Ensuring five promotions in the service career

Ensuring five promotions in the service career

Standing Committee Discussion Points

S.No.12 — Ensuring five promotions in the service career.

Establishment Division, DoPT, vide their letter dated 09.02.2017, had informed that action on this point was required to be taken by Cadre Review Division and a letter had been written to the concerned Joint Secretary. With regard to other demand i.e. grant of MACP in promotional hierarchy, they informed that if MACP was granted in the promotional hierarchy, it would give rise to uneven benefit to employees falling in the same pay scale since several organizations had adopted different hierarchical patterns. Consequently employees working in organizations having larger number of intermediate grades would suffer because financial upgradation under MACPS would place them in lower pay scale vis-a-vis similarly placed employees in another organization that had fewer intermediary grades. Further, 7th CPC has also recommended that MACP will continue to be administered in the hierarchy of levels in the Pay Matrix.

Staff-Side opined that the previous ACP scheme was far better because it was in promotional hierarchy while MACP scheme provides upgradation in grade pay hierarchy. Staff-Side further stated that the two financial upgradations under the previous ACP scheme after 24 years were more beneficial than what an employee would get after three decades under the MACP Scheme. On this, the Chairman observed that the Standing Committee cannot look into issues which have been settled by the 7thCPC.
It was informed that when this anomaly was earlier pointed out to the Joint Committee it was promised that this would be reconsidered and rectified. They suggested that if the MACP scheme was considered more beneficial, the employee should be given option to choose whether he wants ACP scheme or MACP scheme. The Chairman desired to know if there was any pay commission recommendation on this issue, on which he was informed that there was not.

It was decided that the Establishment Division would examine the issue further.

{Action: JS(E)DoPT}

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