Improving transparency and accountability in government through effective implementation of
Right to Information
F No.116/2012-IR
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
North Block, New Delhi-110001
Dated: 4.6.2012
Secretary (All State Information Commissions)
Director General/Director(All State Administrative Training Institutes)
Subject: Guidelines on Awareness Generation and Capacity Building components of Centrally Sponsored Scheme on “Improving transparency and accountability in government through effective implementation of Right to Information”
Please refer to the guidelines on Awareness Generation and Capacity Building component of the Plan Scheme “Improving transparency and accountability in Government through effective implementation of Right to Information” issued on August, 201 0(copy enclosed). As the funds allocation for the Plan Scheme under the XII th five year plan has not been received from the Planning Commission, the Plan Scheme is yet to be appraised and approved by the competent authority. It is informed that the guidelines that were applicable in the financial year 2011-12 will be applicable for the year 2012-13 also until the approval for continuing the Plan scheme in the XII th
five year plan is received.
All SlCs and ATIs are requested to submit proposals for seeking funds under the above plan scheme in the prescribed format enclosed with the guidelines dated 18th August, 2010. All SICs and ATIs who have availed funding under the scheme mentioned above as well as the earlier scheme on Strengthening, Capacity Building and Awareness Generation for effective implementation of RTI Acr and have not submitted Utilisation Certificate and! or physical achievements may kindly submit the UC in GFR 19 A format and statement of physical achievements immediately. It may kindly be noted that release of any further funds may not be possible until UCs and statement of physical achievements are submitted.
(Santa Nair)
Under Secretary to the Govt of India
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