Minimum Pay Increase and Multiplication Factor Change – uncover the truth

Minimum Pay Increase and Multiplication Factor Change – uncover the truth

Increasing of Minimum Pay and Improving of Fitment Factor is possible ?

Is it really possible to Increase the Minimum Pay and Improve the Fitment Factor even 18 Months after the resolution for Implementation of 7th CPC Recommendation issued ?

What is that the NCJCM Staff Side really wanted to convey to the Central Government Employees by posting such letters regarding Increasing of Minimum Pay and Improving of Fitment formula. [ See ]

NCJCM Staff Side is the only hope and Final Destination for Central Government staffs to ask to settle their issues under negotiated settlement. But it seems that the Staff Side is not using this forum effectively to resolve the issues pertaining to the Central Government Employees.

The issues of HRA and Minimum pay are perfect examples of the failure of NCJCM Staff Side.

The central Government employees wouldn’t have faced such huge loss in payment of HRA if the same rate is implemented with effect from the date of Notification ..[Click to read More ]

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