As per the recommendation of 7th CPC , the erstwhile allowances like washing allowance, uniform allowance etc were subsumed and named as dress allowance and paid to central government employees working in Railway, Defence and Postal. The orders and clarifications issued by various ministries in respect of Dress Allowance are provided below
Consequent upon decisions by Central Government on the recommendations of the Seventh Central pay Commission, in supersession of the existing orders relating to Uniform related Allowances viz Clothing Allowance, Initial Equipment Allowance, Kit Maintenance Allowance, Robe Allowance, Robe Maintenance Allowance, Shoe Allowance, Uniform Washing Allowance which have been subsumed in a single Dress Allowance, the Finance ministry has issued order [ Read the Order ] to announce the rates of Dress Allowance in r/o the following categories of Central Government employees as under.

2. Allowances related maintenance, washing of Uniforms are subsumed in Dress Allowance and will not be payable separately.
3. Further categories of staff were earlier being provided Uniforms, will hence forth not be provided With uniforms
4 The amount of Dress Allowance shall be credited to the salary of employees directly once a year in the month of July.
5. This allowance covers only the basic uniform of the employees. Any special clothing like that provided at Siachen Glacier or inside submarine or fluorescent clothing provided to Trackmen or Indian Railways or to IB personnel posted at high altitudes will continue to be provided by concerned Ministry as per existing norms
6.Outfit Allowance paid to Indian Foreign Service officers and employees will continue to be provided as before, is enhanced by 50%.
7.The rates of Dress Allowance go up by 25% each time Dearness Allowance rise by 50%.
8.These orders shall take effect from 01st July, 2017.
9 Separate orders will be issued by Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of railways, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Ministry of External Affairs, Department of Revenue, Department of Personnel and Training and cabinet Secretariat in respect of employees of these Ministries and Departments
Dress Allowance to Defence Civilians
No.AT/II/2366/Dress Allowance/Vol-I
Dated 31 Dec 2018
The PCA(Fys)
Subject: Payment of Dress Allowance: Civ Emp.
Consequent upon the implementation of 7th CPC, Uniform Allowance/ Washing Allowance/ Stitching Charges/Shoe Allowance etc have been subsumed in Dress Allowance. The order on the same was notified vide DoPT OM No. F. No. 14/4/2015-JCA 2 dated 31.08.2017. During the course of compliance of ibid DoPT OM by controllers, this HOrs has received several references on the below mention points:
(a) Whether, in the absence of any letter/authority from the concerned unit regarding the categories to whom the dress was supplied earlier (before 7th CPC), the Dress Allowance can also be admitted in audit for Non- Industrial person as per DoPT OM dated 31.08.2017.
(b) Whether Dangries, which is a protective cloth provided to Industrial person of MES/AOC, can be admitted in audit under Dress Allowances as per DoPT OM dated 31.08.2017.
(c) If Dress Allowance is not admissible to the industrial personnel in MES for overall combination (Dangri), whether washing allowance which was in vogue, is to be continued or otherwise.
The issue has been examined at this HQrs and the following is advised:
(a) While dealing with the grant of Dress Allowance in terms of DoPT OM dated 31.08.2017 and to ascertain the categories of employees to whom the dress was supplied prior to the implementation of 7th CPC, a certificate. which includes all conditions prior to the implementation of 7th CPC, a certificate. which includes all conditions mentioned in DoPT OM dated 31.08.2017, may be obtained from the claimant unit along with the bills.
Grant of Dress Allowance to MES Employees
(b) Regarding the Dress Allowance to MES/AOC employees to whom Dangri is issued and were granted ‘washing allowance’ of Rs. 24/- per month, E-in-C branch has been approached vide this HQrs letter 25.10.2018 to provide a list of Uniforms duly classified as Basic Uniform and Special Clothing being provided to MES Employees. In response, HQ MES. vide their letter- B/20943/LIV/GEN/EIC(2)/53 dated 22 Nov 2018, has intimated that a case has been taken up with MoD regarding grant of Dress Allowance to Industrial Personnel of MES and decision/ sanction is awaited (copy enclosed)
However, as regards to Gp ‘C’ and Gp D staff of MES. it has been intimated that various items of liveries were being provided to them has been stopped and they are entitled for Dress Allowance as per DOPT OM No. 14/4/2005-JCA-2 dated 31 Aug 2017. Therefore, the Dress Allowance to MES personnel may be regulated in accordance with HQ MES ibid letter.
This issues with the approval of Jt CGDA(P&W).
(Ashish Yadav)
Stoppage of Washing Allowance to MES Employees
Director General (Pers)/EIC
HQ Military Engineer Services
Engineer-in-Chief’s Branch
Kashmir House, Rajaji Marg,
New Delhi-110011
22 Nov 2018
Office of the CGDA
Ulan Batar Road, Palam
Delhi Cantt – 110010 .
l. Reference your letter No AT/II/2366/Dress Allowance/Vol-I dated 25 Oct 2018
It is intimated that various items of liveries for Summer and Winter were being provided to the Gp ‘C’ and erstwhile Gp ‘D’ staff (CMD, Peon, Daftry, Chow & Safaiwala etc.) of MES which has been stopped after the issue of Govt of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, (Department of Personnel & Training) Establishment (JCA-2) Section F No. 14/4/2015-JCA-2 dated 31 Aug 2017 received vide Ministry of Defence, Deptt of Defence, D (Civ-II) ID No. 18/3/2008/D (Civ-II) dated 20 Oct 2017. Hence, they are entitle for Dress Allowance as per the directions given in ibid letter.
Moreover, a case regarding grant of Dress Allowance to Industrial Personnel of MES is taken up with MoD and on receipt of their decision/sanction the same will be communicated to all concerned.
(Sanjay Garg)
Col .
Dir (Pers) EIC
Ce For E-in-C
Grant of Dress Allowance to Railway Employees
File No. PC-V11/2018/117/5/1 Dated: 20.06.2019 [ See the Order ]
The General Managers/ CAOs(R),
All Indian Railways and Production Units,
Subject: Clarification and recommendations sought regarding admissibility of Dress Allowance to various categories.
Consequent to implementation of 7th CPC vide Board’s Letter bearing RBE No. 141/2017 dt. 03.10.2017 regarding grant of Dress Allowance to the personnel previously being granted Uniforms and certain associated Allowances like Uniform Allowance, Washing Allowance, Shoe Allowance, Kit Maintenance Allowance etc., several representations and letters seeking clarifications regarding admissibility of Dress Allowance to certain categories in Indian Railways have been received in this office.
In this respect, it is clarified that RBE 141/2017 details the rules and modalities governing the grant of Dress Allowance as well as the categories eligible for it and the corresponding rates. The categories recommended for the grant of Dress Allowance are as follows:

(a) The personnel of the said category should be required to wear a specific uniform daily (excluding any special clothing) as a part of their duty as specified by the Dress Regulations of Ministry of Railways.
(b) The personnel of the said category should have had been receiving uniform material and associated Allowances like Uniform Allowance, Washing Allowance, Kit Maintenance Allowance, Shoe Allowance etc. prior to 1st July, 2017 i.e. date of admissibility of Dress Allowance.
(c) The personnel of the said category should have ceased to be granted the uniform materials and associated allowances w.e.f. the date of issue of RBE 141/2017.
It is clarified that only the categories fulfilling all the above criteria are eligible for Dress Allowance. No new category not fulfilling all the above criteria has been included within the ambit of Dress Allowance and are hence NOT ELIGIBLE for the grant of the same. Further, no proposal to review the eligibility criteria or the categories eligible for the Dress Allowance is underway in Board’s Office.
Any decision regarding deciding the admissibility of any category for the grant of Dress Allowance may be taken in view of the clarifications provided above under intimation to Board’s Office.
Dress Allowance to Postal Employees
Rates of Dress Allowance to the Nursing Personnel in 7th pay Commission
Subject: Dress Allowance to the Nursing Personnel – Implementation of the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission – regarding
Consequent upon the decision taken by the Government of India on the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission, in supersession of the existing orders relating to Uniform allowance and Washing Allowance, which have been subsumed in a single Dress Allowance, the President is pleased to decide the rates of Dress Allowance at the rate of Rs. 1800/- per month in respect of the Nursing Personnel of all categories at all levels working in Central Government / UT Hospitals / Institutions and Centrally funded autonomous Bodies like AIIMS, New Delhi, PGIMER, Chandigarh, JIPMER, Pondicherry etc., subject to the following conditions.
i. Allowance related to washing of Uniform are subsumed in Dress Allowance and will not be payable separately.
ii. The amount of Dress Allowance shall be credited to the salary of the employees directly once a year in the month of July.
iii. This allowance will not be treated as a part of pay as already decided vide Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Oder No. Z-28015 / 86 / 97-N dated 28th July, 1998.
2. The rates of Dress Allowance will go up by 25% each time Dearness Allowance rises by 50%.
3. The revised rates of allowances shall be admissible with effect from the 1st of July, 2017.
[ Read the Order ]
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