Children Education Allowance-DOPT Order and Clarifications

Children Education Allowance-DOPT Order

The Representatives of Staff Side- National Council insisted in the 46th meeting of National council that the Children Education Allowance should be paid to the two studying Children instead of restricting it to the eldest two children. We welcome the staff side’s view, but at the same time it’s unfortunate that it made us to feel that they are not worried about the unwanted procedure framed for claiming the Children Education Allowance.

It has been clearly stated in the first two lines of 2nd Para of OFFICE MEMORANDUM issued on 2nd September 2008 by DOP&T that ‘In order to ensure that Government servants have no difficulty in claiming reimbursement, the procedure under this Scheme is being kept simple.’

But these two guidelines, mentioned below make the above instruction meaningless.

1 “Reimbursement should henceforth be made on the submission of original receipts on the basis of self-certification by the Government servant.”

2. “Under this scheme, reimbursement can be claimed once every quarter. The amount that can be claimed in a quarter could be more than Rs.3000 and in another quarter less than Rs.3000, subject to the annual ceiling of Rs.12000 /-per child being maintained”.

Is an admission certificate from the school not enough for claiming CEA?

Why don’t we avoid needless paper work by just giving Rs.1000/-per month as CEA?

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165 thoughts on “Children Education Allowance-DOPT Order and Clarifications”

  1. Please clarify, Whether Children Education Allowance is admissible to the children studying in schools registered under Society Registration Act (XXI of 1860)?

  2. I have produced 5 years tuition bills for reimbursement can it be paid what is the ruling position.




  4. Sir,

    I have purchased 2 shirts, 2 pants and 1 shoe, i belt, i jacket and a sweater for my ix std Son and v th std Daughter. But My office dis-allowed the Sweater. Is it correct ? Please give me a copy order or clarification.

  5. Sir
    Can I Claim two years Old Bills of CEA in My Office or not ?

    I have all original bills of school feee, books and unoform.
    Can I claim now in my office as per rule or not ?

  6. please confirm one set of text books or two set of uniforms regarding. the bill should be contain only one set or full details are required itemwise with rate quantity etc in the receipt. if i submit a receipt not having itemwise details the amount re-imbursable or not.

  7. I have take admission of my son in nursery class of
    TREE HOUSE EDUCATION. The TREE HOUSE EDUCATION is india’s largest self-operated pre-school chain.It has over 220 centre all over india. So, during transfer it is easy to get admission like in kendriya vidyalaya.
    The TREE HOUSE running classes upto UKG only. Hence, it is not affileted to any education board in India. However, it is registered with Register of companies, Mumbai having corporate identification number U80101MH2006PLC163028.The fees of Tree house can be reimbursable under children education allowance or not. Please clarify. my e-mail is [email protected]. Thank you.

  8. Vijay R Kurandwad

    Dear Sir,
    I am working in aided College in Goa Claimed for Children Education allowance of my child studying at KVS,INS Mandovi. DHE,Goa Government inform that VV NIDHI cannot be claimed, for the last 2 years I got Children Education allowance except VV NIDHI. I will be highly obliged if you clarify regarding the above said matter.

    Thanking you,
    Yours faithfully,

  9. Sir, the condition of two eldest children for education allowance, is totally illogical and an injustice with the senior employees who hardly managed to educate their eldest children within a meager education allowance i.e. Rs. 40/- per month (pre revised). Now, when the commission has recommended a good amount of education allowance , they have simply been deprived from this facility. It is not understood as to why senior employees are being discriminated by putting the condition of two eldest children? Why their younger children , who are studying in lower classes, are not eligible for education allowances ? It is a case of disparity and anomaly and should be looked in by the concern official/ministry so that this may be rectified immediately.

  10. While replying to query of Dinesh Y. rai on Aug 12, 2010, you said Except examination fee, the term fee and fee for extra curricular activities are admissible for claiming children education allowance. But the word “term fee” is not mentioned in para 1(e) of OM dt. 02.09.2008 , that’s why clams of “term fee” are being rejected. is there any clarification on this.

  11. Sir I have two child one of present current year 2011-12 is in Sr KG. In the past claimed for Nursery & Jr KG respectively. I want know that now i can claimed for Sr KG

  12. whether the following items are get reimberment in CEA
    1. school child stationary items, 2. school bags, 3.carrybag,
    4. drawing oil paints, school exam pad etc.



  14. Sir,

    What is the minimum age for applying tuition fees. Please provide me with specific order because office is not reimburing my 4 year old daughter who is in Nursery.
    At the earliest pleae sir


  15. Sir,i am working under andaman nicobar administretion, i want to know about exam fee is reimbursed under CEA? Pl.reply*

  16. Respected sir,

    Im working in central government office in India my two childrens studying in Nepal school class 8th& 10th Can i claim education allowance for reimbursement?

  17. My children studied in SHEMROCK, A PREPARATORY SCHOOL, from age 3-4 years (which they call pre-school). Office is objecting for reimbursement. Whether claims from such preparatory schools are not permitted. I have paid fee for whole year and I was under impression that I will get reimbursemen

  18. what is the minimum age of child for reimbursment of children education allowance, plz provide copy of order and comments on my email address.

  19. what is the minimum age of child for reimbursment of children education allowance, plz provice copy of order.

  20. Respected sir,
    Im central govt. employe,in India my childrens studying in Nepal.Please clarify that is re-imbursable as per the children education allowance.

  21. SIR,


    [email protected]

  22. Sir,

    My daughter is studying in Pre-nursery. In the said school class structure is Pre-nursery, Nursery, KG and class one started. Please clarify that Pre-nursery is re-imbursable as per the children education allowance.


  23. sir,
    please tell me that the fees of B.Tech, B.Ed and B.T.C come under the purview of Children Education Allowances

  24. can i clim hostel subcidy alongwith tution fee etc i.e para (e) circular dtd 02/09/2008 upto to the limited amount of hostel subcidy.

  25. Sir,

    I have claimed by tuition fee claim for the year 2010-11. The school has not given break ups for the books issued by them & also for the admission fee. When approached the school authority they said they cannot do any amendments, since the same receipts are given to other parents & they claim the same. I wasted a day talking to school authority. I submitted the same again and I was allowed only Rs 5000/- out of Rs 11250/-

    I also want to know should i wait for one academic year for claiming my CEA. when I paid all the fees at one slot.

    Please guide me regarding it.

  26. I misplace the orignal slip of school fees of one year. Oridngal Certificate is not enoough for reimbursemnt given by the school please give comments on my email address.

  27. No. Stationery items like pen, geometry box, bag can not be claimed in Children Education Allowance

  28. CAn Stationery items like pen, geometry box, bag etc be claimed in Children Education Allowance

  29. my daughter is studying in nursery. i have made claim for reimbursement and got. Now up to std. 1 i.e. junior KG and senior KG while she studies can i make claim for these two std. i.e junior KG and Senior KG

  30. Sir, Kindly help me and my Representations from Staff Side that the Children Education Allowance should be paid to the two studying Children instead of restricting it to the eldest two children only.

    All the employees who are denied from the ground that only two eldest children are reimbursable children education allowance are disgusted and they are feeling that all of a sudden how this rule is change. Previous year they had get the CEA and now 2010-11 applications are rejected. Kindly puruse the matter to the higher concerned authorities and fresh order may be issued as soon as possible because already other employees had taken CEA. I request you kindly issue the fresh order as soon as possible as our applications are rejected for 2010-11 on the ground that you are not eligible on the ground that now it is to be given only two eldest children only. Kindly help us because we have already incurred heavy expenditure on our childrens and it is very unjustice not to reimburse the tution fees to the children above third children. Kindly help us and fresh order may be issued immediately to help all these govt. employees. Qureshi

  31. My Representations from Staff Side that the Children Education Allowance should be paid to the two studying Children instead of restricting it to the eldest two children only.

    I request you kindly issue the fresh order as soon as possible as our applications are rejected for 2010-11 on the ground that you are not eligible on the ground that now it is to be given only two eldest children only. Kindly help us because we have already incurred heavy expenditure on our childrens and it is very unjustice not to reimburse the tution fees to the children above third children. Kindly help us and fresh order may be issued immediately to help all these govt. employees. Qureshi

  32. Whether Children Education Allowance can be reimbursed to an employee whose son has passed 2nd PUC/12th Std. and is in receipt of the reimbursement and has joined 3 years Dip. course and has submitted the bills for reimbursement. Please clarify.

  33. Is certificate issued by the school that the child had actually paid the fees for the whole year is not enough for claiming CEA?

  34. Is certificate issued by the school that the fees was paid by the child for the whole year is notenough for claiming CEA?

  35. Sir,
    Whether CEAS is admissible for student studying in private, unaided school registered under Societies Registration Act of local state government ? Please clarify.

  36. My son got admission in Engg College outside Delhi and resides in Hostel. Can I claim the hostel fee/tuition fee for him

  37. Sir i am ex servicemen i have two children one boy and one girl, The boy doing BBA1st year and girl doing 10+1. can i claim children education allowance. If yes where i can get application form.

  38. Please clarify, Whether Children Education Allowance is admissible to the children studying in school registered under Society Registration Act ?

  39. I have three children and third one ( date of birth 20-05-1997), was getting tution fee @ Rs 40/- at old rate and claimed upto 31-08-2008 and new rate for Rs 1000/- upto 31-03-2010 but it recovered by my department , please intimate whether it is correct to recover the tution fee by department.As per Ministry of Personnel,Public Grievances & Pensions (Dept.of Personnel & Training) UO No.21013/1/2004-Estt(Allowances) dated 23-03-2006 , it is stated that the Tution Fee shall be admissible to Govt Servant in r/o not more than 3 children at any time borne upto 31-12-1987 and shall be restricted to 2 children at any time thereafterAs per Ministry of Personnel,Public Grievances & Pensions (Dept.of Personnel & Training) UO No.21013/1/2004-Estt(Allowances) dated 23-03-2006 , it is stated that the Tution Fee shall be admissible to Govt Servant in r/o not more than 3 children at any time borne upto 31-12-1987 and shall be restricted to 2 children at any time thereafter
    Hence I applied for the tution fee according to above rules.Please clarify it.

  40. I have three children and third one ( date of birth 20-05-1997), was getting tution fee @ Rs 40/- at old rate and claimed upto 31-08-2008 and new rate for Rs 1000/- upto 31-03-2010 but it recovered by my department , please intimate whether it is correct to recover the tution fee by department.As per Ministry of Personnel,Public Grievances & Pensions (Dept.of Personnel & Training) UO No.21013/1/2004-Estt(Allowances) dated 23-03-2006 , it is stated that the Tution Fee shall be admissible to Govt Servant in r/o not more than 3 children at any time borne upto 31-12-1987 and shall be restricted to 2 children at any time thereafterAs per Ministry of Personnel,Public Grievances & Pensions (Dept.of Personnel & Training) UO No.21013/1/2004-Estt(Allowances) dated 23-03-2006 , it is stated that the Tution Fee shall be admissible to Govt Servant in r/o not more than 3 children at any time borne upto 31-12-1987 and shall be restricted to 2 children at any time thereafter

  41. Sir
    I have only two children and they are twins. Can i claim education allowance for both?

  42. Sir, My Son is now studying in Nursery class for the accademic year 2011-2012 at Ankur Vidya Mandir, Ordenence Cable Factory (O.C.F) Women’s Welfare Association, Sector 29.A. Chandigarh. Further I am serving in A/51 BN CRPF 29 B Sector. Further it is comes to know that the above school is not recognized one besides they teach nursery and K.G only after that the student applied for 1st class at Kendriya Vidyalaya O.C.F. Is it compulsory to get recognision such school and can I applied for C.E.A for the year 2011-2012 where my son is studying. please clarify it soon sir.

  43. Whether hostel subsidy in CEA scheme is admissible or any conditions to be fulfilled.

  44. Sir,

    Whether CEA is admissible for a child below 5 years of age studying playgroup.

  45. rajnish kr.raj

    Age of child is 4 year 10 month during the month of March,11 and he is studying in class C.E.A. is admissible for full year or not

  46. Children Education Allowance can be reimbursed for the children studying LKG to Twelfth Standard or Diploma only.

  47. Sir,

    Whether CEA is admissible for a child below 5 years of age studying LKG. whether lower/upper limit is prescribed in CEA.

  48. my dad is workin wid border roads organisation as a AE .IS HE ELIGIBLE TO GET MY TUTION FEES FOR MY GRADUATION .I M PURSUING Bsc in hotel management from a private would be really nice of you if yoy can guide me with the same.

  49. i have four children in my family two elder daughter and two younger sons. i want to know that acco. to the new ceo rule am i able two get the educational allowance on my two sons. who are on no.3 and 4 . i had never taken any allowance on my daughters so plse give me a ans.
    thnking yu



  51. Sir, i am working as LDC with grade pay of Rs.1900/-. It is learnt that the grade pay of LDC and UDC will be merging and giving Rs.2800/- grade pay. Is it true?

  52. A.Venkata Ramana

    I put my son in a college and paid the fee of Rs.3000/- and now because health and stress, i put him in Kendriya Vidyalaya, Picket, Secunderabad, I need your kind clarification, whether can I claim Rs.3000/- as 1st quarter reimbursement and subsequently claims three quarter actual paid to the Vidyalaya.

  53. is children education allowance is allowed for first two year of six year BE course after 10th class ?

  54. Sir
    My second daughter has been admitted in Pre-KG (ie. class before LKG) at a recognized school this year. Her age is 2yrs and 7 months this june (DOB 20.11.2008). As per an earlier departmental order, pre-KG kids are also entitled for CEA reimbursement. But my claim for the academic year 2011-12 was returned with a comment that Pre-KG students are not eligible for CEA reimbursement. On being enquired, the concerned dealing hand says that the earlier order (including Pre-KG for CEA reimbursement)has been amended and now they are not entitled. Please clarify and if possible, please provide the concerned orders.

    Thanking you

  55. R/Sir,
    pse clarify if someone claimed the allowances in respect of his third child ignorantly even his first child is eligible i.e. studying in class X. Can he surrender the amounts of third children (younger one) and draw amount in respect of elder one? If it is applicable then from which date he can do so?

  56. R/Sir,
    pse clarify if someone claim the aloowances of his third child ifnorantly as his first child is eligible. Can he surreder the amounts of third one and draw amount in respect of first? If it is applicable then from which date he can do so.

  57. Please clarify whether fees paid for a music tuitions from a govt recognised music institution can be claimed under CEA

  58. Sir, kindly clarify under CEA scheme for central govt.employees wether term fee,school bag charges,transportation charges etc.are reimbursible or not if all other charges are with in the specified limit of Rs.15000. Regards.

  59. ‘Year’ means academic year i.e. twelve months of complete academic session.


  61. Xavier Francis

    Please clarify whether the full amount of Rs 12000 of Children Education Allowance can be reimbursed to an employee in the first quater only,if he submits bonafied receipts of tuition fee,stationery,books,shoes etc worth Rs 12000.

    Now hike of children education allowance 25% (Rs3000/-)applicable to claim Apr 2010-2011 Mar2011 ( Rs 3000/-as hike childeren education allwnce ).Please cleary it becouse in letter nothing is written.

  62. omparkash kukreja

    I am working in Delhi Development Authority. My son is studying in hostel. My department had paid tuition reimbursement fee @ Rs. 1000/- per month instead of Rs.3000/- which is applicable for hostel study. I have no order for getting the tuition fee reimbursement @ Rs.3000/- per month.

  63. Sir
    I need a clarification whether I can claim music tuition fees under CEA, as my child goes to a state govt recognized music school as there are no music classes taken in the school where she studies.

  64. Please confirm the minimum age limit of school going children for entitlement of CEA. As because, DOPT vide its O.M. No.12011/03/2008-Estt.(Allowance) dated 11th November,2008 have clarified that age limit for physically disabled children will be from 5 to 22 years. If there is no limit of age for normal children, how is it possible to fix the minimum age limit for disabled children by increasing 5 years more? Does Govt. of India intend to deprive handicapped children through enhancement of age limit? Is a Govt. Employee having disabled children and going to school below the age of 5 years not entitled to get Children Education Allowance unlike having normal children? Is it not ridiculous? Please clarify.

  65. Rajesh on May 9, 2011 at 18:13
    please clarify, if a person have three children and he never claims CEA of the any of his child. All the three children he have are eligible for claiming CEA i.e. studying 1 to 10. But incidently if starts claiming the CEA in respect of two younger ones, is it permissible? If not, if the earlier amount drawn in respect of the younger child since Sept,2008 is recoverd, can he draw the amount of his first eligible child.
    Waiting for your early reply a father of two daughters.
    Yours faithfully,

    admin on May 9, 2011 at 19:46
    CEA can be claimed for the first two elder children only

    Sir my second question remained unanswered pse clarify can i claim the CEA in respect of my First child since Sept, 2008 and surrender the amount the third child?

  66. Sir
    My son in studing in the school which is upto Class V and is registered under the certificate of Registration of Societies under the Societies Registration Act (XXI of 1860) as amended by Punjab Amendment Act 1957. Can I claim the Children Education Allowance. My Department has rejected by claim for CEA.

  67. Reimbursement will be applicable for expenditure on
    the education of school going children only i.e., for children from classes
    nursery to twelfth, including classes eleventh and twelfth held by junior
    colleges or schools affiliated to Universities or Boards of Education.

    Various clarifications a r e being sought with regard to the
    definition of ‘nursery’ as the same is being called by different names in
    different institutions. This matter was considered in consultation with
    Ministry of Finance. It is clar5ed that ‘classes nursery to twelfth’ will
    include classes I to XI1 + 2 classes prior to class I irrespective of the

  68. Sir,

    Is the children educational allowance is automatically increased by 25% when DA will goes above 50%, if so please clarify? because the limitation of CEA is Rs. 12000/-.

    chandra kesh mishra

  69. R/Sir,
    please clarify, if a person have three children and he never claims CEA of the any of his child. All the three children he have are eligible for claiming CEA i.e. studying 1 to 10. But incidently if starts claiming the CEA in respect of two younger ones, is it permissible? If not, if the earlier amount drawn in respect of the younger child since Sept,2008 is recoverd, can he draw the amount of his first eligible child.
    Waiting for your early reply a father of two daughters.
    Yours faithfully,

  70. When I claimed hostel subsidy and tuition fees under the new Children Education Allowance Scheme for my daughter, my application was returned as not eligible on the following grounds:

    As per OM No. 12011/08/2010-Estt (AL) dated 30th Dec 2010 “It is clarified that for the purpose of hosted subsidy, station would be demarcated by the first three digits of the PIN Code of the area where the Government Servant is posed and/or residing’. ‘The first three digits of the PIN Code indicate a Revenue District”.

    Based on the OM, since the pin code for my place of posting/residence is 641018/641015 and pin code for the residential school which is about 50 kms from the place of posting/residence is 641302 having a common first three digits of PIN Code my application was returned as not eligible.

    It is not possible to operate as a day scholar to a place which about 50 kms from residence though the first three digits of the PIN Code of the area where the Government Servant is posed and/or residing considering as same station. Though it is in same district having common first three digits of PIN Code the place of school is in a different “Taluk” 50 Kms apart.

    As per the clarification issued by the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, New Delhi vide Memorandum No.12011/03/2008-Estt(Allow) dated 11.11.2008, Hostel Subsidy means expenses incurred by the Government servant if he has to keep his children in the hostel of residential school away from the station at which he is posted/or is residing.

    Can any one kindly clarify that what is the solution to claim hostel subsidy in this situation?

  71. Sir,
    Kindly circulate the DOP&T order regarding Children Education Allowance increased 25% i.e. uoto 15000/- for each child.

  72. PJ Mohana Panicker

    National Anomaly Committee

    Kindly clarify whether Border Roads Organisation/ Border Roads Development Board is governed under which ministry because Ministry of Finance Deptt. of Expenditure, Implementation Cell OM No.I/1/2008-IC dated 16 November 2009 is not equally applicable to BRO employees. There certain category of staff side`s pay scale was not merged (like Stenographers, Assistant)due parity between Central Secretariate Service ,non secretariate service and counter part of Armed Force Headquarter Service, and Railway Board Secretariat Service. They have not extended the pay structure of grade pay of Rs. 4600 in the pay band PB-2 to Assistants and Stenographer`s Grade II till date.

    (PJ Mohana Panicker)

  73. PJ Mohana Panicker

    National Anomaly Committee

    Kindly clarify whether Border Roads Organisation/ Border Roads Development Board is governed under which ministry because Ministry of Finance Deptt. of Expenditure, Implementation Cell OM No.I/1/2008-IC dated 16 November 2009 is not equally applicable to BRO employees. There certain category of staff side`s pay scale was not merged (like Stenographers, Assistant)due parity between Central Secretariate Service ,non secretariate service and counter part of Armed Force Headquarter Service, and Railway Board Secretariat Service. They have not extended the pay structure of grade pay of Rs. 4600 in the pay band PB-2 to Assistants and Stenographer`s Grade II till date.

    You are requested to this points to be considered in the next meeting.

    Thanking you,

    Yours faithfully,

    (PJ Mohana Panicker)

  74. i have joined ipgt & ra gujarat ayurved university jamnagar on 1 st december 2010 , may i reimbusment for children education allowance for the 2nd term of the acadamic year 2010 – 11

  75. abhinav sangal

    Please clarify whether the full amount of Rs 12000 of Children Education Allowance can be reimbursed to an employee in the first quater only,if he submits bonafied receipts of tuition fee,stationery,books,shoes etc worth Rs 12000.

    Now hike of children education allowance 25% (Rs3000/-)applicable to claim Apr 2010-2011 Mar2011 ( Rs 3000/-as hike childeren education allwnce ).Please cleary it becouse in letter nothing is written.

  76. Please arrange to provide orders for Autonomous Institution (UGC funded) for raising CEA upto 25% (i.e. Rs.15000/- after increase of DA to 51% at your earliest to enable us to take reimbursement from office.


  77. Roopesh Srivastava

    Please confirm the time limit of submission of children education allowance after the end of acadumic year

  78. Please arrange to provide orders raising CEA by 25% after hike of DA upto 51% with effect from 1.1.2011 onwards.

  79. Sir,1. The children education allwance commence from April to Next April.
    2.Now hike of children education allowance 25% (Rs3000/-)applicable to claim Apr 2010-2011 Mar2011 ( Rs 3000/-as hike childeren education allwnce ).Please cleary it becouse in letter nothing is written.Thanking You waiting ur Kind reply

  80. Sanjay Kumar Pathak

    As per Department of Personnel & Training, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grivances and Pensions O.M. No. 12011/03/2008-Estt. (Allowance) dated the 22nd September, 2008, the grant of children Education Assistance and Reimbursement of Tuition Fee limit would be automatically reised by 25% every time the Dearness Allowance on the revised pay structure goes up by 50%. For this regard, I want to know whether the Office Memorendum will be published for 25% increase of reimbursement of tuition fee allowance?

  81. What is the upper limit of Basic Salary for Child Education Allowance ? If there is any ,please mention .

  82. Is there any ceiling limit in Basic Salary who is entitled for Child Education Allowance ? Please make clarification in any

  83. Reimbursement will be applicable for expenditure on
    the education of school going children only i.e., for children from classes
    nursery to twelfth, including classes eleventh and twelfth held by junior
    colleges or schools affiliated to Universities or Boards of Education.

    Various clarifications a r e being sought with regard to the
    definition of ‘nursery’ as the same is being called by different names in
    different institutions. This matter was considered in consultation with
    Ministry of Finance. It is clar5ed that ‘classes nursery to twelfth’ will
    include classes I to XI1 + 2 classes prior to class I irrespective of the

    There is no minimum age limit is specified to claim CEA as per existing order

  84. 1)yes. Children Education Allowance is restricted for two elder children only.
    2)No. Third child can not be included.

  85. 1) Is Children Education is restricted to two elder son?
    2) If one child pass out, then 3rd child can be included in CEA.

  86. Whether annual charges and maintaince charges are covered under reimbursement of children allowance.

  87. Request clarify minimum age limit for claiming Children education allowance since as per 6th pay commission minimum age limit is from Nursery but instructions are being recd from our higher HQrs to accept bills of wards upto the age of 5 years and above. Request clrify


    Yours faithfully

    WEST BENGAL – 733208

  88. Age of child is 02.3.06 and he is studying in class Nursery during the academic session 2010-11. Whether is admissible for C.E.A.

  89. Age of child is 4 year 10 month during the month of March,11 and he is studying in class C.E.A. is admissible for full year or not

  90. Debashish Bhattacharjee

    Please confirm the time limit of submission of children education allowance after the end of acadumic year 2008-2009.


    My child styding in Nursary class in SAPS a school run by AWWA (Army Wives Welfare Association). Am I entitled to get CEA. Please clarify .
    Thanking You.

  92. Please clarify that I have three children fisrt is passed twelve. Can I alligible to take children education allowance for rest two children or not please reply me.

  93. Please clarify whether the stationary charges are also re-imbursable in full subject to the limit of Rs. 12,000/- or otherwise.

  94. Jayanta Kumar Das


    The site has been made very good. It requires updation as the DOPT O.M. No. 12011/08/2010-Estt.(AL) dated 30/12/2010 has not been included.
    With regards
    Jayanta Kumar Das


  96. I am working in kendriya vidyalaya and sending both my school going children for coaching in extra curricular activites.My son’s tennis academy is listed and recognised – the Tamilnadu Tennis Association and daughter’s institute for learning music is registered under the Society Act 1975 Tamilnadu govt .Is the fee charged by the above mentioned institutes not refundable under CEA?

  97. Please clarify whether the full amount of Rs 12000 of Children Education Allowance can be reimbursed to an employee in the first quater only,if he submits bonafied receipts of tuition fee,stationery,books,shoes etc worth Rs 12000.

  98. Please give the details of fee and charges reimburseable as Child Education Allowance

  99. Please give the details regarding aid and appliance used by child as per Child Education Allowance

  100. Sir, i want know that what is mean by recognized school? My daughter is studing in in rosary school pune. Can i get tution fees money?

  101. Sir,
    I have submitted my claim of ‘Disable Child’ for ‘Hostel Subsidy’ and CEA, but department has reimbreshed me ‘Hostel Subsidy’ every time, I have never requested for ‘Hostel Subsidy’ after passing 30 months now they are recovery entire amount of Rs 90000/- as reimbreshed for ‘Hostel Subsidy’ stating that residing in the same city ‘Hostel Subsidy’ can not be give. I want to know that any relexation for Disable Chile for Hostel subsidy, hostelling in the same city where residing and can they recover the paid amount as hostel subsidy for which no mistake from my side, Please clear the positions as soon as possible.

  102. My daughter is studing in K.v. As recommended by the teachers orally I have purchased certain reference books from outside shop. Is it eligible for reimbursement under CEA

  103. Can some one give a copy of the relevant letter as to whether examination fees & term fees are reimburseable under Chidren Education Allowance

  104. Mohan Singh Yadav

    Sir i want to know that Children education allowance can be Claimed in at One time in a yyear or not.

  105. It has been mentioned that “fee paid for any aid/appliance by the child” comes under tuition fees. Please clarify whether transportation to school can be considered as an “aid” used by the child and hence school bus fee paid for the child can be reimbursed?

  106. Sir,
    I am working in central govt I require a clarification whether I claim for reimbursement of development fee for my son who is sturdying in pvt. school. I am having only a son. please clarify

  107. It is clarified that in respect of schools/institutions at nursery, primary and middle level not affiliated to any Board of
    education, the reimbursement under the Scheme may be allowed for the children studying in a recognized school/institution. Recognized school/institution in this regard means a Govt. school or any educational institution whether in receipt of Govt. aid or not, recognized by the Central or State Govt. or Union Tenitory Administration or by University or a recognized educational authority having jurisdiction over the area where the Institution is situated.

  108. Kindly clarify whether CEA can be claimed though the renewal of recognisation is applied by the School and is not in current.

  109. If the original Fees receipt is not available with the Government Employee, then in that case, duly signed form from the Principal of the school is valid for reimbursement or not.

  110. My son is hearing impaired,with delayed speeech & uses hearing aid. His disability is since his birth & have deaf certificate from CA. Currently he is undergoing regular sessions of Speech & Occupational Therapy at private therepists since facility do not exists in near by Government hospital/Institute. But claim for the same was disallowed for the same in last years claim. Please guide.

  111. can an employee claim reimbursement of children education allowance for any two childrens if the no of children is more than two

  112. I wish to have clarifications about re-imbursement of Tution Fees of Coaching Classes under CEA of Govt. of India. As tution fees charged by govt. aided institute is low and the children’s studying in aided institutes need extra coaching. Is this also reimbursible by the govt. departments?


  113. Reimbursement can be claimed for two sets of uniform, whether stitching charges included or not.but it should not be shown under separate head

  114. Whether stiching charges of uniform can be included under the head ‘purchase of uniform’ while claiming Child Education Allowance

  115. I am working in a Central Government Organization and my spouse is working in an Autonomous body under the Ministry of Finance. We have two separate leave packages(mine is LTC and my wife is Leave Fare Concession) . My organisation has denied the use of my LTC package stating that I am entitled to use either (mine or spouse) of these packages along with family. I would like to know the following

    1. Is there any rule stating that a husband who has LTC package and a wife who has a Leave Fare Concession package should be entitled to use any one of them only. If so, a copy of such rule may be sent. Please note that the claim is not to be made FOR a single trip.

  116. I just want to know one clarification undwer the children allowance a su m of Rs 3000 per month is provided for hostel fees for children. while submission to the IT how much of this amount is exempted from income tax ( Rs 36000per year total amount this is included in the gross salary column)

  117. I am working in Defence department. My child who could not pass the 12th and later on he got admission in Ist year diploam in Govt polyechnic college. Earlier I got the reimbursement of tuition fees upto 12th but when I applied for reibursement of tution fees paid for the Ist year diploma, the audit authorities returned my case on the plea that reimbursment of tutuion fees upto twelth has already been admitted earlier hence not entitled for reimbursement of tuition fees under CEA for the ist year diploma. Can any oneguide me by clairification if any there.

  118. is there any clarification regarding recognisation of school/college.Most of the schools are recognised from class 1 – 10 but there is no recognisation for nursury in that school.In this cse , CEAS is applicable or not.

  119. Is there any notification or Rule that Vidayalaya Vikas Nidhi & term fees charged by School are similar in nature?

  120. To

    Sir, your reply to my question is not convincing. I have not cliamed children education allowance separately. i have submitted a bill for hostel susidy which includes tution fees and other special fees. So, i feel that i am eligible for tution fees and other special fees and hostel subsidy , all together to be restricted to Rs.3000/- pm to my daughter. Kindly clarify.

  121. If the VVN(i.e. development fee ) of Kendriya Vidyalaya is reimbursable, then why not the development / maintenance fees of private school is reimbursable?

  122. Sir:
    Is there any clarification regarding reimbursement of term fee charged by some schools (twice in an year)because claim for term fee is being rejected by the Finance Officer. Please reply.

  123. Sir,
    Vide clarification dated 11/11/2008, the age limit for disabled children has been fixed as between 05 and 22 whereas for normal children no age limit has been fixed…Any replies please?

  124. Sir, I want a clarification on the reimbursement of CEA under the latest guidelines issued vide DOPT OM No. 1201 1 /03/2008-Estt.(Allowances) dated 23/9/09.As per the OM, fees charged by a school recognized by central government is reimbursable. If a school[teaches from class-Nursery to class-UKG only] is affiliated/enlisted to Employees Provident Fund Organization, which functions under Ministry of Labour, Govt of india, are the fees reimbursable under the present guidelines?

  125. Rule position:(i) Hostel subsidy will be reimbursed upto the maximum limit of Rs.3000 per month per child subject to a maximum of 2 children. However, both hostel subsidy and Children Education Allowance cannot be availed concurrently.see the order

  126. I am working in Central Excise & Customs Department, Trichy. I have applied reimbursement of hostel subsidy to my daughter. The total bill is Rs.53,000/- including hostel fees and tution fees. i have not claimed tution fees separately. My department restricted my claim to hostel fees only i.e. Rs.23,500/-. I feel that as i have not claimed tution fees separately, i am also eligible for tution fees for which i have submitted bill to my department. Kindly clarify whether i am eligible for tution fees also. If so, kindly provide me orders.

  127. Dear sir,

    I need some information about that any specific direction or order is given by the GOI about the perchase of Cloth and shoes as specific rates to each school and what is the necessary things to follow to claim the CEA from each HOD.Because our office is giving opjection about the stiching charge of uniform and asking about the direction from the school regarding the colour of uniform and its cercular.
    So, after giving specific orders from GOI,but we fasing deficalities to get the CEA after supmiting necessary bills ,receipts,itchaing charges bill shoes bill etc.any good persion kindly give me advice how to claim the CEA properly please.

  128. Except examination fee,the term fee and fee for extra curricular activities are admissible for claiming children education allowance

  129. sir, whether term fee, examination fee & extra curricular are admissible for the central government servant under children education allowance. as in mumbai zone still the claims regarding term fee, examination fee & extra curricular has been rejected by the administrative officer.

  130. Sir, the reprensentatives of staff side- National Council insisted in the 46th meeting of National Council that the Children Education Allowance should be paid to the two studying children instead of restricting it to the eldest Two Children.As per recent report only 22% children are going to University level education and if CHILDREN EDUCATION ALLOWANCE extend upto Graduation level the percentage of graduate education will automatically increased. Kinly let me know whether children education allowance extend to two studying children implemented or not

  131. Dear Shri Abhay Kumar Dutta

    Vidyalaya Vikas Nidhi charged by Kendriya Vidyalaya is admissible for reimburshment under Children Education Allowance. to this effect, a notification has been published by Govt. of india.

  132. Ashok Kumar Sharma

    With reference to OM dated 13-11-2009 it may please be clarified that the past cases reimbursed in case of any two children at a time before the clarificaion dated 13-11-2009 need to be reviewed and the recoveries would be made.

  133. S V Ramana Rao

    Is,the hostel the subsidy will be given to the childeren, if the govt servant is working in the same city.

  134. Ashok Kumar Sharma

    With reference to OM dated 13-11-2009 it may please be clarified that the past cases reimbursed in case of any two childred at a time before the clarificaion dated 13-11-2009 need to be reviewed and the recoveries would be made.

  135. It has been clearly stated in the clarification that the reimbursement of Children Education Allowance can be made only to the two eldest studying children of a government servant.

  136. Ashok Kumar Sharma

    With reference to my query dated 2nd July 2010 reply thereof by Shri ISMAIL is not giving satisfaction to me. In the reply it is stated that children education allowance is applicable to maximum two children. But it was not cleared that the maximum childred would be eldest two children or any two children at a time. There was my one more query that claim case relating to 2008-09 passed with reference to instrunctions contained in the 6th Pay Commission would be recovered as per clarifications through Office Memorandum No. 12011/16/2009 (Allowance) dated 13-11-2009 or not. Please clerify my above query immediatley.


  138. Ashok Kumar Sharma

    I am working as a govt. servant in the department of Posts and having four children at p-resent. I have claimed CEA for any two children for the session 2008-09. and the same was passed by the department. But now the recoveries have been made with reference to your latest calarification. whether the past cases require to be reviewed or not. whether the action taken by the deptt is in order

  139. It has been clarified through the Office Memorandum No.12011/16/2009-( Allowance) dated 13-11-2009, that Vidyalaya Vikas Nidhi charged by Kendriya Vidyalayas will also can be claimed for reimbursement under the scheme of Children Education Allowance subject to the annual ceiling of Rs. 12000 per child. Where Vidyala Vikas Nidhi has not been admitted for reimbursement in past cases, the same may now be considered for reimbursement, subject to the other conditions.with referance to the above said OM V.V.Nidhi can be claimed.


    I am Central Government employee and working in Central Excise Department.My ward is studying in Kendriya Vidyalaya, Patna. His quarterly school fee is Rs.870/- against “VIDYALAYA VIKAS NIDHI AND COMPUTER SCIENCE FEE”. But my office is not re-imbursing the same amount with explainging the reason that the referred amount is not tution fee.
    Reuesting to clarify whether the fee of Kendirya Vidyalaya is reimbursable or not?

  141. Government introduced one more fantastic scheme for central government employees in sixth CPC. Pl. visit govtempdiary to know more details of CG Employees.

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