Regularization of Casual Labour with Temporary Status-Proposals from
F.No.49014/3/2014- Estt(C)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block, New Delhi
Dated 16th October2014
Subject: Regularization of Casual Labour with Temporary Status(CL-TS)-Proposals from Ministries/Departments on -regarding.
The undersigned is directed to say that Casual Laborers (Grant of Temporary Status & Regularization). Scheme of Government of India, 1993, circulated vide DOPT 0M No. 51016/2/90-Estt(C) dated 10.09.1993 stipulated conditions for grant of temporary status and regularization of services to the persons recruited on daily wage basis in the Central Government Offices as on 10.09.1993. It was held in the Mohan Pal Case SLP (Civil) No. 2224/2000 that the Scheme of 1-9-93 is not an ongoing Scheme and the temporary status can be conferred on the casual labourers under that Scheme only if they were in employment on the date of the commencement of the scheme and they should have rendered continuous service of at Least one year i.e. at least 240 days in a year or 206 days (in case of officcs having 5 days a week). The Scheme inter-alia provided for regularization of CL-TS against Group ‘D’ posts.
2. Following the acceptance of the recommendation of the 6 CPC, all Group D posts have been upgraded to Group C posts. Recruitment to erstwhile Group ‘D’ posts placed in Group ‘C’, PB-I, Grade Pay 1800/- (non-technical as MT Staff) is now made only through Staff Selection Commission and minimum educational qualification for appointment is Matriculation or ITI pass. Regularisation of CL-TS therefore cannot be done by the Ministries/ Departments on their own and requires relaxation of para-8 of the Appendix to the O,M. dated 10.09.1993.

3. This Department vide O.M No. 49011/31/2008-Esn(C) dated 17th February.2009 had requested all Ministries/ Department to provide information relating to CL-TS on their rolls. Information relating to 231 CL-TS was received from 29 Ministries / Departments which were processed. Since then this Department has been receiving proposals piece-meal from different Departments.
4. Department of Expenditure have now advised this Department that in order to avoid piece meal examination of such proposals, a consolidated proposal for regularization of all such remaining CL-TS who were on the rolls of the Ministries/Departments on l0.09.l993 and yet could not be regularized may be forwarded to them for further consideration/examination. Therefore, all Ministries/Departments are requested to review the position at their establishments and send a consolidated proposals for regularization of services of such remaining CL-TS on their rolls (including attached/subordinate and autonomous bodies), if any, latest by 30.11 .2014 to this Department in the enclosed format. It may be ensured that complete information in respect of the Ministry/Department and its Attached/Subordinate Offices is sent. The information may also be sent by e-mail(in MS Word) at [email protected].
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I am Casual Labour in Nagaland University SASRD, Nagaland. for 16 years working as clerk (grade ‘D’) but not getting any chance to regularized my service. may I therefore, request you to kindly help me any possibility (UGC) norms to regularized my service.
Your kind consideration and help on this regard will be highly appreciated.