Extend the CGHS facility to All KVS employees and Pensioners – Parliamentary Panel

A parliamentary panel has asked the government to extend the Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) to employees and pensioners of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) across the country.

Presently, the CGHS facilities are available only in Bengaluru, Chennai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Secunderabad, Mumbai and Delhi.

The Standing Committee on Health and Family Welfare, which examined the Central Government Health Scheme functioning, felt that there should not be any bias in extending the CGHS to employees and pensioners of the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan.

In its report presented to the Parliament, the panel headed by BSP MP Satish Chandra Mishra said such an unfair arrangement would breed corruption.

The panel asked the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare to take a balanced and humanitarian view towards addressing the demand of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan employees.

Source:New Indian Express

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8 thoughts on “Extend the CGHS facility to All KVS employees and Pensioners – Parliamentary Panel”

  1. S. K. Chowdri

    This is really step motherly attitude by the Government of India ( Ministry of Health) towards retired kendriya vidhyalaya teachers/staff other then eligible cities like Delhi, NCR, Mumbai, Kolkata by not covering CGHS facility to other cities of India. I would appreciate & request the Government to extend the CGHS facilities to all other cities (not covered so far) like it was extended to Delhi & other cities. We all pray for the request & early decision in the matter.

  2. Chandrika Veera

    I am retired KV teacher from Hyderabad, I was suffering from gall bladder stone and gynaec issues which were directed by Doctors to remove the effected organs through surgery when l was in service but because of busy schedules and commitments I couldn’t undergo surgeries. After retirement immidiatly I get I met doctors they advised me for immediate surgery for gallbladder as my digestion got weak. Till this time after retirement I had started my health policy to star health paying Rs.22,000/- per annum .But after my surgery I paid approx Rs.1,00,000/- to Global , Hyderabad as no use of health policy as it requires two years maturity of policy for surgery benefit.
    Again I have started facing health problem because of the Gynaec disease this year in 2018. But I know no financial support for this surgery again from star policy and it was clear I have to spend again some lakhs from my hard earned money through out my service. I decided to go and when this operation is over at Apollo Jubilee, Hyderabad I have received approx Rs.7,50,000/- bill . I say the whole life we teachers of KV working hard to create future citizens of our country but no one is there to think about our future after our retirement when we are not able to fight against the health problems at old age. We have to spend the lakhs of rupees from our hard earned money which we kept for our bread and butter and other commitments of life in the old age I request authorities to justify on humanitarian basis the agony of retired KV teachers health care facility providing CGHS , which is very helpful for pensioners of KV also as other organisations.

  3. Rajaratnam Indra

    Mine is a pitiable case I. e., I am suffering from cancer since 2014 taking treatment under CGHS facility. My CGHS facility was withdrawn from July 2017 on retirement. Whereas pensioners of kendriya vidhyalaya staff of Delhi are covered. This is totally a case of discrimination. Now my whole pension is going towards treatment monthly. I request everyone should come forward to fight for equality and not to be like dummy figure.

  4. Request to All,
    My sister is KV employee at KV Delhi for long. Currently hospitalized in some private hospital in ICU and hospital has refused to extend any benefit to her of CGHS as the CGHS Card has not been issued to KV staff.
    If any of you can share any positive development from Central Gov’t in thus regard where she can be given benefit of CGHS , shall be obliged.
    Kind Regards

  5. Lawrence Ekka

    Sir, I retired as on 31.12.2016.I do get the pension, but I do not get the fixed medical allowance though it clearly mentioned in my pension order that I’m entitled for fixed medical allowance if the declaration is given by the individual. please let me know the details. KV sevoke Road Siliguri.

  6. Why Government is showing step motherly attitude towards kendriya vidhyalaya pensioners by not covering CGHS facility to them. I request everybody to take up the matter with Government just like KV staff of Delhi region.

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