The AICPIN for Industrial Workers for the month of November, 2011, is published by Ministry of Labour & employment recently. The AICPIN-IW for the month of October 2011 was 198 and now it just moved one point ahead and reached 199 in November 2011
AICPIN-IW (All India Consumer Price Index Number for Industrial workers) for the month of November, 2011 is 199 (Based on 2001=100). .
The AICPIN – IW for the month of July was 193, in August 2011, AICPIN was 194 & September -197, in October 2011 it was 198.
The difference in AICPIN for month to month is due to the fluctuation of the price of essential commodities like wheat, edible oil, rice, vegetable, firewood, kerosene, clothing and similar items.
The differences in indices of the six major centers are as follows: in the order of November, October, September, August and July 2011.
Centre Nov – Oct – Sept – Aug – July
1. Ahmadabad – 192 – 195 – 193 – 191 – 188
2. Bangalore – 200 – 198 – 197 – 194 – 194
3. Chennai – 180 – 178 – 175 – 172 – 168
4. Delhi – 182 – 184 – 182 – 178 – 178
5. Kolkata – 189 – 191 – 193 – 192 – 186
6. Mumbai – 201 – 201 – 199 – 195 – 194
Ahamadabad, Delhi & Kolkatta shows a decreasing trend and Bangalore, Chennai & Mumbai shows an increasing trend. One of the important observation of AICPIN for November, 2011 is that the maximum increase in centre wise consumer price is very high (12 points) and the maximum decrease also shows as extreme difference of 5 points.
As per the AICPIN-IW for the last 11 months, it is expected that D.A for January, 2012 likely to touch 65% level. All the Central Government employees can get 7% hike in Dearness Allowance from January 2012 .
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Employees in organised sector atleast get periodiacal increase in their pay to offset pricehike.But what about millons of people working in unorgnised sectors who have no guaranteed pay structure/Social security scheems.Do we ourselves enhance pay of domestic help,servants working in our house,societies in consonance with increase in DA to us?
Employees in organised sector atleast get periodical increase in their pay to offset price hike.But what about millions of people in unorganised sector who have no guaranteed pay-structure;social security measures? whether we in organised sector will ever be satisfied with regular pay hikes not linked with any measurable performane yardstics?
Increased DA from 1.1.12 is not Caliculate correctly,and revise it.i think that it will be 9% per increared price in r/o comodities.
D.A.increase must be atleast 10% from January,2012.The proposed DA @7% is not sufficient as compared to increased in essential commodities,petroleum and other necessary materials.
sir,what is the reason for non adding 50% D.A. in basic pay.
govt.must be issue order for implimentation of above factor with out if & but.
The rate of DA should be increased by 10% as per price hikes.
The hike should be at least 10% as per price hikes.
increase in D.A will go by hand with price hike of all the products….so no difference will be seen, i think.
D.A. increase must be atleast 10% from January, 2012.
Step by step again DA will increase and hence price will also rise. We expect controlled prices and not DA hike. In fact proposed DA @7% is not sufficient as compared to increased inessential commodities and petrolium. As such there is need to control price rise which will certainly give relief to all of us. Its totally true that the method of calculation is not reflected with to day to day real spiraling prices of essential commodities in the market. It is believed that a rough calculation works out that D.A. increase must be atleast 10% from January, 2012. Okay something is better than Nothing
In fact proposed DA @7% is not sufficient as compared to steep increased inessential commodities and petrolium.There is need to control price rise which will certainly give relief to all of us.
It is very much doubtful that the method of calculation is not reflected with to day to day real spiraling prices of essential commodities in the market. It is believed that a rough calculation works out that D.A. increase must be atleast 10% from January, 2012. Anyway something is better than Nothing.
Ok.! But., Not sufficient.