Withdraw the Conditions imposed for Granting of MACP

Side stated that new Conditions imposed for Granting of MACP would make it difficult for employees to avail MACP

Minutes of Meeting of NCJCM Standing Committee

Withdraw the Conditions imposed for Granting of MACP

S.No.25 – Withdraw the stringent conditions unilaterally imposed by Government on grant of Modified Assured Career Progression (MACP) in promotion and grant of MACP on promotional hierarchy.

Staff-Side stated that new condition would make it difficult for employees to avail MACP which, as such, is disadvantageous as it is not in the promotional hierarchy. It was stated that the new benchmark was more stringent then the benchmark prescribed for promotion in some cases and the employees will suffer more as they may find it difficult to meet this requirement.

The Staff Side further pleaded that the change of benchmark from ‘Good’ to ‘Very Good’ can only have prospective effect and the grant of MACP on the basis of the reports of earlier years when the said stipulation of ‘Very Good’ was not in existence must be calibrated on the basis of the earlier stipulation of the benchmark being `Good’.

They stated that DoPT should come out with some guidelines so that the employees could be assessed in an objective manner as many employees may find it impossible to meet the benchmark since the Reporting Officers are themselves not adequately trained in writing APARs. They stated that this provision needs to be reviewed.

JS(Admn. and JCA) informed that ever since the introduction of disclosure of APARs, the number of employees getting higher level of gradings may rise. Proposal needed to be evidence based. It was decided that the Ministry of Railways may provide data on the trend of recorded gradings of APARs.

{Action: M/o Railways}

Read More at Minutes of Meeting of NCJCM Standing Committee held on 03.05.2017

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