Dear Sh Rajeev Chandrashekhar

You have been leading the fight for Defence Personnel both serving and ex-servicemen (ESM) inside and outside of Parliament and with every Government. ESM have appreciated your gesture of not accepting increased pay and perks of MP since last two years and your resolve that you will not accept the pay raise and perks till Government grants OROP for ex-servicemen.

IESM on behalf of ESM family thanks you for your unstinted support. OROP, one of the crucial demands of ESM, is close to approval. OROP has the approval of two Parliaments, all political parties and has been approved twice in the budget. Yet OROP notification has not been issued since last one year. The reason for this undue delay in issuing the notification is a common knowledge that Bureaucracy is not happy to give OROP to Armed Forces and veterans. The work on draft GL and the tables will start only after the approval of OROP by the Government. Raksha Mantri has extended full support to OROP and is personally monitoring the progress of the file.

This undue delay in issuance of notification is not good for morale of Ex-servicemen. They have started getting doubts on the Government’s resolve to give OROP. Government has missed three deadlines given to veterans for issuance of GL. Parliament session is about to start and Government will get busy in running the session and notification for OROP will get relegated to yet another date. IESM requests you and your friends to raise pertinent questions which will nail the Government to fixed dead line and Government is not permitted to give stereotype reply on OROP. Some of the questions which come to our mind are

Government has been giving stereotype reply since last three Parliament sessions that OROP is under consideration and will be given as and when it is formalized. Please give firm date for issuance of notification. Ambiguity on such an important demand of Armed Forces is having adverse impact on their morale.

As per principle of OROP a senior rank officer/JCO/OR will not be paid pension less than his junior. Will this aspect be the adhered to and OROP notification will include suitable safe guard for this?

Honorable courts have given many decisions in favor of Defence Personnel. Some of them have been complied with and only litigants have been given the benefits of court decision. Will GL include all decisions given by courts in favor of Defence Personnel whether litigants or not. This will ensure equal justice for all affected ESM and will also save Court’s time and Government’s time. It may be noted that non litigants if not included in GL will definitely move the courts and will get decision in their favor from AFT/High court /Supreme Court.

There are only very few Major rank officers who are drawing pension. Most of them are very senior and 75 and above. This group of officers needs sympathetic consideration as they had all put in service of more 20 years. This group needs to be given Lt Col basic pension with Major’s grade pay, since after 2004 officers with 13 years service one eligible for the rank of Lt Col . Most of them are pre – 96 retired. Government had denied giving them Lt Col pension. One Major Thomas pre 96 retiree has won the case and has been awarded Lt Col Pension. Lt Col pension with Major’s grade pay needs to be given to all Majors pre 96 or post 96 retiree. This will again save Government time on litigations by Majors.

Status of National War Memorial. When will the work start on it and when will nation pay homage to fallen soldier at the National Memorial?

Status of Ex-Servicemen Commission. Government to confirm that it will be headed and manned by Ex-servicemen and will have statutory powers to order Government departments for delay in actions.

Sh Rajeev ji, ESM are getting restive because of this undue delay and shifting of goal post on one pretext or other. IESM is worried that some of the local organizations may get disturbed and may deviate from the non-violent path of IESM and may resort to Rasta Roko or Rail Roko agitations. It will not be good for country and ESM. May I therefore request you to kindly meet PM/RM and confirm the latest position and issue a statement to sooth the nerves of the agitated ESM.

I am sure we will see some of the questions being raised in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha on the suggested lines in the coming session.

I will be grateful to get a reply giving plan of action and your advice for future course of action.

With regards,
Maj Gen Satbir Singh, SM (Retd)
Chairman IESM
Mob: +919312404269, 0124-4110570
Email : [email protected]


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13 thoughts on “DELAY IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ONE RANK ONE PENSION (OROP) – IESM letter to Sh Rajeev Chandrashekhar MP”

  1. Lt Col AP Singh

    I would like to request Lt Gen Kadyan (Retd) to go with the idea of many veterns who wish we should resort to some agitaion as used to be done earlier. The reason being why such statements were made by our Honourable Def Min that OROP will take afew months ,then came down a few weeks ,then a few days and lately told it will be annonced on 25 May and later told that it will be done on 26 May. It shows veterns have no selfrespect ,honour and soon. Why can,t they so no OROP it is a draem of past forget it. As Some one has reminded that PM has said in Kargil that he has singed the OROP before coming to Kargil. I strogly suggest we must not wait any more but resort to agitation . We are mently being harassed and cheated This should be either YES Or NO.

  2. Lt Col AP Singh

    I would like to request Lt Gen Kadyan (Retd) to go with the idea of many veterns who wish we should resort to some agitaion as used to be done earlier. The reason being why such statements were made by our Honourable Def Min that OROP will take afew months ,then came down a few weeks ,then a few days and lately told it will be annonced on 25 May and later told that it will be done on 26 May. It shows veterns have no selfrespect ,honour and soon. Why can,t they so no OROP it is a draem of past forget it. As Some one has reminded that PM has said in Kargil that he has singed the OROP before coming to Kargil. I strogly suggest we must not wait any more but resort to agitation . We are being mently being harassed and cheated This should be either YES Or NO.

  3. R. Natarajan

    Both houses have already approved and amount has also been allotted for OROP. HSC has also directed UOI to implement OROP. So, non implementation of OROP by UOI is a case of Deficiency in service for which we should file a fresh case in the court of law. It may be noted a case of contempt of court is already in file in AFT.

  4. Respected Chandrasekhar saheb! Today is 24th. Now what course of action you propose to take on orop. We are fed up.

  5. Major J Kishore

    Someone please tell me whether OROP is only for PBOR or it includes officer pensioners.

  6. Maj Sudesan

    The OROP is personally accepted and announced by the honourable PM at several occasions. The honourable DM gave many dates in past to impliment the OROP.We failed to understand the actual reasons of non implimentation in spite of the assurance by the head of the Govt. We are feeling disgusted and betrayed. The resentment amongst the veteran is getting viral and it may damage the image of the govt and BJP. We all veterans whole heartedly supported the BJP during last general election and we would still keep supporting BJP in future too. But the BJP and it’s Govt should not forget the commitment and promise made to Defense fraternity as regard to OROP.Many a times it is said that the OROP is this govt’s first priority. But it is slipping into different scale of priority which is a sore pont for veterans. Please do not further delay it. JAI HIND.

  7. It is conformed that previous and present governments are following the formula of ‘use and throw’the soldier’s youthfulness, they never botherd how soldiers are living after sacrificing their dynamic body strengh for saving the nation from enimy

  8. Kathani karni me hai fark jahan; dharma nahin pakhand wahan. We had great admiration for defence minister but sorry we are wrong. He is also the same as others. He is also fooling us. We feel pain to see their character and honour for own words. We have not heard any reaction of our SUPREME COMMANDER REGARDING DELAY TACTICS of his govt. He is also seems helpless.

  9. let us wait till 26.5.2015 for issuing of GL on orop if we donot get possitive result let show our sadness threw by wearing black badges throuwout india till the PM understands our problem

  10. Respected Rajeev Chandrashekharji M P. I have read and heard a lot about your cause of defence personnel and the veterans. Sir; may I put before you the level of anxiety the veterans are suffering from. The deteriorating morale of the veterans has direct bearing on the morale of the serving personnel. May please place this aspect before the Prime Minister. The more they are delaying in issuance of notification on orop the more it is damaging the govt. Ofcourse some beuraucrats are against this but such officials are undermining the gravity of damages it is causing on the morale of service personnel since they are also to retire one day and the treatment they foresee to get from these beuraucrates. Thanks and regards.

  11. H/Capt Anil Kumar Mahato

    All ESM are eagerly awaiting for the issuance of Government Letter. Due to delay in issuance of GL, all Ex-servicemen are dis-heartened and loosing their faith with the present Government. Therefore, our humble request to the Government of India, Ministry of Defence that they must issue GL at the earliest, giving in details about payment modalities of OROP.

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