Departmental Promotion Council Procedure – DoPT OM Dated 08.02.2002
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
New Delhi – 110 001
February 8, 2002
Subject: -Procedure to be observed by Departmental Promotion Committees (DPCs) – No supersession in ‘selection’ promotion – Revised guidelines regarding.
The undersigned is directed to invite reference to the Department of Personnel and Training (DoP&T) Office Memorandum (O.M.) No.2201L/5/S6- Estt(D) dated March 10, 1989 and O.M. of even number dated April 10, 1989 [as amended by O.M.No.22011/S/91-Estt(D) dated March 27, 1997] which contain the instructions on the Departmental Promotion Committees (DPCs) and related matters. In regard to the ‘selection’ mode or promotion (‘selection-cum-seniority’ and ‘selection by merit’), the aforesaid instructions prescribe the guidelines (as briefly discussed in paragraph 2 below) for overall ‘grading’ to be given by the DPC, ‘bench-mark’ for assessment of performance and the moaner in which the ‘select panel’ has to be arranged for promotions to various levels of post/grade.
2. Existing Guidelines
2.1 As per the existing (aforementioned) instructions, in promotions up to and excluding the level in the pay-scale of (excepting promotions to Group ‘A’ posts/services from the lower group), if the mode happens to be then the bench-mark prescribed is ‘good’ and officers obtaining the said bench-mark are arranged in the select panel in the order of their seniority in the lower (feeder) grade. Thus, there is no supersession among those who meet the said bench-mark. Officers getting a grading lower than the prescribed bench-mark (‘good’) are not empanelled for promotion,
2.2 In the case of promotions from lower Groups to Group ‘A’ , while the mode of promotion happens to be ‘selection by merit’, the bench-mark prescribed is ‘good’ and only those officers who obtain the said bench-mark are promoted in the order of merit as per grading obtained. Thus, officers getting a superior grading supersede those getting lower grading. In other words, an officer graded as ‘outstanding’ supersedes those graded as ‘very good’ and an officer graded as ‘very good’ supersedes officers graded as ‘good’. Officers obtaining the same grading are arranged in the select panel in the order of their seniority in the lower grade. Those who get a grading lower than the prescribed bench-mark (‘good’) are not empanelled for promotion.
2.3 In promotions to the level in the pay-scale of and above, while the mode of promotion is ‘selection by merit’, the bench-mark prescribed is and only those officers who obtain the said bench- mark are promoted in the order of merit as per the grading obtained, officers getting superior grading supersede those getting lower grading as explained in paragraph 2.2 above. Officers obtaining the same grading are arranged in the select panel in the order of their seniority in the lower grade. Those Who get a grading lower than the prescribed bench-mark every good’) are not empanelled for promotion
3. Revised Guidelines
The aforementioned guidelines which permit supersession in ‘selection’ promotion (‘selection by merit’) have been reviewed by the Government and after comprehensive/extensive examination Of relevant issues it has been decided that there should be no supersession in matter of ‘selection’ (merit) promotion at any level. In keeping with the said decision, the following revised promotion norms/ guidelines, in partial modification (to the extent relevant for the purpose of these instructions) of all existing instructions on the subject (as referred to in paragraph 1 above) are prescribed in the succeeding paragraphs for providing guidance to the Departmental Promotion Committees (DPCs).
3.1 Mode of Promotion
In the case of ‘selection’ (merit) promotion, the hitherto existing distinction in the nomenclature (‘selection by merit’ and ‘selection-cum- seniority’) is dispensed with and the mode of promotion in all such cases is rechristened as ‘selection’ only. The element of selectivity (higher or lower) shall be determined with reference 10 the relevant bench-mark (“Very Good” or “Good”) prescribed for promotion.
3.2 ‘Bench-mark’ for promotion
The DPC shall determine the merit of those being assessed for promotion with reference to the prescribed bench-mark and accordingly grade the officers as ‘fit’ or ‘unfit’ only. Only those who are graded ‘fit’ (i.e. who meet the prescribed bench-mark) by the DPC shall be included and arranged in the select panel in order to their inter-se seniority in the feeder grade. Those officers who are graded ‘unfit’ (in terms of the prescribed bench-mark) by the DPC shall not be included in the select panel. Thus, there shall be no supersession in promotion among those who are graded ‘fit’ (in terms of the prescribed bench-mark) by the DPC.
3.2.1 Although among those who meet the prescribed bench-mark, inter-se seniority of the feeder grade shall remain intact, eligibility for promotion will no doubt be subject to fulfilment of all the conditions laid down in the relevant Recruitment/Service Rules, including the conditions that one should be the holder of the relevant feeder post on regular basis and that he should have rendered the prescribed eligibility service in the feeder post.
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