7th Pay Commission recommendation on Dearness Allowance from 1.1.2016

7th Pay Commission recommendation on Dearness Allowance from 1.1.2016

7th Pay Commission recommendation on Dearness Allowance from 1st January 2016 is provided below

8.17.34 The Dearness Allowance (DA) is paid to Central Government employees to adjust the cost of living and to protect their Basic Pay from erosion in the real value on account of inflation. Presently, DA is based on the All India Consumer Price Index (Industrial Workers).

8.17.35 The JCM-Staff Side has suggested that the existing formula for the calculation of DA may continue.
Analysis and Recommendations

8.17.36 The VI CPC had recommended that the National Statistical Commission may be asked to explore the possibility of a specific survey covering government employees exclusively, so as to construct a consumption basked representative of government employees and formulate a separate index. This has, however, not been done.

8.17.37 Keeping in mind that the present formulation of DA has worked well over the years, and there are no demands for its alteration, the Commission recommends continuance of the existing formula and methodology for calculating the Dearness Allowance.

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2 thoughts on “7th Pay Commission recommendation on Dearness Allowance from 1.1.2016”

  1. Jasbir S Bhatti

    There is a disparity in the pension of Major Rank. The pension has been fixed at Rs 23815 from the service of 14 years and there after. It is not understood as to why a major with 14 years of service should get the same as a major with 19.5 years of service. There is a very big disparity by the the government.

    Now on No one will retire as a Major so how will be get OROP. Majors should be paid OROP equivalent to Lt Col less the rank pay of Lt Col.

  2. OROP must bwe applied for Civil Pensioners as well. There were two scales of pay Selection Grade and Ordinary Grade. Absolutely no distinction in work norms and due to efflux of time the ordinary grade incumbents got Selection grade. The pension applicable to Selection grade Pay should be granted to Ordinary re retirees as well,

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