Leave Rules to a Person on Probation


11. A probationer shall be entitled to leave under the provisions of the Rule 33 of the CCS (Leave} Rules, 1972. If, for any reason, it is proposed to terminate the services of a probationer, any leave which be granted to him shall not extend;

  • I. beyond the date on which the probationary period as already sanctioned or extended, expires, or
  • II. beyond any earlier date on which his services are terminated by the orders of an authority competent to appoint him.

12. A person appointed to a post on probation shall be entitled to leave under these rules as a temporary or a permanent Government servant according as his appointment is against a temporary or a permanent post; Provided that where such person already holds a lien on a permanent post before such appointment, he shall be entitled to leave under these rules as a permanent Government servant.

Leave Rules to a Person on Probation

13.As far as the matter of Child Care Leave to probationers is concerned, CCL should not ordinarily be granted during the probation period except in case of certain extreme situations where the leave sanctioning authority is fully satisfied regarding the need of Child Care Leave to the probationer. It may also be ensured that the period for which this leave is sanctioned during probation is minimal. Further the other provisions contained in Rule 43-C of the CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 will also apply.

14. Joining Time is granted to Government servants on transfer in public interest. The period of joining time availed by a probationer on return from leave should be counted towards the prescribed period of probation if but for the leave, he would have continued to officiate in the post to which he was appointed.

Click to Read about : Date of Confirmation

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2 thoughts on “Leave Rules to a Person on Probation”

  1. “Earned leave shall be credited to the leave account of Government servant at the rate of 2½ days for each completed calendar month of service which
    he is likely to render in a half-year of the calendar year in which he is appointed”. According to this Rule position, a Govt servant can avail the EL in the first year itself.

  2. Can a newly appointed employee avail EL after completion of 6 month of service.
    I have joined on 15th june 2024 and used all my 4 CL but now i want 4days EL, is it aplicable to me?. because my office is telling me that i can avail EL only after completion of 1 year of service. Please Help

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