Railways led by Smt. Roopa Srinivasan, Member (Finance), Railway Board and delegation of staff side of National Council (JCM) led by Shri Shiva Gopal Mishra, Secretary. The list of participants is at Annexure I.

3.Secretary (Pension) welcomed the participants and invited the member from the staff Side as well as the official side to participate in the meeting with a free and frank approach, so that issues are appreciated and arrived at a solution.

4.Following issues were discussed during the meeting:-

(i) Applicability of DoPPW OM dated 03.03.2023 to the employees appointed on compassionate grounds – It was requested by the staff side that the facility of coverage under OPS be extended to compassionate ground appointees who had submitted their application before 01.01.2004 but were appointed after 01.01.2004. Further, it was highlighted that there is no Notification/Advertisement in the case of appointments on compassionate grounds.

Therefore, in order to extend the benefit of DoPPW OM dated 03.03.2023 to them, the date of their application for compassionate appointment may be treated as date of notification/advertisement. Accordingly, para 4 of the DoPPW’s OM dated 03.03.2023 may be revised. The proposal found favour from Ministry of Railways. Accordingly it was decided that inter-ministerial consultations with DOPT, DOLA, DFS and DOE, may be initiated on the subject.

(ii) The issue related to merger of the Railway (Pension) Rules, 1993 with the CCS(Pension) Rules, 2021 was discussed and it was requested that the same may be expedited. It was informed that the matter of merger of these rules continues to be under examination. The Ministry of Railways can separately initiate necessary amendments in the Railway (Pension) Rules 1993 as per felt-need on the subject.

The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.


List of participants attended the meeting held on 25.02.2025 under the Chairmanship of Secretary (Pension) with the National Council (staff side) of JCM:-

National Council (staff side) of JCM Official Side
Shri Shiva Gopal Mishra,Secretary, Smt. Roopa Srinivasan, Member (Finance), Railway Board
Dr. M. Raghavaiah, Leader Smt. Vandana Sharma, ED, Finance) (Establishment), Railway board
Shri Rupak Sarkar, Member Shri Dhrubajyoti Sengupta, Joint Secretary, DoPPW
Shri B.C. Sharma, Member Dr. Pramod Kumar, Director, DoPPW

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