Air Travel Entitlement of Railway Officers

Railway Board has revised the Air Travel Entitlement of Railway Officers and in this regard instruction also was issued on 24th April 2018.

Air Travel Entitlement of Railway Officers

RBE No.61/2018
Government of India/Bharat Sarkar
Ministry of Railways/Rail Mantralaya
(Railway Board)

RBE No.61/2018
New Delhi, dated 24.04.2018

No. F(E}I/2017/AL-28/41


General Manager,
All Indian Railways, PUs etc.
(As per Standard Mailing List}

Sub: Air Travel entitlements for journeys on tour or training; revision of instructions reg.

In partial modification of Board’s letters of even number dated 24.08.2017 & 25.09.2017 on the subject, it has been decided by Board to revise the Air Travel entitlements of railway officers for journeys on tour or training in the following manner:

A. Journeys by Air within the Country

Air Travel Entitlement
Air Travel Entitlement of Railway Officers

[Note: There should be specific Railway Boards Orders regarding Posting as CHOD ]

B.Journey by Air ( International )

Air Travel entitlement for Railway Staffs
Air Travel Entitlement of Railway Officers

2. Further, in partial modification of Board’s letter of even number dated 25.09.2017, it has also been decided by Board that grant of Air Travel permission to officers on Indian Railways, either one way or two way, may be approved personally by GMs of Railways with the prior personal concurrence of PFA.

3. As delegated vide para 22 of Board’s letter No. F(X)II-2015IPW17, dated 12.06.2017 of delegation of powers to GMs, these powers may be exercised personally by Chief Administrative Officer with the prior personal concurrence of PFA In case of COFMOW, New Delhi, DCWIPatiala and MTPI Chennai. ‘

4. The competent authority while approving Air Travel would apply his mind and consider whether the available train connectivity and time taken justifies the same. For example; while Delhi-Bangalore-Delhi may qualify for Air Travel, Delhi-Mumbai-Delhi can easily be covered by train comfortably. General Manager while using his discretion to permit one way or two way Air Travel may consider both the need of the journey and the urgency that necessitates Air Travel.

5. It may be ensured that permission for Air Travel is given judiciously and restricted only to absolutely essential official requirement that is recorded, subject to availability of budgetary provisions.

6. This has the approval of Board (FC & CRB).

7. These orders will take effect from the date of issue of this letter.

8. Please acknowledge receipt.

(Jitendra Kumar)
Dy. Director Finance (Estt.),
Railway Board.


View the Order Copy

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