Expected DA from January 2023 Calculation now starts with AICPIN for July 2022- 5% Increase expected

As AICPIN for July 2022 is going to be released on end of this month, now all eyes on Expected DA from January 2023 Calculation.

Expected DA from January 2023 Calculation

The rate of DA from July 2022 is 38%. It is expected that this DA would increase 5% and will land at 39%. But the AICPIN points did not increase as expected comparing to Price Rise of basket of commodities which determines Consumer Price Index Numbers. So the Dearness Allowance rate has increased by 4% to 38% from January 2022

We need 12 Months AICPIN from January 2022 to December 2022 to calculate the exact rate of DA from January 2023. The Dearness Allowance is one of the main salary component which gives the Central Government employees a monetary hike in salary twice a year to meet the price rice in essential commodities.

Already there is wide spread criticism about increasing the pay package of Central Staffs once in six months as tax payers money is being spent unproductive means of expenses.

But Central Government Employees and Employees of State Government are already loaded with over work as the existing strength of Government employees in Ministries and Departments is considerably reducing every year. Further abolishing unfilled vacancies affects the promotional avenues of the existing employees. So Dearness Allowance and 3% Annual Increment are the only increase could satisfy the workforce and help them to face the inflation.

Expected DA from January 2023 Calculator

The Expected DA from January 2023 Calculator is coming here soon. Keep watching this page for latest updates on DA Calculator.

AICPIN for July 2022

So for 6 Months AICPIN were released by Labour Bureau for this Calculation of DA from January 2023. The CPI Numbers are given below.

1AICPIN for January 2022 125.1 35.09
2AICPIN for February 2022 125.0 35.64
3AICPIN for March 2022 126.0 36.28
4AICPIN for April 2022 127.7 36.98
5AICPIN for May 2022 129.0 37.75
6AICPIN for June 2022129.2 38.54
7AICPIN for July 2022 – –

The next issue of AICPIN for Industrial Workers for the month of July, 2022 will be released on Wednesday, 31st August, 2022. The same will also be available on the office website www.labourbureaunew.gov.in

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