7th Pay Commission calculation for Non Practicing Allowance

7th Pay Commission calculation for Non Practicing Allowance

8.17.78 Non Practicing Allowance (NPA), at the rate of 25 percent of Basic Pay, is paid to medical doctors occupying posts for which minimum qualification of a medical degree is prescribed. There are demands to raise this allowance to 40 percent of Basic Pay.

Analysis and Recommendations

8.17.79 The VI CPC had included a detailed rationale for the grant of NPA in its recommendations. Most of the reasons are still valid and there is no need to reiterate them here. However, in line with our general approach of rationalizing the percentage based allowances by a factor of 0.8, we recommend that NPA should be paid at the rate of 20 percent of Basic Pay, subject to the condition that Basic Pay + NPA should not exceed the average of Apex Level and the level of Cabinet Secretary.

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32 thoughts on “7th Pay Commission calculation for Non Practicing Allowance”

  1. when there exist no sense of proportionality at the policy level, such irregularities in various avenues as is evident presently are bound to HAPPEN.
    When the stack-holders of the system don’t maintain the dignity in relation to their inherent responsibility , it is no wonder to witness any level of CHAOS in the society.

  2. Dr. Lalit Verma

    NPA need to be paid uniformily to all those posts where essential qualification is a medical qualification in a particular system as being paid on posts before implementation of VII CPC as dividing the medical disciplines is not in the national interest. More so an employee being paid such an allowance for more than 10 or more years cannot be disallowed the same being on a non clinical post as the same will be injustice with him.

  3. Dr H K Pradhan, Veterinary Pathology.

    Reducing the NPA from 25% to 20% is nothing but negative attitude of the decision makers at the highest level. It should be immediately restored to level approved in 6th pay commission and should be effective from 1-1-2016.Basic pay plus NPA should be calculated for DA and other benefits. THis facility should be extended to pensioners too.


    India has declined in 2016-17 in Material Well-being (41st), Health (43rd) sub-indices & Quality of Life (43rd) as compared to other countries. India has the lowest income per capita of all countries.
    On one hand, the Govt considers the services of good and qualified doctors more important than those of others for the health of people by raising retirement age of doctors to 65 years as against 60 years for others.
    On the other hand, the Govt has been reducing NPA on the Basic pay. Previously, in Govt jobs to the doctors through UPSC, NPA was given as 50% of Basic Pay and DA was given on basic pay + NPA, both inclusive. NPA is an incentive, as a privilege to doctors for extraordinary load of work 24 x 7, for healthcare of the patients and the people. NPA has been considered as part of basic pay. Gradually, NPA has been reduced and was even withdrawn for calculation during revision of Pension of retired medical officers thus markedly reducing their due pension. Govt is reducing NPA of doctors whereas salaries & perquisites in field of Politics and bureaucracy are being increased out of proportion. The Govt is facing crunch of doctors in Govt sector because previously granted incentives to them are being reduced and even withdrawn, thus adversely affecting their dedication and devotion to the people.
    The doctors have to look for their interests also along with providing round the clock services for the health of people. The doctors must unite. Handsome NPA must be given to the doctors, minimum 50% of the Basic Pay, and that be added to the basic pay as before for other benefits. NPA should be ‘Tax-free’ without any kind of capping. The salary of re-appointed doctors should be not less than the last pay drawn with routine benefits. Basic Pay/Pension of Govt doctors be fixed by multiplying (Basic pay + NPA) with the factor of 2.57.

  5. Grant of pre-revised NPA (as per 6CPC) to the employees (doctors) after implementation of 7CPC who retire from 01.01.2016 to 30.06.2017 have affected badly in respect of their retirement (Pension) benefit as only 50% of pre revised NPA (as per 6CPC) has been computed during pension calculation. This is due to implementation of NPA order effective from 01.07.2017. As per revised pay Rules, employees (doctors) who retire prior to 1.1.2016 and after 1.7.2017 have been given the due revised benefit of NPA as part of emolument while calculating their retirement benefits. Only the employees who retire from 1.1.2016 to 30.6.2017 have been deprived of the admissible revised NPA retirement benefits and are getting less pension than those employees who retire prior to 1.1.2016. This seems to be an anomaly so arrived and needs to be rectified by the Government at appropriate level. Moreover, during 5th and 6th CPCs, NPA had been granted from the date of implementation of central pay commissions for all purposes including calculation of retirement benefits. To rectify this anomaly, the NPA order should be effective from the date of implementation of 7CPC i.e. w.e.f. 01.01.2016 because NPA has been considered as basic salary (not an allowance) for the purpose of computation of Dearness Allowance and calculation of retirement benefits.
    Likewise the employees (doctors) who retire from 1.7.2016 to 30.6.2017 too are equally affected.
    In this regard, all irrespective of those who are affected should come forward and strongly represent the case for rectification of the arrived anomaly so that NPA being a part of emoluments could be extended to the doctors entitled for NPA w.e.f. 01.01.2016 as in vogue including those who retired from 1.1.2016 to 30.6.2017.

  6. Govt Doc may be allowed practice with rider that they would give 25% to the govt for free medicines to be provided to the patients coming to govt hospitals.

  7. Draft orders of faxation of pay of doctors to be issued immediately as the versions of all accounts functionary & doctors are different.some says that the pay of doctors be fixed by multiplying factor of 2.57 of basic pay only and not npa the others says that the pay fixed with old basic pay plus npa 25% be multiplied by 2.57.

  8. PCA should not be paid .As it part of Nursing duty to take care of Patients . Doctors should also be paid PCA apart from NPA . As they are also taking care of Patients .

  9. Good news for CGHS,RAILWAYS,DEFENCE,Dept of Atomic Energy Doctors

    Now BASIC + NPA combined together to calaculate DA/ HRA etc. And get 2,37,500 ₹ at Apex level …atleast some relief for us

  10. The npa should be 40persent of basic pay and the salary should be tax free .there should’nt any kind of capping . The salary of reappointed doctors should be not less than his last pay drawn with normal routine benefits.if govt govt does’nt bent before our demands then total strike will be the only option left

  11. Gurudutt Joshi

    Nothing is to be gained by writing or expressing personal views on this site .If ready either whole India in service doctors go on strike if not approach Court as NPA has been considered as basic salary not as allowance . Doctors are useless chunk ,they never unite ,a fouth class union is better than us. Sorry for being harsh but that is the fact of community I belong to.

  12. Dr.K.B.Thatai

    NPA must be given handsomely to doctors in clinical field.Those employed at administrative Jobs and not dealing with patients be debarred from it.It should be 50percent in such cases

  13. shashikant kumar

    Those who say that govt doctors do Pvt practice are ignorant and frustrated lot.May be they have seen sporadic incidence. They will harm the 99.9% doctors and in turn harm the poor patients going to these doctors for treatment. So they should stop criticizing the NPA instead they should concentrate on the evil in politics and beaurocracy. Govt doctors do not get any facilities.They are officers in the name only.
    Frustrated should be away from comment, they never think positive for society.

  14. @dipak I don’t know who are you but do you even know how difficult is it to get mbbs seat if
    govt is reducing pay what wil doctors do they are forced by govt to do private practice what about engineers who eat lakhs and crores of govt money on projects

  15. Staff nurse is getting patient care allowance more than NPA of doctors.Doctors are doing their duty without duty hrs.

  16. NPA Should be 40% and should be added to the basic as was done earlier if govt wants to retain qualified doctors

  17. Govt. Always fools the doctors
    Allow doctors to do pvt practice
    Why not patient care allowance for doctors who cares patients more than a doctor NPA should be 40% .If no we should go for strike

  18. Npa should also be given to allied health service cadre (The specalised group in certain dept.)

  19. Recommendation is “NPA should be paid at the rate of 20 percent of Basic Pay, subject to the condition that Basic Pay + NPA should not exceed the average of Apex Level and the level of Cabinet Secretary”

    What has the cabinet secretary to do with a doctor’s pay?

  20. Ramkesh Prasad

    Doctors must be given Patient care allowance in addition to NPA. People like Dipak should not seek medical help when they are ill.

  21. DR P R B Prasad

    The Govt is considering the services of Doctors more important than those of others and this is reflected by the fact that retirement age of doctors have been raised to 65 yrs against 60 years for other servicemen.
    Considering the same importance the issue of NPA should be evaluated and there should be no capping that PAY + NPA should not exceed that of Cabinet Secretary. This privilege comes to Doctors due to their special status and extraordinary load of work and this is a kind of incentive and must not be taken away.
    We are facing crunch of Doctors particularly in Govt sector and if previously granted incentives are withdrawn , the same will adversely affect the dedication and inclination of Govt doctors.
    Therefore, my suggestion is that quantum and method of existing calculation must not be disturbed and capping should be abolished.

  22. Ignorent people can say against NPA.if ona want a hard working and dedicated doctors in PHX he should get handsome amount of money only then a doctor will do Pvt practice . why good doctors leaving the premier institute like aiims and Phil and joins Pvt hospitals because they get not only money but security too.pl.raise npa to 40percent if govt want health for poor people.

  23. Govt of India don’t deserve Doctors.. They desreve MNREGA mazdoor for this kind of services in govt hospital ..and public is also fool who always complain about doctors NPA.

  24. Shashikant Kumar

    The corrupt thinking says to stop or reduce NPA of doctors. He does not knows the most of doctors are honest working in the rural area pays more for living in rural area. He is not a officer as selected as Group A Post. He is working even for 24 hours a day. 7 days a week. The corrupt thinker seeing some doctors which are 0.01% to 1 %.

  25. Dr. C. P. Sharma

    God knows when the allowances will be finally decided. I retired in april16. My pension is to be refixed……. Waiting for decision on NPA.

  26. Those who say that govt doctors do Pvt practice are ignorant and frustrated lot.May be they have seen sporadic incidence. They will harm the 99.9% doctors and in turn harm the poor patients going to these doctors for treatment. So they should stop criticizing the NPA instead they should concentrate on the evil in politics and beaurocracy. Govt doctors do not get any facilities.They are officers in the name only.

  27. Govt doctors extract money from poor patients by diverting them towards their pvt clinic.

  28. NPA for govt doctors must be stopped. As all of these govt doctors are practising privately in pvt clinics nd hospitals. Instead punish them for pvt practice.

  29. At 7rh cpc NPA Willbe 20% of basic .It shold have to be 40% and tax free.If authorities not accepted 40% , not associate with DA

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