One Rank-One Pension

One Rank-One Pension
The gap between past pensioners and their youger equivalents retiring from the armed forces does not necessarily keeps widening with every successive pay commission. Over the years several improvements have been made in pension of past pensioners. The pension of past pensioners have revised in accordance with recommendation of each successive Pay Commission, as accepted by the Government. The Sixth Pay Commission had recommended fitment formula and modified parity for past pensioners, in order to reduce the gaps, which were accepted by the Government.

Pension Improvement is an ongoing process and considerable improvements have been made in the pensions of armed forces personnel. The Group of Ministers (GoM) had in 2005 improved the pensionary benefits of PBORs. On the recommendations of PMO, a Committee was set up under the Chairmanship of Cabinet Secretary in June, 2009 to look into the issue of `One Rank One Pension and other related matters. After considering all aspects of the matter, the Committee keeping in mind the spirit of the demand, suggested several measures to substantially improve pensionary benefits of Personnel Below Officer Rank (PBOR) and Commissioned Officers, which have been accepted by the Government and orders for implementation of all the recommendations have been issued. These are available at

This information was given by Minister of State for Defence Shri MM PallamRaju in a written reply to Dr.RajanSushantand others in LokSabha today.

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2 thoughts on “One Rank-One Pension”

  1. One rank one pension means ,it should be equally treated for past and present rank and no difference either pension and right.Accordingly implement one rank one pension immediately,the issue still pending from one decade.

  2. there is a vast difference in the pension scale of hony commissioned ranks of old retirees and new retirees ie a new hony fg offr retiree draws Rs 15465+DA and old retiree of same rank is drawing 13500+DA ie a difference of around 3100/-. further a lower rank of mwo retiree of I gp is drawing basic pension of Rs 13590+DA which is more than his senior rank of hony fg offr who draws 13500+DA this is what has been done. i request that authorities may please look into it and give justice to all hony offrs who retired prior to1 jan 96. hony central army tribunal and parl committee has already recommended this.thanks

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