Fixed Medical Allowance to beneficiaries of New Pension Scheme drawing additional relief on death/disability of government servant


3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market,
New Delhi-i 10003, Dated the 24th May,2011.


Subject: Fixed Medical Allowance to beneficiaries of New Pension Scheme drawing additional relief on death/disability of government servant.

The Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) is granted to Central Govt. Pensioners/ Family pensioners who at the time of retirement/death are governed by CCS (Pension) Rule 1972 or other corresponding rules in operation prior to commencement of these rules and are eligible for medical facilities after retirement as per instructions contained in this Departments’ OM No.45/57/97- P&PW(C) dated 19.12.97 as clarified from time to time.

2 Grant of FMA to the beneficiaries of New Pension Scheme drawing additional  relief on death/disability of government servant in terms of Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare OM No. 38/41/06/ P&PW(A)  dated 5th May, 2009 has been examined in consultation with the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and Deptt. of Expenditure. Since the serving employees who are covered by NPS and residing in areas covered under CGHS are availing CGHS benefits and similarly the serving employees, covered under NPS, who are residing in non-CGHS areas are covered under
CS (MA) Rules, hence, the NPS pensioners drawing additional relief on death/disability of government servant in terms of Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare OM No. 38/41/06/P&PW(A) dated 5th May, 2009 and staying in areas not covered by CGHS/corresponding health scheme of other Ministries can get a pensioners Medical card by paying appropriate amount in the nearest CGHS/ corresponding health scheme of other Ministries covered city to their residence to enable them to obtain indoor treatment. They are also entitled to draw Fixed Medical Allowance as fixed by the government. As and when the Health Insurance Scheme is introduced, the New Pension Scheme pensioners would be shifted to the Health insurance Scheme.

4. These orders are issued with the concurrence of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare vide their ID No. S.11015/3/2010-CGHS(P) dated 18.11.2010 and Ministry of Finance (Deptt. of Expenditure) vide their UO No. 78/EV/2011 dated 22.3.2011 and in consultation with the comptroller and Auditor General of India vide their UO No. 4-Audit(Rules)/17-2009 dated 4.4.2011.

5. Hindi version will follow.

(K.K. Mittl)


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