Reconstitution of SCOVA through Resolution dated 25th January 2021

Reconstitution of SCOVA through Resolution dated 25th January 2021
Reconstitution of SCOVA through Resolution dated 25th January 2021

Consequent upon expiry of tenure of the Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA), the Government of India has decided to reconstitute the SCOVA and published Resolution dated 25th January 2021

F.No. 42/09/2020-P&PW(D)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G and Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare

3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan
Khan Market, New Delhi- 110003
Date:- 25th Jan, 2021


Consequent upon expiry of tenure of the Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) constituted vide this Department’s Resolution No. 42/12/2017-P&PW(G) dated 31st January, 2018 for a period of two years, the Government of India has decided to reconstitute the SCOVA with the following composition .

(a) Minister of State (Personnel, PG & Pensions) :- Chairman

(b) Secretary, Department of Pension &PW :- Convener & Member Secretary

(c) Official Members:-

(i) Representative of Ministry of Finance
(ii) Representative of Ministry of Defence
(iii) Representative of Ministry of Railways
(iv) Representative of Department of Posts
(v) Representative of Department of Telecom
(vi) Representative of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

(d) Non-official Members (15 Pensioners Associations) :-

(i) Standing Group (5 Associations)

S.NoName of the Pensioners Association
1.N.F. Railway Pensioners Association, Rest Camp, Pandu, Guwahati-781012, Assam
2.Central Govt. Pensioners Association (CGPA), 14,Yamuna Bari, Shiv Colony, Tonk Road, Jaipur-30201 5
3.Central Govt. Pensioners Welfare Association (CGPWA), Community Centre, Kendriya Vihar Library, Sector-51 , Noida-201303
4.Tamilnadu Ex-Services League No 10, R.R.Layout, Farakka Nagar, Pasumalai , Madurai-625004, Tamilnadu
5.Baroda Central Pensioners Association, Raopura, Shrec Apartment, Shanker Pole, Opp. Police Station, Raopura, Vadodara-390001, Gujarat

(ii) Rotating Group (10 Associations)

S.NoName of the Pensioners Association
1.All India Ex-Para Military Personnel Association (Regd), BSF Campus, Jalandhar- 144601, Punjab
2.Railway Senior Citizens Welfare Society, 32, Phase-6, SAS Nagar, Mohali-160055 , Punjab
3.All India Organisation of Pensioners, C-589, Indira Nagar, Lucknow-226016 , Uttar Pradesh
4.Central Civil Pensioners Association, A-12 , Chetak Puri, Gwalior-474002, Madhya Pradesh
5.Railway Pensioners Welfare Association, A-Manuel Hall, Next to Railway Co. Bank, Sheshadri Iyer Road, Mysore-570021, Karnataka
6.All India Organisation of Pensioners (Civil & Military), Althara Junction, Vellayambalam , P.P Sasthamangalam, Thiruvananthpuram-695010 , Kerala
7.Defence Accounts Pensioners ‘Association, Clo PCDA (Southern Command) No. l , Finance Road, Pune, Maharashtra-411001
8.Central Government Pensioners’ Welfare Association (Regd), Jammu Olympic Association Building, Parade, Jammu-180001,
9.Postal Accounts & Audit Pensioners ‘Association, Teerathroop, 63, Dharampeth Housing Society Layout No-3 , Deendayal Nagar , Nagpur, Maharashtra
10.Ex-Defence Employees Welfare Association, Bhoisahi (Karanjia), Near KV PO- Balasore, Balasore, Odisha-756001

2.The term of SCOVA being reconstituted through this Resolution will be of 2 years. The Standing Group members would serve for three terms of two years each (total 6 years) from the date of inclusion in SCOVA or till the pleasure of the Chairman, SCOVA, whichever is , earlier. The Rotating Group members would serve for one term of two years from the date of inclusion in SCOVA and would be eligible for re-nomination for one more term or till the pleasure of the Chairman, SCOVA, whichever is earlier.

3.The SCOVA will hold its meeting as often as may be necessary. However, it will meet at least once in a year.

4.The SCOVA will function to promote the following objectives:-

(i) To provide a feedback on implementation of policies/programmes of the Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare.

(ii) To discuss and critically examine the policy initiatives ; and

(iii) To mobilise voluntary efforts to supplement the Government action.

  1. Travelling Allowance and Daily Allowance to Non-official members for attending the meeting of SCOVA shall be regulated in accordance with the provisions of SRI 90 and.orders of Government of India there under as issued from time to time and this Department’s letter no. 42/1 1/2014-P&PW(G) dated 19.05.2014.
  2. The expenditure involved will be met from within the sanctioned budget grant of Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare.

(Charanjit Taneja)
Under Secretary


Ordered that the Resolution be published in the Gazette of India

  1. Ordered also that a copy of the Resolution be communicated to all Ministries/Departments of the Government of India and all other concerned.

Under Secretary

The Manager,
Government of India Press Faridabad

Copy to:

1 . All SCOVA Members

  1. Joint Secretary (EV), Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance
  2. Joint Secretary(Admn), Department of Financial Services, Ministry of Finance.
  3. Joint Secretary, Department of Ex-Servicemen & Welfare, Ministry of Defence
  4. Joint Secretary, Department of Defence, Ministry of Defence.
  5. Joint Secretary (CGHS), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
  6. Executive Director (Estt.), Ministry of Railways•
  7. DDG (Estt.), Department of Posts.
  8. DOG (Estt.), Department of Telecommunication.
  9. Controller General of Defence Accounts (CGDA)
  10. Central Pension Accounting Office (CPAO)

Copy for information to :

  1. PS to Minister of State (Personnel , P.G.& Pension)
  2. PPS to Secretary (Pension, AR&PG)
  3. Director, NIC, 3rd floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan – for placing this “Resolution” on this Department’s website

View the Order

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