Settlement of dues of the deceased Government employees covered under NPS
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
(New Pension Scheme)
Last updated/Reviewed: 04.11.2013

The CCS(P) Rules are applicable to govt. servants appointed on or before 31.12.2003.Are the employees who joined pensionable establishments of Govt. of India after 31/12/2003 eligible for any benefits under these rules?
In accordance with DoP&PW O.M. No. 38/41/06-P&PW(A) dated 5.5.2009 such employees who joined after 31/12/2003 and/or their families may be given the benefit of disability pension or family pension provisionally till the finalization of rules under the National Pension System (NPS) on death/injury.
What are the guidelines/orders in regard to settlement of dues of the deceased Government employees covered under NPS ?
As per the Department of Pension & PW O.M. No.38/41/06 –P&PW(A) dated 5.5.2009 (available on website) the benefits under the CCS(Pension) Rules has been provisionally extended to the families of deceased employees covered under NPS. Family Pension/gratuity in terms of O.M. dated 5.5.2009 shall be payable to the family of the deceased employee if the deceased employee was covered under NPS and fulfils the conditions. These payments are provisional and will be adjusted as per the final provisions. As per Para 7 of the O.M., the accumulations in pension wealth of deceased employee under NPS will not be paid during the period provisional benefits under the aforementioned O.M. are payable. The Head of Office will prepare the pension papers as per provisions of the relevant rules and proceed as per the procedure for making the provisional payments to eligible Government servants’ families explained in Ministry of Finance O.M. No.1(7)/DCPS(NPS)/2009/TA/221 dated 2.7.2009 read with corrigendum dated 29.9.2009.
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Please provide me rules and procedure for payment of accumulated fund in the case of Employee died without family and nomination.