NCJCM Staff side secretary told that 7th pay commission report will be delayed by one Month . He has met the Chairman, Seventh Central Pay Commission, Shri Ashok Kumar Mathur and Secretary, Mrs. Meena Agarwal yester day and Posted the brief of the meeting in the official website of NCJCM Staff Side. In which it is stated that initially it was promised that Report will be submitted on 28th August 2015, after the meeting it was assumed that the 7th pay commission report will be delayed by one Month. The letter is given below..
National Council JCM Staff Side
Dated: August 7, 2015
All Constituents Organizations,
National Councii(JCM)(Staff Side)
Dear Comrades,
Sub: Brief of the meeting held today with the VII CPC
Today morning I met the Chairman, Seventh Central Pay Commission, Shri Ashok Kumar Mathur and Secretary, Mrs. Meena Agarwal.
It was assumed that the report of the VII CPC, as was promised for 28th August this year, may be delayed by one month.
I have impressed upon him once again for improvement in the service conditions of all the Central Government Employees working in different sectors with special emphasis in the matter of fixation of Minimum Wage and other benefits.
This is for your information.
Comradely yours,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
Secretary Staff Side
Source: NCJCM Staff Side
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If the agenda of our PM about 33 years of service is going to be finalised then I will retire at the age of 52.
In 7 th pay commission report it has mentioned that all central Govt employees who have completed 33 yrs service or 58/60 yrs will retire in Jan 2016. Is it true or some confusion is there . Please tell, if it happens many hundred , thousands employees will be affected. How they will survive their family. getting their children settled, their marriage, house purchase.retirement age should be 60 yrs only without any length of service without any 33 yrs clause as was earlier.
will Shri S G Mishra intimate the date from which 7 th Pay Commission will take effect, so that employees retired during 2014 and 2015 may also be benefited. Employees are afraid with the rumer of retirement in 33 yrs of service /60 yrs of age ,please offer yours views.