7th Pay commission Pay Calculator based on NCJCM Proposal and Expected Fitment formula

Gservants prepared  7th Pay commission Pay Calculator based on NCJCM Proposal and Expected Fitment formula

As submission of 7th pay commission Recommendation is expected by the end of this month, every one keep their fingers crossed to see what the Pay and Allowances will be recommended. Opinions, expectations, calculations on expected pay and allowances of 7th pay commission started after gservants.com posted its Article [SEE]“7th Pay Commission Projected Pay Scale on 11th Febraury 2013. Exactly after one year the UPA-II government announced that 7th Pay Panel would be constituted soon. Notification for constituting 7th Pay Commission under the Chairmanship of Justice Shri Ashok Kumar Mathur was issued on 28-2-2014.

After that as we said above, all the central government employees news blogs have come up with their own predictions based on our 7th pay commission projected pay scales. All the estimates predicted by these blogs couldn’t get away with the figures arrived by gservants by using comparative analysis of past six pay commission recommendation. Nomenclatures are different but figures are more or less same.

Even Calculators are also started coming to calculate the pay and allowances of 7th pay commission based on projected figures. Initially gservants team thought that calculators based on imaginary estimates prepared without any references will misguide the readers to have false hope on pay and allowances. But every one visiting gservants.com dropped a comment that why gservants has not provided any calculators to calculate 7th pay commission pay and allowances.

READ ALSO : 7th Pay Commission Important News

After seeing the overwhelming responses for calculators it is decided to give a calculator for 7th CPC pay and Allowances but not from our own estimates published in 11th February 2013, though it was arrived by using comparative analysis of past six pay commission recommendations. Because it is only the Basic Pay was arrived in the 7th pay commission projected pay scale by using common multiplication factor or Fitment Formula.

To calculate the total salary  supposed to get from 7th CPC recommendation, we need to have rate of all allowances. So we decided to go with the Proposal of NCJCM Staff Side submitted to 7th pay commission. After gone through the references and justification provided to establish their claim on [SEE] Minimum Wage and Allowances are correct and it can be considered, we thought that preparing a calculator based on this proposal can serve it purpose. So accordingly the calculator is designed taking all aspects of this proposal in to the account.

There are two separate Estimates are provided in the 7th CPC Pay calculator

Estimate Number -1: The 7th CPC Pay and Allowances are calculated according to the proposal submitted by NC JCM         

NCJCM Staff Side in its Memorandum submitted to 7th Pay Commission suggested in the matter of Fitment Formula that the multiplication factor (26000/7000 = 3.7) may be applied uniformly in all the cases to arrive at the revised pay in the new scales of pay. See : NCJCM Fitment Formula ]

Here the Multiplication Factor 3.7 cannot be taken as Common Multiplication Factor for All Grades. If it is applied for arriving revised pay of 7th Pay Commission proposed by NCJCM Staff side, it is not tallying with the Minimum Pay prescribed for particular Grade Pay. Hence, according to the Pay Scale Proposed for each Grade Pay by NCJCM Staff Side , the Multiplication Factor is calculated and it is applied to arrive the revised pay for each Grade separately..

Estimate Number-2 : 7th Pay Commission Pay and Allowances calculated Based on Expected Fitment formula

There is information received from sources that the Fitment formula for 7th CPC will be 2.86. The revised pay will be arrived by multiplying this Multiplying factor with existing Pay (GP+BP). Whatever the percentage of increase will be given for 7th CPC Pay , to calculate the revised pay, we need Fitment Formula . Arriving fitment formula is not a difficult one, because there is no rocket science involved in it. It needs very simple calculation to arrive fitment formula. We have to neutralize the existing rates of Dearness Allowance(119%) for getting the fitment formula as on 1.1.2016.

Since the Pay commission, according to the sources and Fedeartions , going to drop the Grade Pay system, the percentage of increase should be added to Fitment formula to arrive the revised pay with said increase. [SEE} It is suggested minimum 30 % hike is supposed to be granted in the 7th Pay commission Pay Scale, if it so happen it will take the fitment formula to 2.86. Assuming minimum 31% Increase can be recommended in 7th Pay commission ..The  fitment formula can be arrived by using the following method.

The Fitment Formula

 Basic Pay (100%) = 1

=1 . 0
DA (119%)=1. 19
31 % increase (31 % of 2.19)=0. 67

2. 86

And assuming the Percentage of HRA remain same and TA and CCA components as per the Proposals of NCJCM , the pay and allowances of 7th CPC has been calculated here under in the calculators provided.


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17 thoughts on “7th Pay commission Pay Calculator based on NCJCM Proposal and Expected Fitment formula”

  1. i am recently promoted to havaldar to LDC, without any pay benefit , can i expect any benefit from this cpc

  2. The multiplication factor should be the following:
    pay+DA*if DA was merged the additional DA would have been admissible.
    Pay 1.00
    DA 1.19
    that is eligible

  3. The multiplication factor should be the following:
    pay+DA if DA was merged the additional DA would have been admissible.
    Pay 1.00
    DA 1.19
    That is eligible

  4. PSU employees getting more benefits. full medical and speciality hospital like appolo,

  5. Pensioners calculator for 7th pay commission may be displayed along with the service personal .

  6. The multiplication factor should be the following:
    pay+DA*if DA was merged the addl.DA would have been admissible.
    Pay 1.00
    DA 1.19
    Addl.DA 1.19= 3.38times
    that is eligible

  7. The multiplication factor should be the following:
    pay+DA*if DA was merged the addl.DA would have been admissible.
    Pay 1.00
    DA 1.19
    that is eligible



  9. S Subramaniam

    On attaining the age of 80-years the additional pension over basic pension will be increased by 20% and thereafter 10% each on attaining the age of 85, 90 and 95. It is considered that additional pension of 5% each should be increased by 5% each on attaining 65, 70 and 75 years of age.

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  11. Pensioners R more anxious & waiting 4 calculator. Whether decision given by Aurangabad high court has been considered or not in case of head masters those were suffering by injustice against them in sixth pay comm

  12. It is more informative and soothing to my whims people like me as air force retired person….

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