NCJCM Standing Committee Meeting Discussion on Action Taken Report


Outcome of the NCJCM Standing Committee Meeting held on 3rd May 2017

1. No privatization PPP or FDI in Railways and Defence Establishment

The issue will be separately discussed by the Railways and Defence Ministry with the Recognized Federations

2. No Corporatization of Postal Services

Department of Post informed that there is no proposal of Corporatization / privatization at this juncture.

3. Scrap PFRDA Act and reintroduce the Defined Benefit Statutory Pension Scheme

The Chairman stated that, we have to wait for the report of the NPS Committee. However, the Staff Side insisted that, there should be at least Guaranteed Minimum Pension of 50% of the last pay drawn, Family Pension, and Disability Pension.

4. Regularize the existing daily rated/casual and contract workers, and absorb trained apprentices. No labour reforms should be carried out which are not in the interest of workers.

After discussion it was decided that, specific cases, if referred to the DoP&T by the Department/ Staff Side, may be considered. The issue of Gun and Shell Factory Casual Employees would be considered in consultation with the MoD.

5. Revive JCM functioning at all levels as an effective negotiating forum for settlement of demands of the central government employees.

It was assured that JCM Machinery would be activated

6. Remove the arbitrary ceiling on compassionate appointments.

The Staff Side demanded the following:-
a. The arbitrary and artificial 5% ceiling may be removed.
b. Pending the same the 5% vacancies should be calculated on the overall vacancies and not in the vacancies of the particular year.

c. For calculation of vacancies Group B posts also should be taken into account.

d. In the Defence Ministry wards of service personnel are given Compassionate Appointment in the 5% of Civilian Vacancies. However while calculating 5% vacancies, the vacancies of service personnel are not taken in to account. This anomaly may be rectified.

e. Defence Ministry has proposed a onetime relaxation of 5% ceiling considering the large number of pending applications. The DoP&T has rejected the same. The issue may be reconsidered by theDoP&T After discussion on the above issues Secretary DoP&T assured that he would reconsider the whole matter.

7. Ensuring Five Promotions in the Service Career

The Staff Side insisted that MACP should be in the promotional hierarchy and the condition of “Very Good” grading should be removed for granting of MACP

8. Non-implementation of the decision taken in the 46th National Council (JCM) Meeting held on 15t May 2010 with regard to Item No. 20.

The Staff Side stated that in spite of the DoP&T’s direction not to recognize Associations of “Workers”, the Defence Ministry is not implementing the same. After discussion Secretary DoP&T assured that he would discuss the matter with the Defence Secretary and settle the same.

9. Reduction of one day Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) to the employees of OFB & DGQA under

Department of Defence Production against Cabinet decision and Government orders. Staff Side protested against the arbitrary recovery of PLB days in the case of employees of Ordnance Factories, DGQA, DGAQA and EME. After discussion Secretary DoP&T directed the Department of Expenditure to reconsider the matter and if necessary to put up the case to the Finance Minister for his consideration.

10. Grant of one time relaxation to the Central Government employees who have availed LTC-80 and travelled by air by purchasing Ticket from other than authorized agent.

The Staff Side insisted that the employees who are otherwise not eligible for entitlement of air traveling, have purchased flight tickets from other than authorized agents due to their ignorance of rule position should not be punished by imposing recovery of the entire LTC amount etc. Therefore to settle the matter once for all a onetime relaxation may be given to such employees. After discussion it was decided that DoP&T may reconsider the whole matter.

11. Grant of House Rent Allowance to the employees who have vacated government quarters.

The Staff Side insisted that NAC should not be a pre condition for grant of HRA to those employees who vacate the government quarters. After discussion it was decided that the Directorate of Estate and Department of Expenditure would consider the matter.

12. Restoration of interest-free advances withdrawn by the Government based on 7th CPC recommendations.

The Official Side assured that, the demand of the Staff Side would be conveyed to the government.

13. Grant of entry pay recommended by 6th CPC to the promotees under the provisions of CCS(RP) Rules- 2008.

The Staff Side stated that the decision taken in the National Anomaly Committee meeting in this regard was not accepted by the finance ministry and at present the Principle Bench CAT New Delhi and the CAT Madras Bench has given judgment in favour of the employees and hence the Department of Expenditure may reconsider the matter. After discussion it was decided that the Department of Expenditure would reconsider the matter.
14. Grant of 3rd MACP in GP Rs.4600 to the Master Craftsmen (MCM) of Defence Ministry who were holding the post of MCM in the pre-revised pay scale of Rs.4500- 7000 as on 31/12/2005.

After discussion it was decided that DoP&T will refer the matter to Department of Expenditure recommending to reconsider their earlier decision of rejection since the demand is in conformity with the rules on ACP/MACP.

15. Carrying forward of Earned Leave by Defence Industrial Employees on transfer/ appointment from non Industrial to Industrial Establishment.

DOPT has agreed with the demand and their decision would be conveyed to MOD after receipt of the proposal from Defence Ministry in this regard.

16. Reimbursement of actual medical expenditure incurred by the employees in recognized hospitals.

CGHS rates are under revision and the same would be issued soon.

17. Dental Treatment in private hospitals recognized under CGHS / CS(MA) Rules, 1944 for CS(MA) beneficiaries.

CGHS vide their OM dated 5th April 2017 has informed that the requirement of no objection certificate has been dispensed with vide OM No. S.14025/41/2015-MS dated 7.12.2016.

18. Removal of ambiguity in fixation of pay of re-employed Ex-Servicemen and grant of the same benefit extended to Commissioned officers to personnel below officers rank also

The demand is under consideration ofDoP&T in consultation with the Department of Expenditure

19. Permission to opt for pay fixation in the revised pay structure on a date after the date of issue of CCS(RP) rules 2016 notification (25.7.2016) in case of employees whose promotion becomes due after 25.7.2006.

The issue is under consideration of Department of Expenditure and a decision would be taken soon.

20. Fill up all vacant posts including promotional posts in a time bound manner.

DOPT is framing a fresh calendar for holding DPC and effecting promotions which will enable to fill up the promotional Posts in a time bound manner. Instructions will be issued very soon.

21. Abolish and upgrade all posts of Lower Division Clerks (LDCs) to Upper Division Clerks(UDCs)

The Staff Side demanded that the LDC post may be merged with UDC and MTS may be promoted directly to UDC. DoP&T agreed to consider the demand. Due to paucity of time, new agenda points, given by the Staff Side, was not taken up for discussion. It was decided that the Action Taken on the New Agenda Points would be communicated to the Staff Side and a meeting would be thereafter convened to discuss these items.

Cabinet approves revision of pension to pre 2016 pensioners

The Cabinet approved modifications in the recommendations of the 7th CPC relating to method of revision of
pension of pre-2016 Pensioners and Family Pensioners based on the suggestions made by the Committee, chaired
by Secretary(Pensions), constituted with the approval of the Cabinet.

While approving implementation of the 7th CPC recommendations on 29th June, 2016, the Cabinet had approved the changed method of pension revision recommended by the 7th CPC for pre-2016 pensioners, comprising of two alternative formulations, subject to the feasibility of the first formulation which was to be examined by the Committee.

In terms of the Cabinet decision, pensions of pre-2016 pensioners were revised as per the second formulation multiplying existing pension by a fitment factor of 2.57, though the pensioners were to be given the option of choosing the more beneficial of the two formulations as per the 7th CPC recommendations.

In order to provide more beneficial option to the pensioners, Cabinet has accepted the recommendations of the Committee, which has suggested revision of pension based on the information contained in the Pension Payment Order (PPO) issued to every pensioner.

The modified formulation will be beneficial to more pensioners than the first formulation recommended by the 7th CPC, which was not found to be feasible to implement on account of non-availability of records in a large number of cases and was also found to be prone to several anomalies.

Sincerely Yours
(Shiv Gopal Mishra)
Secretary (Staff Side)
National Council (JCM)

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1 thought on “NCJCM Standing Committee Meeting Discussion on Action Taken Report”

  1. praveen kulkarni

    For central government employees a compassionate appointment issues very important issue.a lot of pending files past years.and this want to be complete

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