GDS Committee proposal will be forwarded to Ministry of Finance
The issue of Including Grameen Dak Sewaks within the ambit of 7th CPC was discussed in the NCJC Standing Committee Meeting. The Department of Post informed that GDS Committee Report report had been examined and the financial implications were being worked out. The proposal will then be forwarded to Ministry of Finance before taking a final view.
Minutes of Meeting of Standing Committee-
S. No. 2 – Include Grameen Dak Sewaks within the ambit of 7th CPC.
Department of Posts had informed through their letter dated 07.02.2017 that a one-man Committee constituted to look into the service conditions, emoluments and other facilities of Gramin Dak Sevaks has submitted its report
and the same has been hosted on the website of the Department of Posts. Further, due to the then prevailing Model Code of Conduct, no further action could be taken till it was lifted in March, 2017.
The representative of the Department of Posts informed that the report had been examined and the financial implications were being worked out. The proposal will then be forwarded to Ministry of Finance before taking a final view.
The Staff-Side expressed satisfaction on the development. It was decided that the item may be closed.
{Action: D/o Posts}
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