Payment of salary to Project KV officials and Contractual teachers
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (HQ)
18, Institutional Area, SJS Marg
New Delhi – 110016
F. No.110242/KVS(Budget)/2014/260
Dated: 5th June, 2014
The Dy. Commissioner/Director I
All Regional Offices and ZIETs
Sub:- Payment of salary to Project KV officials and Contractual teachers – Reg.
The KVS Hqr received representations regarding delay in disbursement of salary to project KV officials. From time to time, it has been emphasized that there should not be any delay in disbursement of salary to Project officials due to non receipt of funds from Project Authorities. In such situation, funds may be made available to project school on loan basis for timely disbursement of salary for the time being and later on efforts may be pursued to recover the amount given on loan. it is again reiterated that there should not be any delay in disbursement of salary to project KV officials for want of funds.
Further, to this it has also been noticed that salary to the contractual staff is not paid well on time. it is again reiterated that there should not be any delay in disbursement of salary to contractual staff.
You are hereby directed to ensure compliance of timely disbursement of salary to Project KV officials as well as to contractual staff.
Yours sincerely,
(M Arumugam)
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