DOPT Guidelines for amendment,framing and relaxation of Recruitment Rules

DOPT Guidelines for amendment,framing and relaxation of Recruitment Rules

No. AB.14017/48/2010-Estt..(RR)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)

New Delhi the 31st December, 2010


Sub: Revision of guidelines for framing / amendment / relaxation of Recruitment Rules.

The undersigned is directed to state that instructions on framing / amendment of Recruitment Rules were issued in a consolidated form in this Department’s OM No. AB.14017/12/87-Estt.(RR) dated 18.3.1988. Subsequently, a number of orders and clarifications have been issued on the subject.

2. The existing instructions have been reviewed in consultation with UPSC and consolidated in the form of “Guidelines on framing / amendment / relaxation of recruitment rules”, a copy of which is enclosed. The number and the date of original OM has been referred in the relevant instructions for easy reference to the context. The Guidelines on framing / amendment / relaxation of recruitment rules along with the relevant instructions and existing model RRs are available on the DoPT website* in the dynamic form of Handbook on Recruitment Rules, 2010.

2. Hindi Version will follow.

(Smita Kumar)
Director (E-I)

Click to View : DOPT  Guidelines for framing / amendment / relaxation of Recruitment Rules

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