Central Civil Services Cultural and Sports Board has been conducting Sports and Cultural Events and Competitions for central Government employees and their wards. The regional Boards and Contact Number details is provided below
Employees and other users of the facilities may approach the following officer(s) if their grievances are not redressed by the field staff of the Board or commitments made in this Charter are not fulfilled:-
Secretary,CCSCSB(Telephone No.24624204(O)
Chief Welfare Officer(Telephone No.24625562(O)
All India Civil Services Music, Dance Competition is held in March 2020 and the contact number and email address details also provided below
The Central Civil Services Cultural & Sports Board is the nodal agency for promotion of Sports and Cultural activities amongst Central Government Employees. Established in 1964 as the Central Secretariat Club, the initial objective of the Board was promotion of sports and cultural activities amongst the Central Secretariat employees in Delhi only.
However, in course of time, in order to cater to the needs of the Central Government employees located outside Delhi, Regional Sports Boards were set up in Cities where the number of Central Government employees was more than one thousand. At present, there are 18 Regional Sports Boards(called Central Civil Services Regional Board for Culture and Sports). The details of these Regional Sports Boards are as under:-

2.The Board is a society registered under the Registeration of Societies Act, 1860 . It works under the aegis and control of Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Department of Personnel & Training. Secretary(P) is the ex-officio President of the Board. The names of the Members as on 01.06.2014 of the Board are given in Annexure-I.
3.To carry out its activities the Board receives annual grants-in-aid from the Department of Personnel and Training. The Board passes one part of this aid to the regional sports Board. An important area of activity of the Board is to organise various sports events. Inter-Ministry tournaments in 19 disciplines of sports and competitions in cultural activities are conducted by the Board in Delhi annually. Rules/Regulations for participants in the Inter-Ministry tournaments are given in Annexure-II. In addition, the All India Civil Services(AICS) Tournaments in the following sports/cultural events are jointly organised by the Board with the co-operation of state/UT Governments/RSBs:-
- Athletics
- Badminton
- Basketball
- Bridge
- Carrom
- Chess
- Cricket
- Football
- Hockey
- Kabaddi
- Music, Dance & Drama
- Powerlifting & Weightlifting
- Swimming
- Table Tennis
- Tennis
- Volleyball
- Wrestling
4.The allocation for holding these Tournament is decided by the Board after ascertaining the convenience and choice of the State/UT Governments/RSB. Part of the expenditure for conduction the AICS tournaments is met by the Board @ Rs.150/- per person per day for actual days of the tournaments (including one day before and one day after the Tournament/Meet). These tournaments not only provide an opportunity for a healthy competition amongst Central Government/States Governments employees, but also help foster National integration. Rules/regulations for participation in the AICS tournament are given in Annexure-III..
5.Eligibility of Players: The civilian employees of the Central Government working in Ministries and their attached subordinate offices located in Delhi, New Delhi including those in Armed Forces Headquarters(Civilian only), Railway, CAG, DGP&T,Customs and Excise will be eligible for selection to the Central Secretariat team. Civilian personnel working in the offices of Heads of Cenral Police Organisations like CRPF, BSF etc, can also be included in the Central Secetariat team subject to the condition that they are not eligible to participate in the Police Meets.
The State Governments/Union Territories can select their teams from the employees serving in regular departments including educational institutions but not from Semi-Government or autonomous bodies or State Public Undertakings or similar offices. They can also include in their teams the civilian personnel working at Headquarters office of the State I.G. of Police provided such persons are not eligible to participate in the police Meets .
The Regional Sports Boards may include in their team the Civilian Personnel belonging to local Audit, Accounts, Excise, Customs and Income Tax Offices etc. except the employees of Autonomous Bodies/Undertakings. In addition they may also include civilian staff working in the office of Heads of Central Police Organisations in their regions who are ineligible to participate in the police Meets). Professional coaches although variously designated like Sports Offices, Instructors, etc .employed in Physical Training Institutions etc.
6.Non-Eligible Categories: The following categories will, however, not be eligible to take part in the All India Civil Services(AICS) tournaments.
Professional and hired artists are not allowed to take part in the AICS Drama Competitions.
A Newly recruited sportsman/artist will not allowed to take part in the AICS tournament unless he has put in a minimum service of 6 months in the regular establishment/service before the commencement of the tournament/competition.
Government employees attached to offices, on temporary duty. Uniformed personnel in Services/Para Military/Police/RPf. Casual/ Daily wage workers.
Public Sector Undertakings and Banks.
7.Each competing team must submit in the prescribed proforma, the names of the participants who will represent the team in the tournament. Complete list of players must be sent simultaneously to the host state and Secretary, Central Civil Services Cultural and Sports Board 15 days before the Start of the tournament . Before taking part in the tournament, the teams shall produce a certificate from their respective State Governments/Heads of the Department certifying that the participating players of their teams are eligible to play in terms of foregoing rules.
8.Entry Fee: There will be no entry fee for the tournament.
9.Facilities to be provided/Expenses to be borne by the host State.
The teams coming from outstation will be provided with the following facilities by host state:
i.Conduct the matches and bear all expenses towards ground charges. Officials/Referees/ Umpires/Mat Chairman etc. and other expenses in connection with the prize distribution ceremony. On demand from the Host State, the Board may make appropriate arrangements to provide Referees/Umpires etc. for the tournament/competition on payment of cost by the Host State. The Host State shall not engage Referees/Umpires etc. from Delhi/New Delhi without prior permission of Secretary, Central Civil Services Sports and Cultural Board.
ii. (a) Free lodging at the place of tournament for the period commencing not more than one day before the team is scheduled to play its first match and ending not more than one day after its last match in the tournament.
(b) The teams coming from far off places involving railway journey exceeding 24 hours may on demand be allowed the facility of arriving not more than two days before their first fixture.
iii. Free conveyance from the railway station to the place of stay and back.
iv. Free conveyance from the place of stay to the play-ground and back on their match days.
v. Provide tea to the participating teams including their Managers and Officials on match days for Cricket tournament only.
vi. Provide facilities for practice.
vii. Provide medical facilities to the participating teams as and when required.
viii. Issue certificate of participation to the participants.
ix. Provide as far as possible, necessary facilities for rail reservation for the return journey of the outstation teams.
x. Send order of events/copy of the draws well in time to the participating organisation (at least 15 days in advance) to enable participating teams to arrange their rail reservation etc.Facilities to be provided by CCSCSB.
(i) All Trophies and Prizes shall by provided by the Central Civil Services Sports and Cultural Board.
(ii) Central Civil Services Sports and Cultural Board will give a grant to the Organising State at the rate of Rs.150/- per person per day for actual days of tournament (including one day prior to and one day after the meet)The grant will be reimbursed to the State Government after completion of All India Civil Services tournaments on submission of documents as required by the ‘Board’.
11.Responsibilities of Participants:
(i) The participants will arrange to bear the cost of their boarding at the venue.
(ii) Will maintain strict discipline on and off the field and will also ensure that the team returns as soon as their presence is no longer required at the venue of the tournament consequent upon not reaching the next qualifying stage.
(iii) If the Organising State/UT Government makes arrangement for food at the place of stay the members of the team are bound to take the food under the centralised arrangements made by the Organisers and pay for the same.
12.The draw for the All India Civil Services tournaments will be made out by the host State, keeping in view where necessary the previous year’s Winners and ‘Runners’ are so arranged as to avoid any undue strain on the participating teams/players. The losing semi-finalists may be kept in different halves.
13.Duration of tournament: The duration of the tournament may be fixed/changed keeping in view the number of entries and the feasibility of completing the tournament within that period.
14.The date and the time for each match shall be communicated to the teams before hand. The Committee, however, reserves the right to change by itself or through its nominee, at short notice, the date time and venue of any match
15.The competing teams shall be required to reach the ground at least fifteen minutes before the scheduled time of play. Any team failing to take the field within five minutes after the scheduled time may be scratched out.
16.Referees’ decision shall be final and binding on the competing teams. In case of any team/teams walking off the fields of play or not resuming play after the interval, the team concerned shall be disqualified for future participation in the tournament.
17.Protest, if any, must be lodged in writing with the Secretary of the Board/Tournament Committee or his nominee within an hour after the expiry of the match to which the protest relates and must be accompanied by a protest fee of Rs.300/- (Rupees three hundred only) in cash which will not refunded unless the protest is ultimately upheld by the Committee. The protest fee wherever forfeited on account of rejection of the protest will be deposited with the ‘Board’ after the conclusion of the tournament. No protest, however, will be entertained against any decision of an Umpire/Referee except on technical grounds. In all cases the decision of the Committee shall be final and binding.
18.In the event of similarity of colours between two opposing teams, the Committee or its nominee may, prior to the commencement of the match, make one of the teams to change its colour.
19.In all cases not covered by the above rules the decision of CCSCSB or by an Official/Committee authorised by it shall be final and binding. The Board reserves the right to amend or alter any of the rules at any time, if necessary.
20.The foregoing rules shall, ipso facto, be binding upon all the teams competing in the AICS tournaments. (REF. No.20/12/88CCSCSB dated 3.10.1988 – Department of Personnel & Training)
Besides organising AICS tournaments, the Board conducts Inter-Ministry tournaments in 19 disciplines of sports, every year. In addition to this, Inter-Ministry competitions in short play, Music and Dance, are held annually.
At Present Following are the Members of the Board:
S.No | Name | Designation | Whether Ex-Officio or Nominated |
1. | Shri Sanjay Kothari |
Secretary Department of Personnel & Training |
President (Ex-Officio) |
2. | Shri. Ajay Narayan Jha |
Additional Secretary Department of Expenditure | Ex-Officio |
3. | Ms Sanjeevanee Kutty |
Additional Secretary & Financial Advisor Ministry of Home Affairs | Ex-Officio |
4. | Shri Injeti Srinivas |
Director General Sport Authority of India | Ex-Officio |
5. | Shri Onkarmal Kedia |
Joint Secretary, Department of Sports | Ex-Officio |
6. | Ms Arvind Manjit Singh |
Joint Secretary(Culture) Department of Culture | Ex-Officio |
7. | Shri. Devesh Chaturvedi |
Joint Secretary (S&V-I) Department of Personnel & Training | Ex-Officio |
8. | Shri N. Sriraman |
Chief Welfare Officer Department of Personnel & Training | Ex-Officio |
9. | Shri Abhay Jain |
Secretary (CCSCSB) Department of Personnel & Training | Member Secretary |
The following criteria have been laid down for participation in the Inter-Ministry tournaments:
i. Civilian persons working in Ministries of Central Government including those working in the attached and subordinate Offices located at Delhi/New Delhi will be eligible for participation in the Inter-Ministry Tournaments. For this purpose there will be only one team from each Ministry. The Ministry may include in their team persons working in the attached and subordinate offices located at Delhi/New Delhi put entry will be given to only one team e.g. Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation can filed one team in which players from DGCA, DG Tourism etc. can participate.
ii.Persons working in Corporations, Public Sector Undertaking like FCI, LIC, DTC etc. will not be eligible to participate in the Inter-Ministry Tournaments.
iii.Persons working in autonomous organisations like UPSC. Election Commission, C&AG’s Office etc. can send an independent team.
iv. Only those employees who are regular Government employees either permanent or temporary and who have been employed for six months continuously will be eligible. However, those employees who are transferred from other station but are regular employees are eligible to participate irrespective of the time when they joined the office at Delhi/New Delhi. Persons employed on daily wages or on ad-hoc basis or those on temporary duty will not be eligible for participation in the Inter-Ministry Tournaments.
v. Uniformed Services/Police/Para Military personnel are not eligible. Ministries/Departments have to keep in view the above said instructions while forwarding the entry of their Ministry in the tournament. In case, at any stage, if it is found that a player included in the team is not eligible, the team could stand automatically disqualified from the tournament.
Participating teams should invariably be accompanied by an officer of the rank of Under-Secretary or above as Manager of various teams. It is noted that once the entry for a team has been forwarded, the team should participate in the tournament and should not withdraw or stay away from participation. Such an act on the part of the players may be deemed as an act of indiscipline and the Ministries/Departments may take necessary disciplinary action. (Circular No.20/1/1988-CCSCSB, Department of Personnel and Training)
The ‘Board’ has a sports complex at Vinay Marg, New Delhi having facilities for Foot-ball, Hockey, Cricket, Athletics, and practice pitches. Apart from this the ‘Board’ also owns Tennis Courts at Vinay Marg Bharti Nagar, R.K.Puram and Brassey Avenue and two Volleyball Courts at North Block ground and one at Brassey Avenue in New Delhi.
Incentives and Facilities to the Participants:
To encourage and improve the standard of participation in the sports, the ‘Board’ has the following incentives schemes for the Central Government employees:-
i. ‘Board’ gives cash awards of Rs.2500/- and Rs.1000/- respectively to any Central Government employees, who gets First, Second or Third Position in national events. The employees, who win medals in International events are given cash awards of twice the amounts admissible for national events.
ii.Cash award of Rs.1000/- or Rs.500/- respectively to the winners of First, Second or Third position in any veteran Championship.
iii. Special prizes in cash or kind to those employees who obtain First, Second and Third positions in the All India Civil Services Tournaments.
Following facilities are further available to the Central Government servants for participation in sporting events and tournament of national or international importance.
Special Casual leave is granted to Central Government Servants for a period not exceeding 30 days in any one calendar year for:
1.Participating in sporting events of national/international importance;
i.Coaching/administration of teams participating in sporting events of national/international importance;
ii.Attending coaching or training camps under Rajkumari Amrit Kaur coaching scheme or similar All India coaching or training schemes;
iii. Attending coaching or training camps at the National Institute of Sports, Patiala;
iv. Participation in mountaineering expeditions;
v. Attending coaching camps in sports organised by National Sports Federation/Sports Boards recognized by All India Council of Sports.
Participating in trekking expeditions.
2. Special Casual leave is also granted to Central Government servants for a period not exceeding 10 days in any one calendar year for participating in Inter-Ministerial and Inter-Departmental tournaments and sporting events held in and outside Delhi.
3. On the case of Central Government servants who are selected for participating in sporting events of national/international importance, the period of the actual days on which they participate in the events as also the time spent in travelling to and from such tournament/meets may be treated as on duty. Further if any per-participation Coaching Camp is held in connection with the above mentioned events and the Government servant is required to attend the same, this period may also be treated as on duty. Consequently the existing provisions regarding grant of special Casual leave for the purposes mentioned in this behalf may be treated as cancelled.
4.The quantum of Special Casual leave for a period not exceeding 30 days in the calendar year allowed to Central Government employees, for purposes indicated at items (iii) to (vi) in para 1 above, will also cover their attending the pre-selection trials/camps connected with sporting events of national/international importance.
5.The Central Government employees who are selected for participating in sporting events of national/international importance within India, may be allowed to travel by First Class by train. In the case of events of international importance held outside India, they may be entitled to travel by economy class by air.
6. (i) The number of increments to be awarded for achieving excellence in National events should be laid down at a scale lower than for excellence in international events, say one increment for National event and two increments for International events.
ii. The total number of increments to be awarded to an individual should not exceed five in is/her entire career.
iii. The increments so granted would continue to be drawn at the same rate till retirement but this will not count for any matter like retirement benefits or DA/CCA etc.(O.M.No.6/1/85-Estt.(Pay-I) dated 16th July, 1985 Department of Personnel and Training, Government of India)
The Central Government Employees, who participate in Cultural activities like dance, drama, music poetic symposium etc. of an All India or Inter-State character, organised by the CCSCSB or on its behalf, are entitled to special casual leave not exceeding thirty days in any calendar year. Such special casual leave will, however, not be admissible for practice, or for participation in cultural activities organised locally.(O.M.No.27/3/68-Estt.(B), dated June 1969, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India)
Similarly the Central Government employees are allowed special casual leave not exceeding fifteen days for participating in regional, national or international cultural programmes organised by the Government of India or Government sponsored bodies. This special casual leave will, however, not be admissible for practice in connection with such cultural activities.
The term “Government Sponsored Body” denotes institutions and organisations substantially controlled by the Government and which receive substantial assistance from the Government in the form of grant-in-aid. (O.M. No.28016/1/87-Estt.(A) dated 9.9.1987, Department of Personnel and Training).
Name of the Tournaments: The name of the tournament shall be All India Civil Services Tournament/Competition and shall be organised or held under the auspices of the CENTRAL CIVIL SERVICES CULTURAL AND SPORTS BOARD, Department of Personnel and Training, New Delhi.
Tournament Committee: The tournament shall be conducted by the Tournament Committee appointed for the purpose by the Central Civil Services Cultural and Sports Board/State/UT Government/RSB and here-after referred to as ‘Committee’.
Venue of Tournament: The tournaments shall be held to be decided by the CCSCSB Board/Organising State/UT Governments/RSBs.
Eligibility of Teams:
i.The Central Secretariat,
ii. The State Governments,
iii. Union Territories,
iv. 21 Regional Sports Boards under the aegis of the Central Civil Services Sports Boards can enter one team each in the tournament. No teams other than the above 4 categories will be eligible for participation. The following are the Regional Sports Boards:
- RSB Bangalore
- RSB Bhubaneshwar
- RSB Chandigarh
- RSB Chennai
- RSB Cochin
- RSB Dehradun
- RSB Faridabad
- RSB Hyderabad
- RSB Imphal
- RSB Indore
- RSB Jaipur
- RSB Jallandhar
- RSB Kanpur
- RSB Kolkata
- RSB Mumbai
- RSB Patna
- RSB Raipur
- RSB Ranchi
- RSB Shillong
- RSB Srinagar
- RSB Ahmedabad
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