Standard Operating Procedure for Online Return Process of Pension cases from CPAO to PAO

Standard Operating Procedure for online Return process of pension cases from CPAO to PAO – New functionality in Pension module of PFMS jointly developed by CPAO and GIFMIS-PFMS

SOP for Online Return Process of Pension cases from CPAO to PAO

No. 1-95/4/2020-1TD-CGA (E 994)/273-313
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Controller General of Accounts
PFMS Division (GIFMIS)

Mahalekha Niyantrak Bhawan
GPO Complex, INA, New Delhi
Dated: 15.09.2023


Subject: Standard Operating Procedure for online Return process of pension cases from CPAO to PAO – New functionality in Pension module of PFMS jointly developed by CPAO and GIFMIS-PFMS.

The undersigned is directed to refer to the subject cited above and inform that the functionality for online return of pension cases from CPAO to PAO through the Pension module at PFMS has been developed and deployed. Following operating procedure in this regard is issued for guidance of all stakeholders and users.

2.Current procedure: Presently, pension case forwarded by Head of Office (HoO) through Bhavishya land in PFMS Pension Module at DH level for checking in “Pension >>Manage Pensioner” menu. After passing the pension cases at all levels i.e., DH, AAO and PAO, PAO allots PPO number and digitally sign the e-PPO. Thereafter, PAO verifies digitally signed ePPO and submits it to CPAO online. PAO has to send physical PPO booklet with attachment and PDF of ePPO to CPAO for further processing at CPAO. In the existing scenario, after verification of case at CPAO, CPAO issues e- SSA and forward the same to Bank for payment.

In case of any mistake found in e- PPO or physical PPO, CPAO returns pension case back to PAO through offline mode and deletes the pension in their system. PAO has to take corrective action at their end if errors are in PPO Booklet and forward the case back to CPAO and re-upload e-PPO to CPAO in their Login. If any mistake is found in e-PPO, then the case needs to be returned to HoO i.e. Bhavishya and for this purpose DSC needs to be reverted back. Presently, DSC is being reverted at CGA office and for this purpose, a request is required to be forwarded by PAO to CGA office. This process is done offline mode and takes time.

  1. To obviate problems and reduce the time period, this office and CPAO have jointly developed an online revert process flow of pension cases from CPAO to PAO and DSC reversion of Pension cases, if required, at PAO office itself. As and when, CPAO returns the pension case back to PAO, the same will now be available in PAO Login in Pension Menu at Pension =>e-PPO=> e-PPO returned by CPAO. PAO has to check the reason for return of Pension case and if errors are in physical PPO booklet or errors are in e-PPO or complete case is wrong, PAO has to take action accordingly, i.e., where errors are only in physical booklets, PAO may re-upload e-PPO after rectifying errors in physical booklet and forward the case to CPAO.
  2. If there are errors in e-PPO or the complete case itself is not correct, PAO has to take action in initiating DSC reversion available at Pension =>e-PPO=> e-PPO returned by CPAO. After initiation by PAO, case will land at DH login for processing
    of DSC reversion with all validation. DH will check the case and forward the same to AAO, AAO will verify the case and forward the same to PAO. PAO will revert the DSC and case will be available at PAO login in Pension =>Utilities->Return to PAO Login. After taking action in this menu, PAO will again pass the case from Manage Pension case in pension module and take necessary action for re-DSC or returning case back to HoO for rectification of errors.
  3. Important Instructions before processing of DSC reversion:

(i) Initiation of re-upload or DSC reversion is to be initiated only after receipt of physical booklets from CPAO and pensioner.

(ii) Revision cases available at any level in DH, AAO or PAO must be reverted back to HoO prior to DSC reversion of pension case.

(iii) Sanctions/bills pending at any level i.e., DDO, DH, AAO or PAO level must be permanently cancelled prior to DSC reversion.

(iv) Payment of sanctions i.e., Gratuity, Commutation, Withheld Gratuity, if done through sanction module, must be entered at DH level with complete details i.e., Bill Number, Bill Date, Voucher Number and Voucher Date.

(v) Recovery of paid amount, if any, must be entered at DH level with complete details i.e., Challan Number, Challan Date, Scroll Number and Scroll Date. Total amount must be recovered and partially recovered amount will not allow DSC reversion at PAO login.

  1. A User Manual detailing these processes is enclosed for guidance of all stakeholders and users.
    This issue with the approval of Competent Authority

(Anupam Raj)
Dy. Controller of Accounts (GIFMIS)


  1. All Pr.CCAs /CCAS /CAS (with independent charge) with a request to kindly circulate these instructions to Pension processing PAOS under their control.
  2. Principal PAO, AG, Audit with a request to circulate these instructions to all the pension processing PAOS under your control.
  3. Principal PAO, Department of Space with a request to circulate these instructions to all the pension processing PAOS under your control.
  4. Principal PAO, Govt of NCT of Delhi with a request to circulate these instructions to all the pension processing PAOs under your control.

Copy to:

  1. PPS to CGA
  2. Additional CGA (A & FR)
  3. CC (Pensions)

View Standard Operating Procedure

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