Waiver of requirement of Producing 2 Pensioners to identify the Pensioner – PCDA Circular 205
O/o the Principle Controller of Defence Accounts (Pensions)
Draupadighat, Allahabad-211014
Circular 205
Dated 02-11-2018
Sub: Waiver of requirement of producing two pensioners drawing pension from same PDA to identify the pensioner.
During various Defence Pension Adalats, representations are being received against the requirement of producing two pensioners drawing pension from same PDA to identify pensioner.
The issue has been examined and it is noticed that various checks to be observed by the Pension Disbursing Authorities (PDAs) before making payment for first time on new Pension Payment Orders (PPOs)/transferred PPOs are provided in para 584 of DPPI-2005 & 2013. Similarly, these checks were circulated to the PDAs as Annexure-A to important Circular No.113 dt 27/05/2005. Item No. 7 and No. 15 of DPPI and Annexure-A to above mentioned circular respectively states that two defence pensioners should identify a new pensioners (except officer).
Now a days, requirement of producing two pensioners drawing pension from same PDA to identify the pensioner which is applicable to the pensioners below officer ranks does not seem correct, as PDAs are required to identify the pensioner based on marks of identification furnished in Descriptive Rolls/Descriptive Particulars and photographs provided to them.
Accordingly PDAs are requested to refer this office circular No. 197 dt 10/01/2018, and follow the guidelines issued there under for identification by additional documents produced by defence pensioners in absence of Aadhaar
Number as indicated in Notification No. S.O 747(E) dt 03/03/2017 issued by Ministry of Defence, Deptt. of ESW rather than insisting the pensioner to produce two pensioners drawing pension from same PDA to identify him/her.
Addl.CDA (P)
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