Minimum pay Increase to Rs.21000
Now the news creators has deferred the date of announcing Minimum pay Increase to Rs.21000 to April 2018. Is it any proposal is there under consideration of Central government ?. The NCJCM Staff Side Leaders hesitate to answer this question because they believe any negative reply will backfire them.
CG staffs expects the Central government will increase the Minimum Pay to Rs.21000
Some News websites are keep writing about the Increase of minimum Pay in their blogs continuously . They stated in their report that anomaly committee will submit its report on Minimum pay increase to Rs.21000 to the Government by January 2018. According to them Govt was all set to announce the proposal in the month of January 2018.
But recently some news reports suggest that the proposal of enhancing Minimum wage will be come into effect from April 2018.
We actually couldn’t confirm whether these news are true or not. To what extent these news can be believed is up to the readers choice.
But the real Fact is no such meeting was taken place to discuss the Minimum Pay Increase so far . Anomaly committee committee has not held any meeting so far. So it is ruled out that anomaly committee recommendation on minimum pay will be accepted by the government.
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