Subject: Recommendations of the Fifth Central Pay Commission on scales of pay of posts of Superintending Engineers and equivalent in the Organized Group ‘A’ Engineering Service.
Attention is invited to this Department’s O.M. No.22/1/2000-CRD dated June 6, 2000 containing instructions to give effect to the recommendations of Fifth Central Pay Commission (FCPC) contained in Para 50.45 of its report to convert the Non-Functional pre-revised pay scale of Rs. 4500-5700 (revised: Rs. 14300-18300) applicable to the Superintending Engineers and equivalent into a ‘Functional’ grade and to introduce a Non-Functional Second Grade in the scale of Rs.12000-16500 for the Executing Engineers and equivalent of All the Organized Group ‘A’ Engineering Services. These instructions were amended comprehensively vide this Department’s O.M. No. 22/1/2000-CRD dated December 20, 2000.
2. Certain amended provisions with regard to eligibility criteria for grant of functional grade of Rs. 14300-18300 (pre-revised) to the Superintending Engineers and equivalent prescribed in Sub-para I (ii) of this Department’s O.M. No. 22/I/2000-CRD dated December 20, 2000 were quashed by the Gauhati High Court in its Order dated April 1, 2009 in the Writ Appeal No. 7 of 2006. This decision has now been upheld by the Supreme Court also vide its Order dated February 11, 2010 in the Civil Appeal No. 1902 of 2010. These amended provisions were formulated in supersession of the original provisions contained in Sub-paras 3(a), 3(b) and 3 (c) of this Department’s O.M. No. 22/1/2000-CRD dated June 6, 2000.
3. Consequently, the Sub-para 3(a) of this Department’s O.M. No. 22/1/2000- CRD dated June 6, 2000 would now read as under:
“The ‘functional’ grade of Rs. 14300-18300 shall be applicable to the posts of Superintending Engineers and equivalent that are variously designated and included in the Organised Group ‘A’ Engineering Services. Placement of Personnel in this ‘functional’ grade will, however, be subject to actual availability of vacancies in the grade. This shall be permitted only on completion of thirteen years of regular service in Group ‘A’ and regular service of four years in the grade of Executive Engineer and equivalent including the service rendered in the Non-Functional Second Grade Or nine years of regular service in the grade of Executive Engineer and equivalent, including regular service, if any, rendered in the Non-Functional Second Grade for the Executive Engineer and equivalent in the pay-scale of Rs. 12000-16500.”
5. This issues with the concurrence of the Department of Expenditure vide its ID Note No. 32 (5) —E-III (B)/2010 dated August 11, 2010 and the Department of Legal Affairs vide its Dy. No.FTS-3054/10A dated November 22, 2010.
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Respected Esteemed Sirs of DOPT,
The Pay Scales and Grade Pays of the Stenographers Grade I and Stenographers Grade II of All India Subordinate Cadre Ministerial Saff alsomay kindly be enhanced at par with the Grade “C” Stenographers (Personal Assistants) of CSS Cadre. The Pre-revised Pay Scales of 5000-8000 (Stenographers Grade II), 5500-9000 (Stenographers Grade I) and Rs.6500-10000 (Peresonal Assistants) of All India Subordinate Cadre are merged in V CPC with the Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/-. Even though, the Incumbents those who have rendered 30 years continuous service are drawing the Grade Pay of Rs. 4800/- w.e.f. 01/09/2008 onwards whereas their counterparts in CSS Cadre are drawing the Grade Pay of Rs. 5400/- w.e.f. 01/09/2008 onwards. This parity may kindly be removed and remove the dissatisfaction of the Stenographers Grade I and Stenographers Grade II are to be merged and re-designated as “PERSONAL ASSISTANT” AT PAR WITH CSS CADRE STENOGRAPHERS GRADE “C” (PERSONAL ASSISTANTS) OF CSS CADRE W.E.F. 01/01/2006 WITH THE GRADE PAY OF RS. 4800/- AND RS. 5400/- W.E.F. 01/09/2008 ONWARDS.
Yours faithfully,
V. Rama Murthy
Stenographer Grade II
NEIC, CWC, Shillong
E-mail : [email protected]
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