Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises
04-June-2013 21:05 IST
Policy for wage negotiations for workmen in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs)
The Union Cabinet today approved the proposal for permitting the management of Central Public Service Enterprises (CPSEs) to initiate wage negotiations generally effective from 01.01.2012, subject to the condition that negotiated scales of pay would not come in conflict with existing scales of pay of executives / officers and non-unionized supervisors of the respective CPSEs.
This will benefit workmen of those CPSEs which opted for 5 years of wage settlement w.e.f. 01.01.2007 and they can now go for another wage negotiation for 5 years w.e.f. 01.01.2012.
Background :
There are 260 CPSEs in the country employing 13.98 lakh persons (2.74 lakh executives, 0.31 lakh non-unionized supervisors and 10.93 lakh unionized supervisors and workmen) as on 31.3.2012.
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