7th CPC DA from July 2016
This month AICPIN suggests that the expected DA from July 2016 in Sixth Pay Commission will be in the range between 5% to 6% .
As per Labour Bureau report the AICPIN for the Month of March increased one point and stood at 268.
The current Index of selected commodities indicates that there will be some fluctuation in both sides for the remaining 3 Months.
See the following AICPIN table
The Increase in First three Quarter are 5, 3 and -1 points respectively
As per the CPI Index shown in the table above there are three possibilities to calculate the first instalment of DA to be paid from July 2016
Assumption -I : There is No increase or decrease in AICPIN for remaining three Months.
If that is the case, we can calculate Minimum DA to be released as per the CPI Index
The AICPIN for March 2016 is 268.
If it remains same for next three months starts from April 2016 to June 2016, the Expected DA from July 2016 will be reaching exactly at 6%
Assumption -II : Decrease in AICPIN Points
One or Two points decrease from this level of AICPIN Points for last quarter will result in bringing down the rate of DA to 5%
Assumption -II : Increase in AICPIN Points
If the increase in the AICPIN goes above 7 points in last quarter,
According to the Formula prescribed for DA calculation, the rate of DA may go upto 7%
But the current trend of Consumer Price Index indicates that the increase will not be more than three or Four points for last quarter. So there are remote chances for the rate of DA to go to 7% Level.
On the other hand, there is higher possibilities for expected DA from July 2016 to reach 6%.
Calculate Expected DA Using this Tool

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LDC in Grade pay Rs.2400 and UDC in Grade pay in Rs 2800 must be upgraded as per pay matrix of 7CPC. It is genuine demand before PMji.
Clerical cadre are backbone of every office & establishment. Just think your Honour PMji.
As per previous record of Pay commission, 6 to 8% DA increased and reached 125%. Govt should fix DA atleast 50% then it can reach to 125 % in coming ten years or 8 CPC
Subject to correction ” one govt employee means 10 to 20 votes not one person”
Mr. Salim you are right..if this trend going on w.r.t LDC UDC, public will definately teach lession to PMji . One govt means 10 to 20 votes not one person
never satifstied plz do no t vote
The LDC and UDC have been regarded as donkey by our PM Modiji. Dear PM Saheb if this is your view then Election are not so far. The public will teach you a good lesson. Is this is a good day as per your promise? This poor grade employee will never forgive you.
Respected PM Sahab of lndia
Millatery Service Pay sabhi Rank ki barabar honi chahiye. kiyonk sabhi solder ek he Indian Army main service kar rahe hain. ismain koi bhed bhaw nahin hona chahiye.
I agree and strongly support the views of Ishwari Prasad, Allahabad.
Yes the pay matrix and fixation formula should different and should better than the serving one as it is 50 percent less than serving even though they live in the same place as serving ones and it is illogical to deprive HRA and CCA for retired penssioners so kindly change these points while implementing pay commission recommendations for pensioners
The 6-7 % DA is on old pay .. For new pay it would be 2-3 % only..
DA will be 2% from July 2016 as the base year will be changed if 7th Pay is implemented by 30.06.2016.
30.4.2016 from Ishwari, Allahabad suggestion in Gservant
Deciding the matters / Policies relating to Pensioners, with representatives other than those of pensioners, is unfair & against the Rules of ‘Natural Justice. Unfortunately no one in Govt is listening to Pensioners.
The fixation formula and the Matrix for Pensioners need to be revised. The difference of 0.40% between serving class and Pensioners, as recommended by Sixth Pay Commission and accepted by Govt. should be maintained in respect of Pensioners. The fixation formula and the Matrix for Pensioners need to be revised accordingly. The serving employees must realise that they will be a Pensioner in future and allowances will be of no use to them. Be Careful for your future today as after retirement no body will listen to you.