CGHS has issued a Detailed checklist for Reimbursement of Medical Claims
CGHS Medical Claim Reimbursement Checklist
Reimbursement of Claims
Claim submission
In case of treatment in emergency in non-empanelled hospital/ expenditure incurred for treatment in empanelled hospital, Medical Reimbursement Claim (MRC) will have to be submitted by the beneficiary for reimbursement of expenses incurred.
The claim is to be submitted to the concerned department by serving employees and to the CMO I/C of the CGHS wellness Centre (where the CGHS card is registered) by the pensioner beneficiary within 3 months of discharge from the hospital.
In case of delay in submission of claim beyond 3 months, the reasons justifying the delay must be stated by the beneficiary in a forwarding letter
The claim is to be submitted in duplicate in the prescribed form.

Acknowledgement and following up of the claim submitted by pensioner beneficiaries and serving CGHS employees:
The claim is to be submitted at the CGHS wellness Centre where the beneficiary is registered. On verification as per check list if the claim is found to be complete with all documents then an acknowledgement will be generated with a claim number in the computer module of the wellness Centre.
The status of the claim can be viewed in the CGHS computer module using the claim number. SMS will also be sent to beneficiaries at each stage of MRC processing.
Particulars of the claims which are more than one month old are now displayed on the CGHS website.
Please see detailed checklist given below for documents to be enclosed for reimbursement of medical claims:
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