Study Allowance in 7th Pay Commission Report

Study Allowance in 7th Pay Commission
Study Allowance in 7th Pay Commission Report

Study Allowance in 7th Pay Commission was being granted to Central Government employee who had been granted Study Leave for studies outside India.

Payment of study allowance subject to the condition of furnishing of a certificate by the Govt servant that he is not receiving any scholarship, Stipend or any remuneration from part time employment.

Study Allowance in 6th CPC

The Study Allowance was paid to Central Govt Employees till the end of Sixth CPC Regime.

The rates of Study Allowance in sixth pay commission is as follows

Name of the Country Study Allowance per diem
Australia £ 1.00 (Sterling)
Continent of Europe £ 1.65        ”
New Zealand £ 1.20        ”
United Kingdom £ 2.00         ”
Unites states of America £ 2.00        ”

Study Allowance in 7th Pay Commission abolished

The 7th Central Pay Commission had recommended to abolish this Study Allowance with many other allowances.

The Central Government accepted this recommendation and issued order to abolish study Allowance in 7th Pay Commission

Then a committee was formed to review the recommendation of 7th CPC in respect of all allowances.

Allowance Committee report

It was quite a surprise that no demand was received for 32 allowances out of 53 Abolished Allowances from any associations or federations to the Allowance Committee. The committee’s recommendation including study allowance is given below..

Of the 53 abolished allowances considered by the Committee, demands have been received in respect of 21 allowances. No demands have been received in respect of 32 allowances which have been listed below. The Committee has restricted its examination to the recommendations relating to only such allowances for which demands for changes have been received. No changes are being suggested for allowances in respect of which no demands have been raised. The Committee, therefore, recommends that the 7th CPC recommendation to abolish the following 32 allowances may be accepted without any change.

Hence the Study Allowance stand abolished with effect from 6th July 2017 after the 7th pay Commission Allowance Committee recommendation was accepted

See the Finance Ministry Order

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